
Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Holy Bacchus and I were discussing this almost same thing earlier
It's not a rational train of thought. It's a stupid plot force that only exists to make the story work
Yeah, i know, i don't think it is rational(not that college kids are rational), they either should have said "Okay, this is gonna be an open relationship", "Lets try just the three of us so it doesn't become a mess" or "Sure you can continue persuing other girls, but i just want Maya/Josy and you". It should have been a longer conversation.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
Yeah, i know, i don't think it is rational(not that college kids are rational), they either should have said "Okay, this is gonna be an open relationship", "Lets try just the three of us so it doesn't become a mess" or "Sure you can continue persuing other girls, but i just want Maya/Josy and you". It should have been a longer conversation.
Stereotypes seldom work in real life. I'm sure that there are college kids that are not rational however I bet that there are college kids that are.

It should have been a we're either going to commit to this relationship or we're going to split up. However, that would have pissed off his supporters and he's worried about pandering for the money. The first step in screwing over the story.
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Dec 19, 2019
About the theory of MC mother being a Burgmeister and the MC geting an inheritance idk man in any moment the MC father tought and say something like "haha what a coincidence your mom last name is the same as the name of the college you are going to haha"
What if MC's grandfather disowned his mother and his father didn't want to talk about it? "Hey son, this college belongs to a part of your family that disowned your mother hahaha"
And maybe MC's grandfather didn't even know that MC existed for years, why would MC's father talk about the part of his blood that disowned his mother and doesn't know that he exists?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
What if MC's grandfather disowned his mother and his father didn't want to talk about it? "Hey son, this college belongs to a part of your family that disowned your mother hahaha"
And maybe MC's grandfather didn't even know that MC existed for years, why would MC's father talk about the part of his blood that disowned his mother and doesn't know that he exists?
Over dating a boy that he doesn't like? Ok maybe plausible but definitely on the extreme side. How would he have tracked him down now? He doesn't have his mother's last name? Why would the MC not know his mother's last name in the first place? I just can't imagine a level of hatred so extreme that you would lie to your own child for years and hide something that wouldn't affect anything in the first place. I mean if he completely disowned her in the first place why would he know she had a child and why would he try to track him down now? I know it's a game but this seems a little too movie-ish for me. I have children and even if I hated them for some reason I can't imagine not being there if they died. That's just a level of animosity I can't even possible fathom.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Stereotypes seldom work in real life. I'm sure that there are college kids that are not rational however I bet that there are college kids that are.

It should have been a we're either going to commit to this relationship or we're going to split up. However, that would have pissed off his supporters and he's worried about pandering for the money. The first step in screwing over the story.
Ok, but now you are assuming that this ones are rational, a quality rarely shown by them, and as i said before, this are basicly kids, i get that you didn't like how it turned out, as i said, i would prefer a longer conversation myself, but i belive that Bachus said this to, it is plausible, hell i know people in their 60 that are not rational enough to have that conversation, in the end, i didn't find it weird because following how she was behaving, and the text messages, it made sense, she is scared, and being irrational, all of them are, this is uncharted territory to them, hell it would be shuned by many outside of a game, so for me it made some sense, not much, but some.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
Holy Bacchus and I were discussing this almost same thing earlier
It's not a rational train of thought. It's a stupid plot force that only exists to make the story work
Seconded. It is worrying me a little bit though. He can’t keep this up for every girls story arch. A choice has to be made at some point and I don’t want him to progress each girl to just shy of being together with MC across multiple episodes and just keep them in a holding pattern one by one as the others catch up.

If, for example, we spend next episode dealing with Sage and her relationship with Chad... they breakup or whatever and she’s available to date will DPC pull the “we’re just fuckbuddies still” card and put Sage in the freezer with Maya/Josy whilst we get on with working out whats up with Bella and that room?

I dunno. I don’t wanna be back here again with another LI being romantically blue balled because DPC is trying to get his ducks in a row for us to choose a route at a suitable time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
Ok, but now you are assuming that this ones are rational, a quality rarely shown by them, and as i said before, this are basicly kids, i get that you didn't like how it turned out, as i said, i would prefer a longer conversation myself, but i belive that Bachus said this to, it is plausible, hell i know people in their 60 that are not rational enough to have that conversation, in the end, i didn't find it weird because following how she was behaving, and the text messages, it made sense, she is scared, and being irrational, all of them are, this is uncharted territory to them, hell it would be shuned by many outside of a game, so for me it made some sense, not much, but some.
I'm not assuming anything. The only thing I'm arguing is that it makes absolutely 0% sense to advance less than 48 hours from "Your not worth it for us to take this chance on you" to "Ok we're all going to try this relationship and instead of being faithful to each other now we can fuck anyone/anywhere." That's the only thing I'm arguing is that it's totally unrealistic and was only done to make the story work.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
What if MC's grandfather disowned his mother and his father didn't want to talk about it? "Hey son, this college belongs to a part of your family that disowned your mother hahaha"
And maybe MC's grandfather didn't even know that MC existed for years, why would MC's father talk about the part of his blood that disowned his mother and doesn't know that he exists?
The more I think about it, the less I see a reason for the MC's mother to be a Burgmeister. What options does that add to the story?

It changes the dynamic between the MC and Rusty, but given their dynamic only just began, that feels like a wash.

It can tempt the MC with power, but just being rich would do most of that. The difference between being someone like Gordon and someone like Jill is much smaller than the difference between being the MC currently and Gordon.

It potentially makes him Jill's equal, but if anything it closes off story options. Jill would no longer need to worry that he was only pursuing her for her family, since his family would be just as influential.

I think it makes more sense for the MC's mother to come from a relatively unremarkable rich family. Enough influence to tempt the MC with the Prep side of the Force (as it were), but not enough to rival Tybalt or Jill out of the box.


Jan 22, 2018
I have a problem with Lily's Tequila quest: When I talk to her on the stairs, she leaves the party and is nowhere to be found. Of course I offered her Tequila on Rooster. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
I'm not assuming anything. The only thing I'm arguing is that it makes absolutely 0% sense to advance less than 48 hours from "Your not worth it for us to take this chance on you" to "Ok we're all going to try this relationship and instead of being faithful to each other now we can fuck anyone/anywhere." That's the only thing I'm arguing is that it's totally unrealistic and was only done to make the story work.
Oh, no in that i agree with you, i was in the other path, and in that it made sense, ok, now i agree, kinda lazy, i get why he did it, but still kinda lazy, it would be best to just cut ties with them, or let them just be friends.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I have a problem with Lily's Tequila quest: When I talk to her on the stairs, she leaves the party and is nowhere to be found. Of course I offered her Tequila on Rooster. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
Lily will leave the party immediately if the MC says he wouldn't have wanted a personal stripper, presumably since even if the MC got her tequila he wouldn't want to fool around with her.

To get Lily to stay, the MC has to say he wants a personal stripper (whether he has the tequila yet or not).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
The more I think about it, the less I see a reason for the MC's mother to be a Burgmeister. What options does that add to the story?

It changes the dynamic between the MC and Rusty, but given their dynamic only just began, that feels like a wash.

It can tempt the MC with power, but just being rich would do most of that. The difference between being someone like Gordon and someone like Jill is much smaller than the difference between being the MC currently and Gordon.

It potentially makes him Jill's equal, but if anything it closes off story options. Jill would no longer need to worry that he was only pursuing her for her family, since his family would be just as influential.

I think it makes more sense for the MC's mother to come from a relatively unremarkable rich family. Enough influence to tempt the MC with the Prep side of the Force (as it were), but not enough to rival Tybalt or Jill out of the box.
I don't think the mother really matters or shouldn't. The MC just started to fix the DIK's from being unsustainable without Rusty's money so what would be the point of giving the MC money to tempt him falling into the same trap? Seems like drama for the sake of drama and no real added plus or minus to the story.
Dec 19, 2019
Over dating a boy that he doesn't like?
Dating a poor guy, if MC's grandfather is a type of Tybalt, that would be easy to happen, especially if MC's mother has a brother/sister.

He doesn't have his mother's last name? Why would the MC not know his mother's last name in the first place?
Maybe MC only has his father's surname, we don't know how much information MC's father gave about his mother. "Hey son, your mother's name is Lynette [REDACTED]" MC: "Wtf?"

I just can't imagine a level of hatred so extreme that you would lie to your own child for years and hide something that wouldn't affect anything in the first place.
Maybe don't hate, but why would you give information about your son's wealthy family who don't know he exists and who deserted his mother? Especially if your child is already bullied for being poor.

I mean if he completely disowned her in the first place why would he know she had a child
Maybe he knows the name and surname of MC's father and saw that MC had the same surname?

and why would he try to track him down now?
Maybe gramps is sorry after almost 2 decades?

I know it's a game but this seems a little too movie-ish for me.
More movie-ish than Josy being Maya's girlfriend?


Or MC can't be a Burgmeister and I can be so fucking wrong
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I know quite a few people think that that Maya picnic scene, with her saying they should all have "no strings attached", goes against her character, but I actually think it's an evolution of her character.

For the first 4 episodes, it's felt as though Maya has really defined herself and her life by her relationship with Josy. She depended on Josy so much for comfort and assurance because, apart from Derek, it seems like she didn't get much support or encouragement from anyone else, not just with their relationship, but in general. She also didn't know how to cope with them being apart and with the possibility that the relationship was going to end, and she also seems to have put a lot of weight into the relationship being her only chance at happiness and about what would happen in the future, as evidenced by M&J's hopeful plans to be together when they got to college that also briefly fell apart.

All of this meant that, when another promising, albeit surprising, relationship opportunity came along, she wasn't open to it, and she regrets not being open to it because of her dependancy on her current relationship and how she let it define her. So when she talks about "no strings attached", I think what she's realised is that she can't let a relationship define who she is and that she needs some time to really get to know herself and what she wants before committing to a relationship again. The same goes for Josy and the MC because they all rushed headlong into things, and they need some time to not only get their minds right, but spend more time with each other to see if this is what they really want.

It's a quick turnaround, sure, but it also feels like a very mature decision from Maya to not attach labels so early on and to just see if the relationship can grow naturally by not having any expectations or strings attached to it.
Well My advice would be, don't read too much into it. Sage is entitled to her own opinion on who wants to jump MC's DIK, and Maya is entitled to her own decision of whether she wants strings attached or not.

Could be Chad is the same as Sage and both see value in the relationship politically.

If we assume Chad is with Melanie (which I suspect due to her asking if Sarah has her back, why would she need someone in her corner if she wasn’t culpable in this whole thing?) and she wants more than being a side chick telling him about MC could make sense. If Chad is into Melanie but can’t leave Sage because of the political advantages she might try and force it.

If the scenario is Chad and Melanie are “in love”... he’s telling her he wants her but it has to be a secret, he can’t leave Sage but Melanie is his one and only. He’s telling Melanie he isn’t really with Sage, he won’t even kiss her anymore. It’s all a facade.

Melanie is sick and tired of being a side chick. She wants the status of being his girl. Maybe she even likes him legitimately. She needs them to blow up without being to blame for snaking Chad. Enter MC.

Melanie tells Chad Sage is publicly kissing MC. She’s into MC and everyone knows. Suddenly being with Sage isn’t an advantage. It’s painting him publicly as a cuck. Sage being his girlfriend stops being a boon.

So Melanie is gonna out Sage and swoop in on Chad. Only explanation I have for why she wants them broken up.
man,you have to do a restrospective:
1-It was not explained, however, in the hot's, Quinn and Heather do not want Sage as president, it may be that Melaine and Sarah are united with Heather or Quinn in this or simply have their reasons for not wanting sage in the presidency.
2-Melaine is probably Chad's mistress and it seems that they both like each other in her eyes, removing Sage from Chad's girlfriend will be better for both of them because she and Sarah realized that the MC and she are more than friends, there is already one stronger feeling between them.

So at the end of the day there are two possibilities: they can simply be doing anything to get sage out of the presidency even if it interferes with her personal life and relationships or she simply wants to stay with chad and let the mc stay and take over Sage as his girlfriend so they would both be happy after all, but I think it is unlikely that Sage will just let it go cheap
I don't think the relationship is mutually political motivated. I might be wrong at reading scenarios (as some of the esteemed forum members pointed out a few times), but in the flashback of Ep 5, Sage seems to be all over Chad. I am hesitant to use Tybalt as an example as he may be political motivated as well, in addition to being desperate. Difference between them is that Sage managed to find an FB while Tybalt managed to find a watermelon. Sage is now slowly letting go when MC mentioned about them and she's actually giving it a thought.

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Now against my earlier advice of not reading into it too much, I am now leaning towards Mel and Sarah know who the side-bitch is and they are just trying to just help Sage and also push forward the breakup event. Reason why Mel asks if Sarah has her back is because what she plans to do goes against the HOT code and she wants Sarah to back her action. They feel that it's time to do it since Sage has MC and it will make it easier for Sage, especially when she's going to be furious at Chad, Mel and Sarah.

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For Arieth : yes
For Derek : depends
For mc : no

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You beat me to it.


Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
The more I think about it the less sense I find MC getting some sort of inheritance makes. So it's tough to guess what sort of role his Mom's family will play in the game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
Dating a poor guy, if MC's grandfather is a type of Tybalt, that would be easy to happen, especially if MC's mother has a brother/sister.
Maybe MC only has his father's surname, we don't know how much information MC's father gave about his mother. "Hey son, your mother's name is Lynette [REDACTED]" MC: "Wtf?"
Maybe don't hate, but why would you give information about your son's wealthy family who don't know he exists and who deserted his mother? Especially if your child is already bullied for being poor.
Maybe he knows the name and surname of MC's father and saw that MC had the same surname?
Maybe gramps is sorry after almost 2 decades?
More movie-ish than Josy being Maya's girlfriend?
Or MC can't be a Burgmeister and I can be so fucking wrong
Why would you not tell him about his mother? What's in a name? I'm not saying tell him everything. Your mothers family fucked us over and your mother died and fuck them all type thing but I know my grandparents married and maiden names even if I don't know everything about them. I'm not saying tell him the whole story but why do a total blackout? How many people share your last name? I know there have to be a ton of people who share my last name. OMG the world is huge and there's a million Johnson's. Imagine having to investigate every single one? Which one is my grandson? If his own daughter DYING and him not caring then no I don't think he would give a flying eff after 20 years. The love triangle is pretty movie-ish.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I have a problem with Lily's Tequila quest: When I talk to her on the stairs, she leaves the party and is nowhere to be found. Of course I offered her Tequila on Rooster. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
1st floor where you first started, look for down arrow to the room where you got the suit, she should be standing outside.
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