Look's like his biggest problem is going to be the MC but seriously the way he has acted makes me care less about him I thought it was all going to change when we spoke to him in ep4 at the Pink Rose but it seems that will not be the case.I think Tommy has issues. He wants to float through life with no responsibilities, no worries. He wants to be like Rusty. I don't think Tommy has "friends", he's a user, looks at people for what they can give him and nothing else. The more I see him and the more I learn about him, the more I think Tommy is the problem with almost everything.
I was surprised at the lack of choices she has and giving the Jocks sugar pills I wasn't expecting that whatsoever.I tend to get this feeling too but I'm also not sure how much of a handle DPC has on the drugs aspect of the story so could go either way. It's fairly odd that Quinn doesn't have access to coke, which I would think is the drug you'd be preparing to sell people like Rich, yet seems to have a large amount of injectable drugs.
It's just some bug fixes.Is there an update from v0.5.0 to v0.5.1? I don't want to download 5Gb again![]()
Yeah, I find it interesting that all she offers Rich is weed. No coke, meth, morphine etc. While what she's been selling the jocks (Birth Control pills or sugar masquerading as them) is also kind of weak sauce.I tend to get this feeling too but I'm also not sure how much of a handle DPC has on the drugs aspect of the story so could go either way. It's fairly odd that Quinn doesn't have access to coke, which I would think is the drug you'd be preparing to sell people like Rich, yet seems to have a large amount of injectable drugs.
You have probably increased "posts per page" to more than 20. The "Compressed" link includes the page nr, which is not optimal now that users can change the posts per page.Why is it that whenever these threads contain compressed links, it always sends me to the last page and last post rather than the post containing the link. Does anyone have any idea what page the compressed link is on?
If Quinn needs helps(pls give us option to be able to if that's the case) my guess it'll be less over the use of drugs given she doesn't display particular addict behaviour(and given many of MC's will be pot users) but helping out regarding problems she has with her dealer financially or freeing her from whatever hold they are exerting over her. I'm curious about the situation as to who the dealer is, whether it might be an unpleasant ex of hers or someone we've met.The whole Quinn drug issue she strikes me as more of a casual user and not a heavy addict unless of course that comes into play in future updates which could be an interesting take with the MC trying to help her in some way.
How about the rest of the sentence. "Enough is enough he said. He wont pay for it this time."What exactly is there to ignore? Rusty says his Dad told him, "Enough is enough", with regards to helping him out, John Boy asks, "Is this it for us"?, and Rusty says, "
Nope Tommy needs to wake up and stop using other people. He wants to get it all and not have to work for it. Here's Rusty growing up and Tommy realizes the free ride is over and what's he do? Walks away like a bitch.Look's like his biggest problem is going to be the MC but seriously the way he has acted makes me care less about him I thought it was all going to change when we spoke to him in ep4 at the Pink Rose but it seems that will not be the case.
Damn RightOutrageous example! What kind of sick person would let the homie Garrus die?
Nah mate, the most important info we got is that Dawe's straw dick problem has got nothing to do with steroids after all since he's only taking sugar. He just has a straw dick, period.Agreed but you seem to have left out the potential serious consequences from Dawe's sugar withdrawal. Now that Quinn is no longer providing him with those sugar pills we're looking at the worlds largest sugar crash, tantrum and nap cycle. May not hear any more of Dawe's incredible thoughts for multiple episodes.
Then why does John Boy say, "Is this it for us?", if this is only a temporary problem? Sure, they don't have enough money to make the repairs and continue to have parties in the immediate future and now they have to choose which one is the priority, but if they know that they'll still get funding after repairing the house with the money they have, why are they so despondent? Why are they acting like it's the end of the DIKs if it's only a temporary problem?How about the rest of the sentence. "Enough is enough he said. He wont pay for it this time."
"I don't have enough money to fix this and to continue to run the frat the way we've done." The whole way he says that is all about right now or how they did it in the past. No mention of in the future. Rusty is thinking about present tense not future. Rusty is literally talking about immediate needs, not a single mention of what their going to do later. RIGHT NOW!
Again I think your reading into it to much.
It's certainly a possibility I'd imagine more so on the dik route and we've done all the scenes with Quinn the texting she and the MC had was very interesting it felt like she wanted to reach out more to the MC but stopped herself now that has me the most intrigued about her will that go further and will she ask us for help? I think it's been said that Vinny might be the dealer.If Quinn needs helps(pls give us option to be able to if that's the case) my guess it'll be less over the use of drugs given she doesn't display particular addict behaviour(and given many of MC's will be pot users) but helping out regarding problems she has with her dealer financially or freeing her from whatever hold they are exerting over her. I'm curious about the situation as to who the dealer is, whether it might be an unpleasant ex of hers or someone we've met.
Yes, I read about that after writing that post.That's because the whole 2.1 GB patch is all that's been shared (or at least reported as being shared). You can apply the patch to v0.5.0 if you encountered any bugs.
Did John Boy hear Rusty and his Dad's conversation? He doesn't know anything, all he knows is that Rusty said his Dad won't pay to fix it this time. They don't know anything about anything other than for the immediate future because Rusty didn't say anything about later. Dude you are literally turning an immediate conversation into a permanent fact of life.Then why does John Boy say, "Is this it for us?", if this is only a temporary problem? Sure, they don't have enough money to make the repairs and continue to have parties in the immediate future and now they have to choose which one is the priority, but if they know that they'll still get funding after repairing the house with the money they have, why are they so despondent? Why are they acting like it's the end of the DIKs if it's only a temporary problem?
It would also completely undercut the point of the MC's speech if he was basically just saying, "let's support ourselves temporarily so we can fix the house and then go back to having Rusty's Dad pay for everything". The MC's speech was about him telling them that this is not the way things should be and that they should be supporting themselves through their own hard work themselves rather than have someone else support them.
This is meant to be a sea change moment for the DIKs, where they stop living the easy life and "getting everything for free" by working to pay their own way and to support each other and their frat. It would be absolutely meaningless if Rusty's Dad simply isn't paying for the repairs but will still pay for everything else. That's why Tommy storms out, because he doesn't want to do any work, he just wants it all handed to him but what he's become accustomed to has now changed for good and he won't accept it.
I think we'll get both; a DIK choice to not help her, and a CHICK choice to help her. It all depends on what happens between now and then and what she possibly might end up doing to him and those around him. She might end up doing something that negatively impacts him, either directly or indirectly, or does something that negatively impacts someone close to him. In this instance, the MC can either choose to forgive and help her (CHICK), or not help her because of what she's done (DIK).If, in the future, we get the opportunity to help Quinn, please make it be a Chick decision. It would be stupid to lock a good deed behind a jerk route.