Played up to Episode 7 and, so far, Being a Dik is probably the best game in this genre I've played so far. First of: gameplay. We got a game here in the full sense of the word. We get to make meaningful choices that impact the results and the evolution of the story (which adds a great replay value). Together with that we got minigames, exploration games, strategy games... tons of things to do, that keep adding and evolving with each chapter, making each of them better than the previous one. The story itself is pretty great, with strong and interesting characters that are quite believable and many of them quite likeable. It has its intrigue and mystery, it's random university madness and some teen angst and even touches on some real-world problems like student debt, or the problems for lesbians. And it's all really well developed to allow you to bond and connect with some characters or others through different playthroughs, according to your choices your Dik stat goes into the Dik or the Chick side, opening different options according to your affinities.
And on the technical side, it's just awesome. Renders are of the highest quality, music is varied and well done, and it's got some great animations. Reall, can't think of anything more to add, maybe only voice acting or something like that, but that would probably be too expensive.
So, all in all, it's a straight 10/10.