Extortion is possible though I don’t recall an specific hints that it might be the case. Whereas we know Quinn is taking an injectable drug. Only illicit injectable drugs I know of are pretty addictive. People with addictions do crazy things.
Holy Bacchus said, it’s not about destroying the DIKs. IMO it’s probably about feeding her habit. The fate of the DIKs are at best and afterthought and at worst ‘collateral’ damage. If she is an addict, then her main concern would be her next fix.
When have we seen her mismanage her prostitution business? (Other than being abusive to the girls?). Business seems to be booming, so much so she’s looking to add as many as 6 extra girls to the ranks. Meanwhile we know she using her own drugs and it’s heavily implied at times that she is high outside of a party situation (fly on face).
That all said the one possible out is that her dealer is making unreasonable demands on sales quotas. But between selling the sugar pills to the Jocks and the 2k deal Rich, it’s hard to see how they are coming up so short.
Actually respect Tommy in this scene. He’s mad, but he here’s her out, he doesn’t touch her and in the end he tells her to go fuck herself. (in his own words).
One other thing I note is he doesn’t put his hands on her. One of the things I dislike in episode one and two is when the MC gets angry with Quinn he grabs her. I don’t think the is supposed to be as abusive as it looks but in neither instance is their any justification for it