It's crazy, because I remember when I first played episode 4, I was thinking the exact opposite to people hating on Maya and Josy. I thought MC was completely overreacting (though somewhat understandably at first), but what annoyed me in particular was the agency taken away from the player. You had to fuck around for the entire episode before you could actually resolve the conflict. I get storming out initially, but for the entire episode he avoids them, I'm just thinking "JUST FUCKING TALK TO THEM YOU IDIOT, COMMUNICATE", and it annoyed me the game wouldn't give me the option to approach/talk with them (like ignoring them in class and sitting with Camilla). Like I get they're meant to horny, emotional, stupid young adults, but I find it so annoying when games somewhat arbitrarily take decision making away from you.
For my two cents on this dead horse:
1. Yeah, Maya fucked up by not telling MC about Josy/having a gf, but in her defence, it did seem she was eventually going to tell you before Josy appeared, she is emotionally distraught by due to the rocky status of her relationship, the fact her dad hates her, and she's trying to reconcile her new bisexuality.
2. Josy didn't actually lie to MC, she though she was holding out on specific details. She at the very least told MC she was in a relationship, which was the important part.
Honestly there actions are completely understandable and forgivable. If MC just wants to remain friends, that makes sense too. What I don't understand is how people somehow think this so horrible that they should be instantly and completely cutting them out of MC's life.