sex with no relationship rebuilding is what distinguishes the side girls from the main girls and some people just prefer that.
but these relationships are continually to be rebuilt because there is a terrible communication difficulty.
how many times MC talking to Maya asks her to trust him? How many times does Jill think what she would like to say but think back and keep them to herself? now Sage has also started to freeze when she wants to say something ...
the problem is not the big problems to be faced, but this basic lack of communication which is like a molasses that slows everything down
it is legitimate, it takes time, but it is also quite tiring.
let's take for example Jill in the last chapter, she has 2-3 occasions to ask Mc about the accident from the Preps, and every time she thinks about it, sometimes convinced of his innocence, sometimes just putting it off, and in the end she decides to ask him in overlap with Sage's request for help, and if we don't go with Jill she thinks she'll never tell us again (then we'll see how it goes)
now it is evident that it is to create a crossroads, but to say that it was artificial is to pay him a compliment
the problem is not the difficulties, the problem is that between one difficulty and another they seem deaf and dumb without hands