Why on earth not? Even if the MC never fooled around with Sage in the slightest, she just turned to him for emotional support after Chad dumped her. It's hardly unreasonable to call her to see how she's doing a few days later. The MC has no reason to think calling Sage would eventually impose on a major milestone with Jill during a future date she hasn't told him about yet.
And that's the big problem. As soon as the player chooses to call her, Sage asks him to come over and take care of her. Now MCs not on Sage's path can always beg off, but at that time they have literally nothing else to do. So the only reason to do beg off is if they were worried about getting sick. If an MC agrees to help, clearly they didn't mind the germs. At that point, as I said before, it feels like an extremely DIK move to cancel on Sage just to fool around with Jill.
It might be different if the MC knew this date was extremely important to Jill, but of course she deliberately hides that from him. As far as the MC knows, Jill called at a bad time and there's no reason she shouldn't be willing to take a rain check. Jill's request - on its face - is just an inherently lower priority than Sage's, regardless of how much the MC likes Jill.
That's what makes the choice so one sided, which is pretty much opposite of what you expect from a good dilemma.
I accept your opinion, about how you personally feel about it. You feel, it is a dik move, its you own personal feelings speaking.

. Not agreeing with something because you personally not like it, I accept and agree with. but using this as to try to justify that hey its bad writing, is something that I not agree.
I don't agree how mc stormed out and avoided maya and Josy for 2 day, but that is my personal feeling, and MC has his own feeling, just because he say he start to fall in love with Jill, does not mean I feel the same.
we reading a book, with his own character , we can alter what chapter we want to read, but it's still a set in stone story.
You know, there are people who may not interested in sage at all, so for them this is not even a dilemma. just like there are peoples, who are not interested in Josy and Maya as much as they wont even mind if they are removed.
I personally not care about Bella, I have not even seen her more than what the story wanted me to. once the game is finished, once we have the whole puzzle, we will know what decisions and action has to take for the out come we want to achieve, until then we are just getting pieces