Yes, Quinn uncovers her plans to recruit Camila and Maya - that`s pretty significant
That person is most likely Burke(the male teacher that sits with Cathy,Jade and Bella at the cafeteria)
That`s the thing
If he would be extraordinary handsome or rich - but he`s not,he`s normal looking guy with a student loan.
He`s not the worst though - he`s got sens of humor,he does work out,he`s capable of getting a job,he does have a self-distance and he does OK during 1 on 1 dialogues.
I also want to add to your previous post - holding his ground against 4 guys each bigger,hence stronger than him is not a small feat,I can even imagine them showing a bit of respect to him after that.
Only Jill witnessed the wedgie thing and boy oh boy does Quinn gonna laugh once she finds out