I was on the fence about whether or not to take the blame on my Jill-Only Chick playthrough. I always blamed Derick in every run, but felt I should do something different on CHICK. Ultimately, I again blamed Derick

. My CHICK Jill MC never lies so I kept with that tradition and told the truth! I didn't tell Derick to burn the house down, that's on him. And fuck him for making me carry a fish.
I didn't even care about getting the girls out of the mansion (pre fake fire). As far as I was concerned, my only mission was to infiltrate the mansion, scout the area, find out why the HOTs ditched us, fuck as many of them as possible, and get out alive. I accomplished my mission so I didn't care if they stayed to "party" with the Preps or left. Do whatever you want ladies.