You went straight to the "lots of people like it" and ignored everything else I stated.
You also completely ignored my previous post (
here) that lists the various interactions between the two girls.
It just comes down to you not being satisfied that enough has been presented between the girls to convince you that they are in love, when in fact the idea that they are together has been beaten over our head so much that no further visuals are warranted.
Does anyone playing the game not know they are together? Surely not, so why do you need more visuals?
Also, all the other techniques of giving us snippets of details to be fleshed out later, you don't like it (Mona leaving as an example), but others get it. There are heaps of clues as to why Mona may have left, but it seems you need a linear story from start to finish to make you feel comfortable. That's just your preference, it's not an objective criticism.
The game's not perfect, there are lots of issues that people have raised, but to say the story telling is trash is a bit heavy handed.