
New Member
Apr 20, 2020
guys I downloaded the update for 0.7 (and I had 0.6.1 already) and unzipped the files and copied and shit but now the game crashes in the menu and doesn't come up fully
can someone please help me?


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
Obviously this coffee mug had a major typo in the original render...
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So, I did what any proper fella should and fixed that shit for the dev...
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You're welcome DPC


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
But the scene that really stood out to me is if Tybalt's presentation is interrupted by the MC's dick pic and Sage/Josy recognize it. In this case (and only in that case, AFAICT), Jill has a tearful conversation with Josy in the bathroom where she admits that having to compete for the MC's affection isn't what she thought it would be like. That scene was very unexpected, but I thought it was really good (if a bit sad). It underscored how much better a character Jill can be when she isn't wasted in this idiotic blackmail plot.
Ya I loved this scene between Jill & Josy, personally. My hope is that Jill will start fighting for MC in a 'new' way - she'll start dressing a little more provocatively, and getting more physical with him as a way of competing, and this will trigger additional drama potentially with her family as if they are privy to any of this behavior, they'll likely feel she's acting like Lana.
I see this sort of like Sandy in 'Grease' where toward the end she stops being the goody-two-shoes and starts trying to change for Danny and be more like his crowd. (hope she doesn't start smoking though, lol)

And speaking of Jill - I remember there being a preview where she was in front of a lake or something, was that in this episode? I didn't get that scene, personally, if it was and I wonder if it's because of my DIK affinity, maybe?


Active Member
Jan 16, 2017
If youre on Jill path with DIK affinity, she will cry in the bathroom and Josy will confort her.
ah, i always on neutral/chick affinity for her path, never go full DIK
i have DIK for sage path but tbh with how 1 scene can block Bella's scene on episode 7
i was replaying most of my path from EP1 yesterday (15 pages of saves now)
hence why i was asking, don't have the energy to play everything again honestly (those exams part annoy me after a few playthrough)
but thanks tho
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Jan 12, 2019
Ah, bois. Here we are again. At the penultimate night before we are blessed by the great doctor himself. The hype is real, my dick is harder (and thicker) than Arieth skull, and the anticipation is so palpable like a clogged artery about to give out.
I hope you all are ready. This is the moment our painstaking wait and sacrifices have lead to.
Once again, I, that shaded dude with glasses, is here to reminded you all...Like I do every time before the update... that we shall never forget the betrayal of bitch face Maya and two face Josy. May they burn in a sea of holy fire for all eternity :giggle: (the north remembers)
Now with that out of the way, don't forget... your tissues, to lock your door, and to fuck the shit out of Jade and if God loves us, hopefully we'll get to do more than tease Heather (I mean, Tommy is my boi and all is what it is. This is the way:sneaky:)
As for myself, I won't be back on this thread until after I played the update to drop my thoughts and completely unnecessary review
The time is nigh fellas, may God have mercy on my meat...cause I won't:devilish:
Gentlemen of this fine establishment, how are you all on this lovely Sunday evening? For the ladies that are here...colour me surprised.
I trust that we all have played the update by now, no? If not, my deep condolences on somebody cockblocking your weekend.
As promised, I, The other guy with glasses, will now give my completely unnecessary and probably unwanted thoughts and review of said update.

First off, as any proper man would, I must say that my meat will never be the same again. To put a long story short... I was Anakin, BADIK was my lightsaber and my meat...some innocent younglings.
It took me about, I want to say... plus/minus 9 hours to play through this update. And what I mean by playthrough is that I played through it once. You see brothers, I like the choices I make in this game to have weight and consequences. I don't go back on any decision I make regardless of the outcome and I don't play through any particular path, I just play the game. The only path I follow is my path (the path of Darkside :devilish:). That being said I am currently aligned with DIK but that's just secondary to the choices I felt I would make in RL if put in those situations.
Now with that out of the way, Holy fuck was this shit absolutely stunning. The good doctor really delivered here. Gave me just the right prescription to beat my meat too.
To cut a long story short...Here is where ya boi stands:
Music- God level. Absolutely had an eargasm here. Loved the track that played when I hanged out with Quinn
Story- slowed down a bit, much like the previous episode. I liked that. Still gave us enough of it to keep things moving and developed these much-beloved characters, especially towards the end there. If ya know. Sage seems to be back to form, l like this more... mature side of here. Wasn't expecting her to take such an interest in Maya though. (Also seems like my relationship will Jill is on the rocks, would much rather have my whiskey there though)
Choices- not many (at least from my playthrough) major choices. Wanted to go to the elderly home but was curious about the pink rose sooo....meh. I did end up betraying our boi Tommy though (Sorry bro, but I promised ya girls tits that I would fuck them silly. More on that later though)
The future- I feel like some of the decisions I have made in this episode and some of the others might come back to bite me later, still though, I ain't ready to commit just yet. I have a list to get through here. Ever heard of personal goals?

Okay, now for some sad boi vibes (along with some random points):

1. Didnt get to fuck Heather (my blue balls torment me every God-given day)
2. Didnt get to fuck Jade again (Mommy why?:cry:)
3. Fuck Tybalt...hehe yeah, that presentation was priceless
4. Didn't get an opportunity to show Bella why they call me Ass-man
5. Didn't get to fuck Heather
6. God Damn I wish I took that VIP pass now.
7. Babies are just fully baked creampies
8. RIP Cathy
9. Chad decided to take the dirt road home lmao
10. Still didn't get to fuck Heather
11. Starting to develop some actual feelings towards Quinn now besides just her hot girl badass persona, weird.
12. Let us not forget bitch face Maya and two-timing slut Josy. (I live to troll, but seems like things with JoJo and I might kick off again)
13. Enjoyed spending some time with my boi Derek again. Hope things work out for him and Ashley
14. The HOTs throw one hell of a party.

Also, I got the money for the windows and nearly done with cleaning the place up. I am so ready for that Holloween party and there ain't no way on Gods blue earth I'm missing it.
To end this blabbering mess I have created, I had a shit ton of Fun ignoring my responsibilities to my wife and kids to play this update and I hope I get to do it again soon. (JK I ignore them everyday so It doesn't matter)
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