
Oct 31, 2020
Are there any benefits for finishing it at the end of ep07 or is there just a different dialogue at the dining table?

I did everything without any guide and will be finished at the beginning of ep08, it think the game says after the dining table scene there are two more rounds left.
As far as I could tell, the only difference was the dialogue at the dining table when MC gives a rundown of where they're at on everything. In my first playthrough, I used a mod and finished the mansion (because I was also curious if anything happens when you finish) before the dad offered the discounted windows so that was awkward cause I was like "But I already bought them????" but other than that, not really anything. Maybe in Ep 8 it will matter more.


Dec 6, 2018
As far as I could tell, the only difference was the dialogue at the dining table when MC gives a rundown of where they're at on everything. In my first playthrough, I used a mod and finished the mansion (because I was also curious if anything happens when you finish) before the dad offered the discounted windows so that was awkward cause I was like "But I already bought them????" but other than that, not really anything. Maybe in Ep 8 it will matter more.
I could be wrong but I think Neil said Luis will install the windows for free. Still have to buy them.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Amen! the MC seeing Chad kissing a guy isn't the point. he could have caught him fucking a goat or being sucked by his mum the result for the MC is the same : PAYBACK IS A BITCH AND YOU GONNA EAT IT! :devilish:
Did you lose the fight against Chad? My MC beat his face in, Chad's been walking around all bruised and shit, he's more than paid the price for attacking the mc. Why you wanna go and fuck his entire life up at this point? It'll fuck all his friendships up, possibly cause issues with his family, and send him down a spiral of depression or some such shit. All because he punched you? Why don't you just put a bullet in his head and call it even? :rolleyes:

Okay, first: I'm not a "bro." I'm a woman. Just gonna like... put that out there. Second, wtf is "pro gay power"? I'm an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, if that's what you mean? Third, as someone already stated, odds are that the kiss MC saw was a stolen kiss and they weren't expecting anyone to see it.

This: "You act like being gay is bigger than everything else. From those i know, they just want to be treated like normal people, and to be honest, being gay in our society ain't that big of a deal anymore." is not accurate, neither about what I've said nor how society is.

1. Me stating that I think MC would be a complete asshole if he outs Chad isn't me not treating gay people "like normal people," it's me stating that it's fucked up for someone to out a gay person who isn't comfortable outing themselves - which is a unique situation that straight people don't have to deal with because nobody's sitting around a dinner table like "Mom, dad. I have to tell you something... I'm straight." Heterosexuality is treated like the default. Therefore, the topic of outing simply doesn't apply to straight people, so yeah, it's specific to people in the LGBTQ+ community. Hell, why don't you go ahead and ask "those you know" what they think about someone outing a person who's not out yet?? I'm sure they'll say that's a fucked up thing to do to someone, especially as an act of petty revenge.

Also, gay people don't need to be treated like normal people, because they are fucking normal people, but I'll just chock that up to semantics.

2. Obergefell (the Supreme Court case that made gay marriage legal in the U.S.) was decided in 2015. That's less than a decade ago, and that decision wasn't unanimous, meaning there were Supreme Court justices who disagreed with the idea that gay marriage is a fundamental right, even though heterosexual marriage is a fundamental right. The Pulse nightclub shooting was in 2016. The case about the baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple was decided in 2018. If you seriously believe that a country that still hasn't resolved issues with the Black community stemming from slavery has suddenly embraced the gay community after ostracizing them for... a very fucking long time... then I really don't know what to tell you other than that's a pipe dream.

3. If Chad doesn't want to hide anymore, then good for Chad, but that's Chad's decision to make and no one (including the MC) should be taking away his ability to make that decision. And trying to make him talk to anyone about it before he's ready to do so is also an asshole move. Those things need to happen when he's ready. Sure, MC can speak to him privately and say "Hey, I saw you in the locker room," offer support, and say he'll go with him to talk to someone or help him tell someone, but MC really shouldn't be dictating that. It's not about whether or not telling Sage will make it so everyone knows (although, there's always a risk there), it's about whether or not telling Sage is something Chad is ready to do.

4. "Second, if the MC decided to say fuck it and out him, well, he would be perfectly justified." No. Just... no. Getting beat up by someone is definitely not justification to broadcast private information that can potentially implode someone's life. And like... That whole paragraph is just super problematic.

I believe that there is no circumstance in which it's justifiable for MC to out Chad without his consent. And yes, this is a hill I'm willing to fucking die on.
Not sure if I'd be prepared to die to maintain Chad's secrets, but I agree with everything else you wrote. (y)

I could be wrong but I think Neil said Luis will install the windows for free. Still have to buy them.
mc: "Of course, we'll still need to pay for it, but dad's looking into getting the work done for free. This guy, Luis, owes him one."​
Feb 24, 2019
One question about episode 7

The ending.

If I want to avoid Tybalt to showing wrong slide MC pic, how do I avoid that?

What choice do I have to make?

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Dec 25, 2017
I just started playing the game please suggest can i play mini games or Skip them.
DO Mini Game have extra content?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
I just started playing the game please suggest can i play mini games or Skip them.
DO Mini Game have extra content?
If it is the first time you play, the mini-games give money and renders for the gallery. If you are not going to use a mod, I would say play them at least once.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
One question about episode 7

The ending.

If I want to avoid Tybalt to showing wrong slide MC pic, how do I avoid that.

What choice do I have to make?

Bro you fucked up.
Remember way back when you went into the Prep mansion and set the sprinkler on? You took a dick pic on tybs phone. You shouldn't have done that.


Jul 29, 2017
still chad put dwe to harass mc to maintain his image that he care for sage despite being gay so he is an asshole and he use sage to maintain is image and lock sage in a relationship without being attracted to her and she craved physical attention so he is no saint and he should come clean at least to her
Jul 17, 2020
im sure MC will not out Chad without talking to him first and hearing their story. that's the role of the MC anyway, the listener, he involve himself into B&R things. now, he'll be the mediator between Chad and Sage. i wonder how Sage will take all this.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
Fair warning though: The "math test" ones are a pain in the ass.
There are a couple that were really tough.... Ultimately you can use the guides.

If you are a "good boy" you don't need the money from the mini games, otherwise you will struggle to unlock certain situations.
There are rare occasions when a Chick MC needs to pay.... like lunch with Maya.
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Feb 13, 2018
Chad is a major asshole and basically one of the worst characters in the game, but let's just hug and support him because he is gay. If he was sleeping around with women, or one of the more nefarious HOTs people would be up in arms to ruin the guy, but he is sleeping with Troy, so it's alright.

You people seem to forget that Chad didn't only use Sage as a clueless cover for his own insecurities, probably he also threw Troy under the bus recently. Troy was an Alpha, but was kicked out, as far as I know no one mentioned the reason, which was probably because he is gay and the cavemen of the Alphas couldn't handle that... but I guess I forgot that Chad is also gay, so that makes everything fine, we should just offer him our support and talk like civilized people, even tho that selfish piece of shit only understands the language of violence.

That being said, I wouldn't out him, but also I would definitely not offer him a hand in support just because he is gay. The next time he tries something I'd just let him know that he should mind his own business first before he dares to even think about insulting or hurting others. Call that blackmailing or whatever, but he deserves nothing more in my eyes.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Okay, first: I'm not a "bro." I'm a woman. Just gonna like... put that out there. Second, wtf is "pro gay power"? I'm an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, if that's what you mean? Third, as someone already stated, odds are that the kiss MC saw was a stolen kiss and they weren't expecting anyone to see it.

This: "You act like being gay is bigger than everything else. From those i know, they just want to be treated like normal people, and to be honest, being gay in our society ain't that big of a deal anymore." is not accurate, neither about what I've said nor how society is.

1. Me stating that I think MC would be a complete asshole if he outs Chad isn't me not treating gay people "like normal people," it's me stating that it's fucked up for someone to out a gay person who isn't comfortable outing themselves - which is a unique situation that straight people don't have to deal with because nobody's sitting around a dinner table like "Mom, dad. I have to tell you something... I'm straight." Heterosexuality is treated like the default. Therefore, the topic of outing simply doesn't apply to straight people, so yeah, it's specific to people in the LGBTQ+ community. Hell, why don't you go ahead and ask "those you know" what they think about someone outing a person who's not out yet?? I'm sure they'll say that's a fucked up thing to do to someone, especially as an act of petty revenge.

Also, gay people don't need to be treated like normal people, because they are fucking normal people, but I'll just chock that up to semantics.

2. Obergefell (the Supreme Court case that made gay marriage legal in the U.S.) was decided in 2015. That's less than a decade ago, and that decision wasn't unanimous, meaning there were Supreme Court justices who disagreed with the idea that gay marriage is a fundamental right, even though heterosexual marriage is a fundamental right. The Pulse nightclub shooting was in 2016. The case about the baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple was decided in 2018. If you seriously believe that a country that still hasn't resolved issues with the Black community stemming from slavery has suddenly embraced the gay community after ostracizing them for... a very fucking long time... then I really don't know what to tell you other than that's a pipe dream.

3. If Chad doesn't want to hide anymore, then good for Chad, but that's Chad's decision to make and no one (including the MC) should be taking away his ability to make that decision. And trying to make him talk to anyone about it before he's ready to do so is also an asshole move. Those things need to happen when he's ready. Sure, MC can speak to him privately and say "Hey, I saw you in the locker room," offer support, and say he'll go with him to talk to someone or help him tell someone, but MC really shouldn't be dictating that. It's not about whether or not telling Sage will make it so everyone knows (although, there's always a risk there), it's about whether or not telling Sage is something Chad is ready to do.

4. "Second, if the MC decided to say fuck it and out him, well, he would be perfectly justified." No. Just... no. Getting beat up by someone is definitely not justification to broadcast private information that can potentially implode someone's life. And like... That whole paragraph is just super problematic.

I believe that there is no circumstance in which it's justifiable for MC to out Chad without his consent. And yes, this is a hill I'm willing to fucking die on.
It is a balancing act to move in these situations.

probably the most correct decision would be to ask Chad to be honest with Sage about the matter

because it's true that Chad has the right to speak only to those he believes in, it's also true that Sage deserves to know the truth

a refusal by Chad would put MC in the difficult position of having to choose between which would be the bigger wrong, if he's in a relationship with Sage it would be hard not to tell her anyway
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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
so my suspicion is correct,
either we have to bang Josy at the beginning or pursue Sage on the HOTs party
to activate that reality slap for Jill in the bathroom then

IF only Bella is there on the presentation to just say "isn't that.......?"
man that would spark a lot of drama :ROFLMAO:
Wait, which bathroom scene:WaitWhat::WaitWhat::WaitWhat:
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