Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
There are holes in the writing that may or may not be filled in later. I am not arguing that point. That's the kind of detail that can easily be overlooked when you're trying to do everything yourself. I'm just saying that we were told the MC is telling the story and so we have to take that at face value, even when it makes no logical sense.
Actually, nobody has to take anything at face value, when the face value is contradicted by the story.

To me the teller of this story is the developer. The developer says it's being told by the MC, but I just don't believe him, based on the evidence of the story itself. While Dr Pink Cake uses the ploy of the MC telling the story at times, he ignores that completely when it suits the way he wants the story to unfold. Dr Pink Cake doesn't overlook much of anything as pertains to continuity. He certainly wouldn't just overlook major plot lines like Quinn's drug involvement, which couldn't be told by the MC. He wants to use flashbacks to reveal to us how things have gotten to where they are now and give some context to character development. But it's the developer telling us those things, not the MC.

You don't accept that. Okay. I don't really expect to change your mind. So, keep on having fun with the game as you see it. We should be able to agree to disagree on this point.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
She continued tho, even knowing what was on the list. Doing some of the same things she called them whores for doing.
There are two possibilities for how Maya fulfills her given Scavenger Hunt tasks. If you are playing the Maya & Josy path, she has developed feelings for the MC and does those tasks with him. However, in most of the paths, Maya & Josy fake the tasks and pawn them off on Arieth, who is gullible enough to accept them.

Basically, in no path does Maya ever perform a sexual act with anyone other than Josy or the MC, and on most paths it's just with Josy.


Mar 5, 2019
Actually, nobody has to take anything at face value, when the face value is contradicted by the story.

To me the teller of this story is the developer. The developer says it's being told by the MC, but I just don't believe him, based on the evidence of the story itself. While Dr Pink Cake uses the ploy of the MC telling the story at times, he ignores that completely when it suits the way he wants the story to unfold. Dr Pink Cake doesn't overlook much of anything as pertains to continuity. He certainly wouldn't just overlook major plot lines like Quinn's drug involvement, which couldn't be told by the MC. He wants to use flashbacks to reveal to us how things have gotten to where they are now and give some context to character development. But it's the developer telling us those things, not the MC.

You don't accept that. Okay. I don't really expect to change your mind. So, keep on having fun with the game as you see it. We should be able to agree to disagree on this point.
MC is obvsiously a reverse-isekai hero from a fantasy world.
He uses charm and clairvoyance often to know pretty much everything he wants to, but still leaving something out to amuse himself with.

Deleted member 15555

Harem Lover
Apr 25, 2017
She doesn't join the HOTs because there's no free tuition, not because she finds out what "free" means
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And this definitely sounds like a personal opinion and not just something she heard others say
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She probably called them that way because of the way they act and because they are practically naked outside where everyone can see them naked, you guys have to take into mind that MAYA has a closed mind because of how she was raised (Christian family).

Sluts or whores can have a different meaning than someone that sleeps with everyone, girls don't need to sleep with all the guys to be called slut, even less when a girl is saying that... girls tend to be harder on other girls, unlike us guys that have a bit more of "brothership" in that aspect.

She continued tho, even knowing what was on the list. Doing some of the same things she called them whores for doing.
She did not continue, she did quit after she learns a bit of what free tuition may entail ....something she is not willing to do, like the things in the list the hots did in hell week (so nope, I don't think she is willing to do what many of the hots do, neither I think Josy will be doing it...)
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Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
Hello, someone help me with this error that appears when I want to go to the scenes of mrs rose, both in the teasing and in the lewd scene, thank you.''
Lo siento, pero se produjo una excepción no detectada.

Mientras se ejecuta el código del juego:
Archivo "game / header.rpy", línea 272, en menu_override
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 284, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 284, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 288, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 294, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 295, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 296, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 301, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 304, en ejecución
NameError: El nombre 'u'Blowjob {color = # 36ca2b} $$$$ {/ color}' 'no está definido.

- Rastreo completo ---------------------------------------------- --------------

Rastreo completo:
Archivo "season2 / scripts / update7.rpyc", línea 3433, en secuencia de comandos
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \", línea 1626, en ejecución
choice = (opciones, self.set, argumentos, kwargs, item_arguments)
Archivo "game / header.rpy", línea 272, en menu_override
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \", línea 983, en el menú
rv = (elementos_nuevos)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \", línea 1217, en display_menu
rv = renpy.ui.interact (mouse = 'menú', type = type, roll_forward = roll_forward)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \", línea 295, en interact
rv = (roll_forward = roll_forward, ** kwargs)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 2699, en interact
repetir, rv = self.interact_core (precargas = precargas, trans_pause = trans_pause, ** kwargs)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 3091, en interact_core
root_widget.visit_all (lambda i: i.per_interact ())
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 541, en visit_all
d.visit_all (devolución de llamada, visto)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 541, en visit_all
d.visit_all (devolución de llamada, visto)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 541, en visit_all
d.visit_all (devolución de llamada, visto)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 430, en visit_all
devolución de llamada (auto)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 3091, en <lambda>
root_widget.visit_all (lambda i: i.per_interact ())
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 440, en per_interact
self.update ()
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ display \", línea 625, en actualización
self.screen.function (** self.scope)
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 284, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 284, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 288, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 294, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 295, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 296, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 301, en ejecución
Archivo "juego / pantallas.rpy", línea 304, en ejecución
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ text \", línea 1479, en __init__
self.set_text (texto, alcance, sustituto)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \ text \", línea 1598, en set_text
i, did_sub = renpy.substitutions.substitute (i, scope, substitute)
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \", línea 253, en sustitución
s = formatter.vformat (s, (), kwargs)
Archivo "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/", línea 563, en formato v
Archivo "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/", línea 585, en _vformat
Archivo "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/", línea 646, en get_field
Archivo "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/", línea 605, en get_value
Archivo "C: \ Users \ omar \ Downloads \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc-lin \ BeingADIK-0.6.1-pc \ renpy \", línea 212, en __getitem__
subir NameError ("El nombre '{}' no está definido.". formato (clave))
NameError: El nombre 'u'Blowjob {color = # 36ca2b} $$$$ {/ color}' 'no está definido.

Ser un DIK 0.7.2
Lun 10 de mayo 15:49:40 2021
Are you using a mod?


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Tipp. Don't do shit in the Swyper. This is a DPC trap and, at the same time, a solution. Why trap? MC tail picture to Cathy. It can make the connection between Envy and Nicole. Now you are thinking, what does he want? I found Tania. Yes, Tania and not Pink Rose Tanya. Not even the MC gives his real name in the swyper.
The MC was also warned that there might be a girl on campus. Oh yeah, the Swyper name Catrin.
I'm just saying that the MC and Tommy have similarities and the MC gave away his size. If you reject the FakeID, Tommy goes to the bar alone and meets Tania.


Yes very important. When you wake up in your room after the party, Josy has been awake for a while. She certainly hasn't looked into the MC's current cell phone. There is also still nothing interesting and it would be a breach of trust. But what about the old cell phone. (Swyper)

Whoever is on the Bella path and Bella ends up pulling off the wedding ring has a murder on their hands. James was not dead, but now the life preserving machines are shut down. Either you stay with Bella and marry her or you become the Ice Prince.

You should also be careful at the party. So many girls could get pregnant, the sugar pills don't protect. If you made wrong decisions in EP7, Josy, Maya and the MC may cheat on each other.

There will be no sex with Heather she is MC cousin. Yes Burke is her uncle who has the video and Heather is Josy's room mate. Heather might spill some beans when she's drunk.

If you have Sage and Josy as LI that is not good either. In the end Josy has nice clothes on. She will have gotten them from Sage.

If you didn't have sex with Maya and talked to Sarah and Mel during the cumpetition, I hope you defended Maya. If not, she will slap Tommy later.

HINT: In EP8, the Throuple will be decided. The MC should not drink too much or accept drinks from others. There are three crucial double beds in the DIK Mansion and he should not be drunk or high at a Halloween party or he will end up in the wrong bed.


May 12, 2020
Actually, nobody has to take anything at face value, when the face value is contradicted by the story.

To me the teller of this story is the developer. The developer says it's being told by the MC, but I just don't believe him, based on the evidence of the story itself. While Dr Pink Cake uses the ploy of the MC telling the story at times, he ignores that completely when it suits the way he wants the story to unfold. Dr Pink Cake doesn't overlook much of anything as pertains to continuity. He certainly wouldn't just overlook major plot lines like Quinn's drug involvement, which couldn't be told by the MC. He wants to use flashbacks to reveal to us how things have gotten to where they are now and give some context to character development. But it's the developer telling us those things, not the MC.

You don't accept that. Okay. I don't really expect to change your mind. So, keep on having fun with the game as you see it. We should be able to agree to disagree on this point.
Wait i kinda dont understand this lmao
Do you mean that the MC is telling us a story of what already happened in the past?
Like hes reading a book to us or something like flashbacks? xD


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
Tipp. Don't do shit in the Swyper. This is a DPC trap and, at the same time, a solution. Why trap? MC tail picture to Cathy. It can make the connection between Envy and Nicole. Now you are thinking, what does he want? I found Tania. Yes, Tania and not Pink Rose Tanya. Not even the MC gives his real name in the swyper.
The MC was also warned that there might be a girl on campus. Oh yeah, the Swyper name Catrin.
I'm just saying that the MC and Tommy have similarities and the MC gave away his size. If you reject the FakeID, Tommy goes to the bar alone and meets Tania.

View attachment 1188593

Yes very important. When you wake up in your room after the party, Josy has been awake for a while. She certainly hasn't looked into the MC's current cell phone. There is also still nothing interesting and it would be a breach of trust. But what about the old cell phone. (Swyper)

Whoever is on the Bella path and Bella ends up pulling off the wedding ring has a murder on their hands. James was not dead, but now the life preserving machines are shut down. Either you stay with Bella and marry her or you become the Ice Prince.

You should also be careful at the party. So many girls could get pregnant, the sugar pills don't protect. If you made wrong decisions in EP7, Josy, Maya and the MC may cheat on each other.

There will be no sex with Heather she is MC cousin. Yes Burke is her uncle who has the video and Heather is Josy's room mate. Heather might spill some beans when she's drunk.

If you have Sage and Josy as LI that is not good either. In the end Josy has nice clothes on. She will have gotten them from Sage.

If you didn't have sex with Maya and talked to Sarah and Mel during the cumpetition, I hope you defended Maya. If not, she will slap Tommy later.

HINT: In EP8, the Throuple will be decided. The MC should not drink too much or accept drinks from others. There are three crucial double beds in the DIK Mansion and he should not be drunk or high at a Halloween party or he will end up in the wrong bed.
Confirmed Nora is the mother of Maya and Derek, that if it seemed strange to me because according to Swyper it would not affect the plot at all, but Cathy did affect Isabella's route
  • Thinking Face
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Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
There are two possibilities for how Maya fulfills her given Scavenger Hunt tasks. If you are playing the Maya & Josy path, she has developed feelings for the MC and does those tasks with him. However, in most of the paths, Maya & Josy fake the tasks and pawn them off on Arieth, who is gullible enough to accept them.

Basically, in no path does Maya ever perform a sexual act with anyone other than Josy or the MC, and on most paths it's just with Josy.
Even on the MJ path they show the video evidence to Arieth and delete it afterwards. Quinn asks about it in the kitchen dog food scene.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Whoever is on the Josy/Maya path will fulfill two tasks at the same time after the Pink Rose visit.

Important: I believe that there is a way not to cheat on Josy by making out with girls, but to fake it so that Josy knows she has not been cheated on.

You must not go full party.
You have to let Derek go first with Envy.

If you go full party, the MC will be at DIK with Maya. Derek said if the MC hurts Maya, he will fuck his dad. I already saw Neil's name crossed out on Derek's list, even though Derek hadn't met Neil yet. Now you know where the sperm filled condom comes from in the following scene with Dawe Shake.

With the party not full, we know from Chad what happened. Two fingers nicely moistened and off in the.....

Derek has to get the lead on Envy because Lily is there and because the name must not be on MC dick. When Josy sees the video, she will see how Derek spoils the MC with two fingers, but at the same time know that Maya does not do something like that with her brother. After that Maya will make out with the MC and Josy will know that Maya faked the video with the MC and Derek.

This will be very important for EP7.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2020
Tipp. Don't do shit in the Swyper. This is a DPC trap and, at the same time, a solution. Why trap? MC tail picture to Cathy. It can make the connection between Envy and Nicole. Now you are thinking, what does he want? I found Tania. Yes, Tania and not Pink Rose Tanya. Not even the MC gives his real name in the swyper.
The MC was also warned that there might be a girl on campus. Oh yeah, the Swyper name Catrin.
I'm just saying that the MC and Tommy have similarities and the MC gave away his size. If you reject the FakeID, Tommy goes to the bar alone and meets Tania.

View attachment 1188593

Yes very important. When you wake up in your room after the party, Josy has been awake for a while. She certainly hasn't looked into the MC's current cell phone. There is also still nothing interesting and it would be a breach of trust. But what about the old cell phone. (Swyper)

Whoever is on the Bella path and Bella ends up pulling off the wedding ring has a murder on their hands. James was not dead, but now the life preserving machines are shut down. Either you stay with Bella and marry her or you become the Ice Prince.

You should also be careful at the party. So many girls could get pregnant, the sugar pills don't protect. If you made wrong decisions in EP7, Josy, Maya and the MC may cheat on each other.

There will be no sex with Heather she is MC cousin. Yes Burke is her uncle who has the video and Heather is Josy's room mate. Heather might spill some beans when she's drunk.

If you have Sage and Josy as LI that is not good either. In the end Josy has nice clothes on. She will have gotten them from Sage.

If you didn't have sex with Maya and talked to Sarah and Mel during the cumpetition, I hope you defended Maya. If not, she will slap Tommy later.

HINT: In EP8, the Throuple will be decided. The MC should not drink too much or accept drinks from others. There are three crucial double beds in the DIK Mansion and he should not be drunk or high at a Halloween party or he will end up in the wrong bed.
Want to know how dickpic from Tybalt's phone ended in his presentation?
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Want to know how dickpic from Tybalt's phone ended in his presentation?
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The cock picture of the MC was taken in EP5 at the preps party by the MC himself on Tybalt's cell phone. Lucas made the presentation of Tybalt. I just wonder if Jill didn't play it wrong by putting Lucas up to it. Josy is a cute girl and Lucas would be gay if he didn't like Josy. Jill has already seen MC cock in the shower. Maybe on Tybalt's cell phone. Now you just have to combine. Jill knows about the Josy competition.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Confirmed Nora is the mother of Maya and Derek, that if it seemed strange to me because according to Swyper it would not affect the plot at all, but Cathy did affect Isabella's route
I once theorized that Maya's father is the doctor who supplies Quinn with pills. Isn't Nora a doctor?

If so, it could be that Nora is perhaps Quinn's supplier. :unsure:


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2021
chick and dik are a bit like ntr while neutral does the hard choices automaticly.
Nice example is the option to go further in Bella's car with Cathy, neutral chooses auto to finish their relationship keeping you on Bella's path.
Yep I've finished my neutral playthrough and i see it now.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Maya deleted it but Josy she said she deleted it too? I don't remember
Have you ever noticed that the folder on the laptop is not only labeled with the name of the MC. There is the MC name and Assman.

Also, Arieth is not too good with cell phones and is quite clumsy. One video is definitely on the laptop, which is said to have been deleted. The video as Maya, Derek and the MC the "Make out with a girl" and "Make out with a guy" on it. Arieth accidentally put it on the net. You just have to look at Chad's face in EP7 when the MC was partying at the Pink Rose.

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