
Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
Maya sayd she even didnt knew that was going to happen, and i think she was saying the true.
I believe that about as much as i believe in the tooth fairy. There is zero chance that she didn't know what was going to happen. Her entire role was to distract the MC so quinn and company could get him to the dik's mansion. She likely knew exactly what was going to happen and lied her ass off just to escape the consequences since she does like the MC in the story. That's guilt for you. Her character is one i fully trust to be a dishonest cunt when it comes to accepting responsibility of any kind. Instead of dealing with her issues, she's trying to find shortcuts (like free tuition from the hots) and it's blowing up in her face constantly. That is a person that apparently does not learn from mistakes and that's a sinking ship much like the titanic. Eventually she's going to hit rock bottom with that sort of behavior without someone constantly there to prop her up. That makes her a sympathetic character to some extent but unless her choices start to drastically change for the better, the MC is going to effectively be her verbal punching bag, shoulder to cry on and financial crutch if players choose her route (just my opinion from personal experience with such people that her character reminds me of). Don't get me wrong, her character has some nice moments but they are not redeeming for poor decision making ability. Yes, story wise, her father can obviously be held responsible for not teaching her the necessary life lessons on how to be a responsible adult but at some point after about 18, a person has to grow up and start making their own decisions to move away from any past trauma rather than continue to allow it to reinforce ill behavior patterns.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
Time to ask serious questions, who the hell is Tybalt's troll on Rooster? The guy is relentless and it's actually fucking funny lmao
I would say Rusty maybe but idk if he would try to mess with him that hard haha
It's Bella.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2021
Is there a Dik Mansion renovation guide? I have a guide that only do the first one but is there any more after 1st one? Thanks.
1. Buy all experience boosts (+5% to skills) except working at the beginning.
2. Buy full dumpster perk.
3. Use notes and calc to full clear the mansion before episode 7 (calc it, it's not so hard)
4. Send all folks to work when mansion is clear and all DIKs have high skills (buy working exp +5% for them)
5. ???
6. That's it
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May 12, 2021
Yeah but the point is Maya could never have co signed a loan. She's an 18 year old with 0 assets and no job.

This whole thing has been fucked up from the start, the government program is called Guaranteed Student Loans, you don't need a co signer because the government is your co signer. As initially presented in ep 6, Patrick was the co signer. This made no sense at all because the co signer has no control over the money. Even worse, with Patrick being the co signer Maya could have just walked away from the loan and left Patrick stuck with the bill. In fact, in most states, the bank sends the check directly to the college, the borrower never actually touches a single dollar. So Patrick never actually had any kind of leverage over Maya.

DPC could have learned all of this in 15 minutes of reading a Wikipedia article, but he's a big time Patreon Dev, he don't need no stinkin' Wikipedia. So in the last update he revealed that Maya was the co signer. This makes even less sense, Maya couldn't even co sign a loan for a pack of cigarette's. Also Maya was supposedly ignorant of all of this, despite the fact that she could have read a Wikipedia article, if she would just stop watching her damn movies for 15 minutes.
This whole plot makes me wonder where DPC is going with this and how is he going to solve it. Leaving aside whether it makes a lot of sense or not, I'm curious what DPC is going to come up with to fix it.


Jul 9, 2017
Time to ask serious questions, who the hell is Tybalt's troll on Rooster? The guy is relentless and it's actually fucking funny lmao
I would say Rusty maybe but idk if he would try to mess with him that hard haha
I know he's a fairly new character, but I'm putting my money on Lucas. The poster has demonstrated fairly personal knowledge about Fruit Fucker's habits; For example, he knows where that watch was purchased. It's just a hunch that it's Lucas, but I like my odds.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
(just my opinion from personal experience with such people that her character reminds me of)
Ok, but here is the quid of the issue, Maya is not that people you mention. I am sure there are people like you described and they sure are a pain in the ass. And is also true that we read the stories from our own subjective view. And there is nothing wrong with that.
However if you want to make an analisis of a literary work, then you have to (at least try) to be objective, and that means to break with your own subjectivity. Ofc, I have my own subjectivity, thats why we are talking to find out our own mistakes.
But, most importantly Maya is not that people, better or worst she is her own person/character.

I believe that about as much as i believe in the tooth fairy. There is zero chance that she didn't know what was going to happen. Her entire role was to distract to the MC so quinn and company could get him to the dik's mansion. She likely knew exactly what was going to happen and lied her ass off just to escape the consequences since she does like the MC in the story.
She didn't knew Quinn was going to electrocute them, that's what she said, and that's what i believe. And yes, i think that kidnaping was the only real bad thing she did. But then again, it was the DIKs who plan it, and we are all cool with that. I don't find that kind of jokes tolerable, but it is a different culture than mine, where thoose kind of stupid and violent jokes are acceptable. And also Maya did it under some sort of pression. So, even if she did it, she is still a sweet girl, weak at best, but nothing else.

Her character is one i fully trust to be a dishonest cunt when it comes to accepting responsibility of any kind. Instead of dealing with her issues, she's trying to find shortcuts (like free tuition from the hots) and it's blowing up in her face constantly.
You are being exagereted. Again could describe well the people you mention, but not Maya. She doesn't know how to solve her problems, but it is not her fault. What do you expect? That a girl with no financial education, no money, and noone older to advise her solve a financial problem at 19 years old?. She didn't choose a shortcut, couse there was no longcut to choose from. She went for the only solution she could find. Besides that her main motivation is to have a good education in a fictitious world in wich most of the people want to have sex, get drunk and get high. Just compare her to her brother and tell me she is irresponsable and inmature. She is not more, she is just more unlucky.
And btw, since it seems that Sage is going to fix her issues, it kind of work out, somehow.

That is a person that apparently does not learn from mistakes and that's a sinking ship much like the titanic. Eventually she's going to hit rock bottom with that sort of behavior without someone constantly there to prop her up.
Wich mistake she did twice? She trusted her father, twice. But that's a hard topic. Most of people are inclined to seek for reconciliation with their parents. Is a complicate issue. Besides that?
She trusted Sage (it seems) when she promised free tuition. But again, without Sage she doesnt have any plan either, so...

Now, ofc, there is room for speculation here. Maya could be a different thing (like Leah in Acting Lessons). But untill now, we haven't seen that story. We saw a different one. A story in wich good people like MC, Josy, and now Sage sign with Maya and want to help her. A story in wich characters like Becky who misstreat her, are ridiculized. A story in wich the whole concept off "teach a man to fish..." has being ridiculized, a story in wich you have a climatic moment when you are meant to feel emotionally touch couse Sage wants to help Maya. And thats when it comes to obective analisis. It doesnt matter what we feel about her, couse is not our story (yet), not until is finished. Is DPC's one.
If you want to tell the story about an obnoxious selfish girl who make stupid mistakes because she lives in the moon, you can easily make it. Flaubert did it with Madam Bovary. And yet he then proclaim "I am Madam Bovary".
But this is a different one. It's a sexual fantasy about a guy who find a troubled girl, and he loves her for that.


Staff member
Apr 5, 2017

It's time for the first real status update for episode 8, and the development is ongoing.

This week, it's mostly been planning and writing. I've been writing a lot, as I've been in the zone.

I know what I want to fit into this episode, so I'm writing as much of the layout as possible to grasp the workload that lies ahead.

Episode 8 will be the episode that wraps up the second season, so I'm very excited about it and will do my best to do it justice.

Game crashes (v0.7.2)
I've been getting some reports about random "out of memory" crashes that I wanted to address. I hope the following information can help more players solve these issues.

If you're experiencing any "out of memory" crashes after patching the game to the latest version (v0.7.2), I would recommend that you delete the contents of the "game/cache" folder.

There are three ".rpyb" files there that you can safely delete. When you restart the game, the cache will be rebuilt, and this could solve your problem.

In the future, I will supply pre-built cache files with the patches.

Poll news
This week, I posted the first poll for episode 8, a cosmetic poll for Sage. Sign up as a $10 patron to participate in it .

I have planned several fun polls for episode 8, and I have also decided to change how the special render polls are conducted to get more balance in the special render sets.

At the moment, some girls have three render sets, whereas others only have one, and I'd like this to even out for the sake of the game.

I will reveal the details about how the new polls will look like as they are posted.

Walkthrough news
I've written the walkthrough, and proofreading is underway. I will release it as soon as possible, at the latest next Friday, but likely earlier.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020

It's time for the first real status update for episode 8, and the development is ongoing.

This week, it's mostly been planning and writing. I've been writing a lot, as I've been in the zone.

I know what I want to fit into this episode, so I'm writing as much of the layout as possible to grasp the workload that lies ahead.

Episode 8 will be the episode that wraps up the second season, so I'm very excited about it and will do my best to do it justice.

Game crashes (v0.7.2)
I've been getting some reports about random "out of memory" crashes that I wanted to address. I hope the following information can help more players solve these issues.

If you're experiencing any "out of memory" crashes after patching the game to the latest version (v0.7.2), I would recommend that you delete the contents of the "game/cache" folder.

There are three ".rpyb" files there that you can safely delete. When you restart the game, the cache will be rebuilt, and this could solve your problem.

In the future, I will supply pre-built cache files with the patches.

Poll news
This week, I posted the first poll for episode 8, a cosmetic poll for Sage. Sign up as a $10 patron to participate in it .

I have planned several fun polls for episode 8, and I have also decided to change how the special render polls are conducted to get more balance in the special render sets.

At the moment, some girls have three render sets, whereas others only have one, and I'd like this to even out for the sake of the game.

I will reveal the details about how the new polls will look like as they are posted.

Walkthrough news
I've written the walkthrough, and proofreading is underway. I will release it as soon as possible, at the latest next Friday, but likely earlier.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake
maybe we'll find out about jealousy.... :unsure:


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
It's not that they're stupid, so long as one of the co-signers has the money not to default on the loan and pay it off, has good credit, then lenders will typically go through with it. It's not always a good idea though cause if the student borrower defaults, then the person who co-signed with them will be legally liable which would explain patrick's threat to financially bankrupt maya in the long term. Not exactly the type of family one should ever get financial help from. He's basically a dickhead that needs curb stomped.
Maya couldn't be a cosigner to a loan unless:
  • She has assets that assure the lender can get their money back
  • The lender doesn't even bother to do a credit or assets check (not sure what it's like in DPC's world, but in my country there is a huge onus on the lender these days to extract proof from from the borrower or cosigner that they can pay back the loan)
It's starting to make no sense how this loan works. It's a student loan, for Maya (the student). You don't cosign your own loan, you are already responsible for the loan, the cosigner is someone else who guarantees you'll repay it or else they will on your behalf.

So who was the loan made out to if Maya was the cosigner? Her dad? It's just getting more messed up.

We could argue this one until the cows come home (I think they already have), but in the end, even Maya doesn't know what's going on, she's just been fucked over by her dad and doesn't really understand the details, and she's the one telling the mc. So I'm happy to chalk it up: Her dad has fucked her over and she doesn't know how to solve it without winning the lottery.

Sorry, I can't agree. It's not love to treat a person as your own prop. I'm sure Patrick thinks he has Maya's best interest in mind as he does his level best to override every choice she makes, but I don't much care what he thinks. He crossed a line when he went from cutting off Maya's support to tricking her into giving up any alternate form of support. That's not love, that's borderline megalomania.

Also, as I've said before, the problems with Patrick definitely run deeper than the tuition shenanigans. Consider this:
Maya_no_choices.jpg Maya_no_choices.jpg
DavDR sees this as proof that Maya's a useless character incapable of taking action. I see it as an indication that Maya's had someone controlling her life for a long time and really doesn't know how assert herself without making things worse. It's easy to say she should be stronger willed, but decisiveness takes practice like everything else.
I agree that it's a lousy way to love someone, but you're approaching this from a liberal (literal, not political) sense, where Maya, as an adult, should be free to make her own decisions, her own mistakes, and to grow as a human.

I think that's a fair approach to take once your children become adults, and even as younger people, slowly allowing your children to become more independent and learn from mistakes is a great way to raise them.

But where would you draw the line from simply giving advice to stepping in and trying to take charge if you can see something bad is going to happen? Would you ever step in to try to stop your adult child from making a mistake that you believe would permanently ruin their life (or their afterlife)?

If I believed (I don't) 100% that there was a Hell, a place where "sinners" go for eternity to suffer in fire and possibly be continuously raped by demons forever, and I believed 100% (I don't) that homosexual relations was just such a sin that would condemn a person to Hell for all eternity, and one of my children turns out to be gay, I would do absolutely everything I possibly could to save them from eternal damnation.

What parent would sit back and knowingly let their own child go to Hell for eternity, for never-ending torment and suffering?

Of course most of us don't believe that gays go to Hell (some of us don't even believe in an afterlife), but Patrick, and other zealous religions people like him, don't just believe that, they fucking know it. You can't convince them otherwise. They know with every fiber in their being that Hell exists and God will send you there if you fuck up.

Right or wrong, that's where Patrick is coming from. He wants to save his daughter from Hell, and if that means doing everything he possibly can to achieve it, as a "good" parent, he will.

It's just too bad he believes in a pile of shit.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
What do you expect? That a girl with no financial education, no money, and noone older to advise her solve a financial problem at 19 years old?
I had to do that at 18-19 years old with next to no knowledge of how to even balance a checkbook. Sure, my parents are responsible for not teaching me that shit but it was MY personal responsibility to solve at that point just like it's every individual's personal responsibility even if they don't possess the knowledge in that moment. It's why we learn by doing ultimately. Maya is proving that she either can't learn or simply refuses to learn. That's entirely on her character. If DPC means to depict her character as maturing, she obviously needs to start making some better choices and decisions, if only a few to show that her character is growing in a good way.

She didn't knew Quinn was going to electrocute them, that's what she said, and that's what i believe. And yes, i think that kidnaping was the only real bad thing she did. But then again, it was the DIKs who plan it, and we are all cool with that. I don't find that kind of jokes tolerable, but it is a different culture than mine, where thoose kind of stupid and violent jokes are acceptable.
I doubt anyone would find many of the situations in this game as being tolerable in real life. Most of what happens, like what the diks did to get the MC to the mansion would have wound up with me handing several people their own ass in real life as i imagine most others would do the same out of an act of self defense. Again, yet another reason i find the story laughable at the worst. Hilariously absurd at the best. That isn't in any way meant to disparage the game, just that DPC has definitely crossed over into the realm of high comedy at this point.

You are being exagereted. Again could describe well the people you mention, but not Maya.
That was just me poking some humor in regards to her character was all and one part pointing out that art doesn't always imitate reality (life).

She trusted Sage (it seems) when she promised free tuition. But again, without Sage she doesnt have any plan either, so...
Trusting sage would show she actually is learning from her mistakes. She isn't doing that though, at least not yet anyway. What I meant from her mistakes that she repeated was in regards to quinn. The stun gun incident (if she really didn't know it was going to happen), she then goes on to trust quinn about tuition? After using an obvious innuendo about loose hips when she was at the pool in the HOTs dorm, all the scavenger hunt stuff that was on her list compared to the other pledges? I mean, at some point you'd think she would have at least considered the MC's words about not trusting her if she had any common sense at all. Never happened because she's either extremely naive or just plain stupid. I've got a sister that's naive as hell and it's tedious trying to get her to learn from her own mistakes. Sometimes, i honestly think she's stupid but then her intelligence shines through in moments i don't expect in regards to business decisions. It's really easy for people to take advantage of her though which just confuses me to no end. I gave up trying to protect her from herself over a decade ago cause you can only chase off so many jerks before it becomes moot. That's what maya reminds me of the most, either she matures to a point she can take care of herself against others that want to take advantage of her or her character is simply one dimensional and not worth the trouble if it doesn't grow out of that behavior pattern. Makes me think DPC is writing himself into a corner in regards to maya's character. If the only relatively decent end for her ends up being the MC playing white knight for her, that's pretty much an overused trope.

She did not screw up anything. She first, was fucked over by her own Father, something that most kid not expecting from their parent, nor they should . So I can't blame her for this. and then she heard a rumor she was not the only one. It is a very simple fact that , this rumor was spreading like a wild fire, and Quinn had no problem with it as long as its benefited her. so Maya once again taken advantage of by someone, in this case a sociopath.
but you all play the game of Blame the actual victim, and not the perpetrators.
As i've stated above, her character is overly naive, far too trusting of people she shouldn't be, especially when she's warned about them and doesn't seem to learn from that in the slightest. It took a proverbial gut check for her to realize quinn was a liar and took advantage of her being naive. Hopefully that experience for her character wakes her up to reality in the future updates to start taking care of herself without the MC having to constantly play her white knight. Some people like that kind of fantasy though, just isn't my cup of tea however.
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
Just a couple notes couse i am going to sleep.

I've got a sister that's naive as hell and it's tedious trying to get her to learn from her own mistakes.
My personal bet was either a sister or an ex (I wasnt tbeting over you but over Maya haters).

If the only relatively decent end for her ends up being the MC playing white knight for her, that's pretty much an overused trope.
As my favorite writer sayd (kinda) "When i was young i believe in creating new metaphors. Now i believe in thoose that our mind as internalized". Dont overestimate the power of overused tropes, there are overused couse there is something deep in our mind that makes them work.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
So I'm happy to chalk it up: Her dad has fucked her over and she doesn't know how to solve it without winning the lottery.
She'd just waste that money within a month and be looking for another white knight. :ROFLMAO: I get what you're saying about the loan however cause DPC really did write that bit of the story into a corner without doing any research into it. It's an absurd story though, so minor details like that aren't much of a surprise at this point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
As i've stated above, her character is overly naive, far too trusting of people she shouldn't be, especially when she's warned about them and doesn't seem to learn from that in the slightest. It took a proverbial gut check for her to realize quinn was a liar and took advantage of her being naive. Hopefully that experience for her character wakes her up to reality in the future updates to start taking care of herself without the MC having to constantly play her white knight. Some people like that kind of fantasy though, just isn't my cup of tea however.
Well who in the world wouldn't trust their own blood parents till the age of 20? She was around 16 or 17 when this shit happened. Let's also not forget about Maya's age though it's not going to make any change but still, one even at that age trust their parents a lot, but children often try to see those things and research them by themselves as well but here Maya ignored to understand all the procedure. Yes, I agree with you ,she is far too trusting of people she shouldn't be but all this fuck up started because of her own blood father. 18 years old is not something that will bring a sudden change to ones mentality, personality and character. They change after experiencing things and learning through mistakes. Maya now could be possibly either 18 or 19 in game since she is in same class as MC who turned 19. Maya made mistakes because it is a new environment, college life is super different from school life. Right now in the game, if we were to estimate, it has been a month or 2, she made those mistakes in this month, her first month in college, do you think she will just learn from them asap? A first year in his/her first month is bound to make mistakes. They can't learn from their mistakes in that short period of time. Half of her 1st month went with her making mistakes, and you expect her to learn in the next 15days?
Even in real life, Everyone makes mistake in their 1st month in college. I myself made hilarious ones :KEK:. The only thing here everyone should keep in mind before writing about maya is that

-Her age 18 or 19 only, No one gets super understanding or intelligent reaching that age.
-All her mistakes have been made in her first month to college and Maybe, who knows the 1st month is not even over yet in the game.
-No one can correct or learn from their mistakes in just the same 1 month when they did.

My guess is that DPC is trying to show that everyone makes mistake in their very first month in college. Mc fucked teachers, Hell week fuck ups, fighting with others. The main thing we should not forget is that all the game we have played till now, is only a month or 2.

She'd just waste that money within a month and be looking for another white knight. :ROFLMAO: I get what you're saying about the loan however cause DPC really did write that bit of the story into a corner without doing any research into it. It's an absurd story though, so minor details like that aren't much of a surprise at this point.
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