
Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
"Felice" has quite a few meanings. It comes from the latin "felix", therefore it means "lucky" and "successful", too.

"Stronzo"... well, first meaning is "a piece of shit (solid and cylindrical, mostly)"; figuratively, it means: "asshole".
The stronzo is specifically the piece of shit when it's straight and long, as opposite to other shapes like the "pagoda" which is when the piece of shit is rolled upon itself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2021
Well, I hope that those theories about Jade being Sage's Mother/Stepmother aren't true ! Otherwise my massive Dick MC will only have Quinn left. :LOL:
I don't think Jade is somehow related to Sage but she is definitely related to one of the main girls, I almost sure. There is a some hints to it but there is no full picture yet. Intuition tells me I am missing some piece of puzzle what already in the game (just like I've missed all of those hints about Maya and Josy knows each other in first 3 episodes).


Sep 30, 2019
Quinn is completely in the wrong on this. I think that's precisely why she's so angry about it; it's hard to maintain her self-image as a cunning chessmaster when her pawns can easily point out her mistakes. Unfortunately, the only way Quinn seems able to deal with that dichotomy is to completely stonewall any sense of introspection and lash out whoever tries to help her make the connection.
I could not agree with you more. Very very well said. While i am glad that the MC is finally starting to crack that shell around Quinn and we are seeing a tiny bit more of her "real" self, and taking into account her tragic backstory that explains why she is how she is, I'm hoping for more character development from her and a possible redemption arc? Doubtful but its possible. As for her pimping ring, i was never really comfortable with it and when i found out it was just Quinn using the girls to fund her and Tommy'd drug habits, I was a hair away from starting a new game just to avoid as much HOT content as possible so im not worrying about saving the girls in it.

Given that the only way to help Riona is to fuck her, I'm hoping she'll be okay without our help, too.
Riona, sadly, is one of the characters that i like a lot. I don't even know why, i just do. I keep wanting to "rescue" her from Quinn, knowing that Quinn doesnt give a shit about anyone and is only using her to fund her drug habits.

Which, IMHO, is basically the deal with Maya and Josy. Maya could simply come out and be with Josy openly, accepting whatever consequences follow. She chooses not to, because the risks are very high and she thinks she can endure the discomfort long enough to remove her father's threat and still be with Josy. Whether or not she's right, it's not a position that should be dismissed out of hand.
You just nailed it. This is not 1965. There is even a gender studies course in the game ffs. One assumes they are in America during present day, and that means that homosexuality has long been accepted, religious parents non-withstanding. Besides, the DIKS and HOTS and even the teachers are so sexually depraved that they would give 0 fucks who is fucking who.
My argument with ALL of the "angst" plots in this game are that they don't meet a credibility check. Tybalt blackmailing Jill by threatening legal action against MC? Maybe, if you assume that Jill was just another penniless college girl, but she's NOT. She is ONE OF THE MOST RICH AND POWERFUL PEOPLE AT THE SCHOOL. If you take into account her family, money, status, and power, she could EASILY crush Tybalt in court, or at least block any legal attempt of his against the MC. My anger with Jill is that she has no back-bone. She cant or wont stand up to anyone, and she is so "stubborn" that her refusal to accept help has put her on an NTR path with the scummiest, stupidest, most inept antagonist in the history of porn games. Same argument with MAYA. GROW A PAIR. Instead of doing all these back-door secret schemes to hide your relationship and figure out how to get around your dad's control of your tuition money, GET A JOB. She wouldn't be the first person to have to work her way through college.

Personally, I find the CHICK path more compelling because I find the resulting crude behavior and obsession with casual sex unpleasant. Simple as that. CHICK's still get opportunities for snark, after all.
I preferred the CHICK path as well, as I find it much more in line with my character's background and character. He came from a loving family, with a tragic past with good reason to respect women and to be sensitive to their feelings and needs. This game throws you into choices beyond your control (like joining DIKs), which is fine, I accept that because its the plot (even though it goes completely against the MC character). I mean the only reason the MC even pledges is because he needs a place to stay and he's mad because the jocks took his guitar? Really compelling.

So right away you are thrown in with a group of people that honestly have little to no moral standards, they even put items on your hell week list like "fuck a teacher". Which they honestly expect your character to do, regardless of his willingness. Same for the HOT's. Asking your girlfriend(s) to have threesomes, fuck someone, etc.. I'm sorry how is that AT ALL cool with anyone? If anyone asked me to do that at the frat i was pledging for i would walk the fuck out right there, wondering how the fuck i even got into that situation in the first place. Prostitution: performing sexual acts in return for services or goods for financial or personal gain. Yeah sorry my mc is no man-whore and i sure as hell don't want my g/f(s) pledging to a sorority that is literally a prostitution ring. *looking at you Josy* (no idea why she insists so hard on joining, since the only reason she was doing it in the first place was to help Maya). When Maya refused to join (rightly so), Josy should have left too, right then and there, but we find out that Josy really isn't what we thought she was.

Really, DPC should have scheduled the date with Jill first, to make it a much less one-sided choice.
That is one of my critiques on the writer's choices as well. There are times when you are forced to make a "major choice" which affects you negatively later, when the choice you are forced to make appears really easily solvable.. Call Jill, tell her Sage is sick, she would definitely understand you and be ok with you going to take care of Sage, and therefore have 0 negative affects (reschedule the date = problem solved).

Yes, Jill is turning out to be a much less interesting character than it first appeared, which is a real shame. Virgin drama is tiresome IHMO, but the real problem is her egregious stupidity.

Tybalt has never made a secret of his elitist views, yet Jill still seems surprised at the contents of his anti-welfare presentation. Plus, she recognizes that Tybalt is blackmailing her to have dates with him and agreed to his terms... but apparently never realized that she'd actually have to go on those dates! It takes a week for her just to beg Bella to get her out of the mess she specifically volunteered for! Bella can lampshade it all she likes, that makes no sense.

I mean, I want to sympathize with Jill; making a sacrifice for a loved one is a classic trope. But this has to be one of the worst implementations of it I've ever seen. On top of that, the game makes it clear that Tybalt is zero (zip, zilch, nada) threat to the MC. He's an incompetent boob who's been nothing but a laughingstock for 7 episodes running, and his punishments keep getting worse! The way this game is going, if he did try to get the MC in legal trouble, Tybalt would probably wind up tortured by Jack Bauer on suspicion of terrorism.

Frankly, this has been a mess. I'm hoping Jill can recover if this blasted blackmail subplot finally dies, but it's sure taking its sweet time dying. :mad:
As i briefly pointed out above, You are 100% correct again. Jill was one of my favorites, as she was rich, yet she was kind, caring, sweet, and loveable. Tybalt is a fucking clown and since the beginning nobody took him seriously, my only surprise is that she kept taking his words at face value and falling into his stupid little schemes EVERY TIME. When it started becoming clear that Jill (presumably being one of the most powerful and rich people in the school) would not use her power to put Tybalt in check, even going so far as to allow herself to be blackmailed by TYBALT of all people, I lost interest in her altogether. I hope her and Tybalt have a long and horrible life together and good riddance. I mean in what universe does the "get your girlfriend to go along on dates you dont want to be on to save you from them" scheme actually WORK in blackmail situations?

Well, my main route is Maya/Josy, exclusive so I've seen all the friendship Sage path stuff. And I've been hoping we would get another chance to date her properly when Chad finally broke up with her. That said, I was a little disappointed that the scene plays out as just an over-the-top sex fest with no real discussion of what else might happen between them.

I mean, I get that Sage likes sex, doesn't like introspection, and isn't ready to leap into a new relationship. But I would think an MC (particularly a CHICKish one) who didn't feel comfortable cheating with Sage would want something a little more involved than a very public roll in the hay with Sage. Maybe it's just me, but I think I'm slightly less enthusiastic about my planned CHICK Sage non-fuck buddy run now than I was back before I knew it would be possible.

On a similar note, it's odd that fuck buddies automatically want more with Sage this time out, without any say so on our part. Perhaps that would create too much branching even for DPC. It's clear the whole "rebound guy" issue is going to be a thing for a while. I guess we'll see what happens when Episode 8 rolls around and we the MC and Sage have time to explore their new relationship outside the heat of the moment.
Sadly, Sage was a sore spot for me as well. DIK or CHICK the Sage route is frustrating. Sage is the leader of HOTs and she did not know about the pimping ring, and so for me I expected her to be a more solid character. When she just jumped me at the party and just wanted to fuck even when she was still dating Chad (in public i might add), I was saddened. I get that she (like everyone in the game) has a casual attitude towards sex, but... yeah that whole thing confusing as fuck and .. fuck buddies... yeah ok fun and the route was pretty sweet since you arrive at the same "rebound guy" point as the CHICK route, but it feels... cheap.

It's pretty clear Josy has very strong feelings for the MC despite her feelings for Maya. I think, in vacuum, she would choose Maya over the MC if it came down to it, because as she says, she doesn't want to be a cheater. But as we saw back in Episode 2, when things aren't in a vacuum it's not certain how she would act. If Maya keeps taking her frustrations out on Josy, she probably would choose the MC over Maya.

As I see it, that means the key to keeping Maya & Josy together is to help them find healthier ways to express their fears and frustrations when they can't be together. The real question is how to combine that with being a direct part of their relationship.
Agreed, however the solution is much simpler. As Heather is a HOT and has a room in the HOT dorms, she spends most of her time living with Tommy in the DIKS mansion. The solution would be for Maya to keep her dorm room but stay with the MC in the DIK mansion. If they are going to continue this stupid game of trying to fool her dad, then that way if he shows up she has her dorm room she can meet him in and he's none the wiser. Josy can be registered in the same room as Maya but stay with the MC in his (very large) library room in the mansion as well, thereby ensuring that: Nobody else gets assigned to Maya's dorm room, and all 3 of them are together where they are free to live their relationship without interference.
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Jan 30, 2021
I could not agree with you more. Very very well said. While i am glad that the MC is finally starting to crack that shell around Quinn and we are seeing a tiny bit more of her "real" self, and taking into account her tragic backstory that explains why she is how she is, I'm hoping for more character development from her and a possible redemption arc? Doubtful but its possible. As for her pimping ring, i was never really comfortable with it and when i found out it was just Quinn using the girls to fund her and Tommy'd drug habits, I was a hair away from starting a new game just to avoid as much HOT content as possible so im not worrying about saving the girls in it.

Riona, sadly, is one of the characters that i like a lot. I don't even know why, i just do. I keep wanting to "rescue" her from Quinn, knowing that Quinn doesnt give a shit about anyone and is only using her to fund her drug habits.

You just nailed it. This is not 1965. There is even a gender studies course in the game ffs. One assumes they are in America during present day, and that means that homosexuality has long been accepted, religious parents non-withstanding. Besides, the DIKS and HOTS and even the teachers are so sexually depraved that they would give 0 fucks who is fucking who.
My argument with ALL of the "angst" plots in this game are that they don't meet a credibility check. Tybalt blackmailing Jill by threatening legal action against MC? Maybe, if you assume that Jill was just another penniless college girl, but she's NOT. She is ONE OF THE MOST RICH AND POWERFUL PEOPLE AT THE SCHOOL. If you take into account her family, money, status, and power, she could EASILY crush Tybalt in court, or at least block any legal attempt of his against the MC. My anger with Jill is that she has no back-bone. She cant or wont stand up to anyone, and she is so "stubborn" that her refusal to accept help has put her on an NTR path with the scummiest, stupidest, most inept antagonist in the history of porn games. Same argument with MAYA. GROW A PAIR. Instead of doing all these back-door secret schemes to hide your relationship and figure out how to get around your dad's control of your tuition money, GET A JOB. She wouldn't be the first person to have to work her way through college.

I preferred the CHICK path as well, as I find it much more in line with my character's background and character. He came from a loving family, with a tragic past with good reason to respect women and to be sensitive to their feelings and needs. This game throws you into choices beyond your control (like joining DIKs), which is fine, I accept that because its the plot (even though it goes completely against the MC character). I mean the only reason the MC even pledges is because he needs a place to stay and he's mad because the jocks took his guitar? Really compelling.

So right away you are thrown in with a group of people that honestly have little to no moral standards, they even put items on your hell week list like "fuck a teacher". Which they honestly expect your character to do, regardless of his willingness. Same for the HOT's. Asking your girlfriend(s) to have threesomes, fuck someone, etc.. I'm sorry how is that AT ALL cool with anyone? If anyone asked me to do that at the frat i was pledging for i would walk the fuck out right there, wondering how the fuck i even got into that situation in the first place. Prostitution: performing sexual acts in return for services or goods for financial or personal gain. Yeah sorry my mc is no man-whore and i sure as hell don't want my g/f(s) pledging to a sorority that is literally a prostitution ring. *looking at you Josy* (no idea why she insists so hard on joining, since the only reason she was doing it in the first place was to help Maya). When Maya refused to join (rightly so), Josy should have left too, right then and there, but we find out that Josy really isn't what we thought she was.

That is one of my critiques on the writer's choices as well. There are times when you are forced to make a "major choice" which affects you negatively later, when the choice you are forced to make appears really easily solvable.. Call Jill, tell her Sage is sick, she would definitely understand you and be ok with you going to take care of Sage, and therefore have 0 negative affects (reschedule the date = problem solved).

As i briefly pointed out above, You are 100% correct again. Jill was one of my favorites, as she was rich, yet she was kind, caring, sweet, and loveable. Tybalt is a fucking clown and since the beginning nobody took him seriously, my only surprise is that she kept taking his words at face value and falling into his stupid little schemes EVERY TIME. When it started becoming clear that Jill (presumably being one of the most powerful and rich people in the school) would not use her power to put Tybalt in check, even going so far as to allow herself to be blackmailed by TYBALT of all people, I lost interest in her altogether. I hope her and Tybalt have a long and horrible life together and good riddance. I mean in what universe does the "get your girlfriend to go along on dates you dont want to be on to save you from them" scheme actually WORK in blackmail situations?

Sadly, Sage was a sore spot for me as well. DIK or CHICK the Sage route is frustrating. Sage is the leader of HOTs and she did not know about the pimping ring, and so for me I expected her to be a more solid character. When she just jumped me at the party and just wanted to fuck even when she was still dating Chad (in public i might add), I was saddened. I get that she (like everyone in the game) has a casual attitude towards sex, but... yeah that whole thing confusing as fuck and .. fuck buddies... yeah ok fun and the route was pretty sweet since you arrive at the same "rebound guy" point as the CHICK route, but it feels... cheap.

Agreed, however the solution is much simpler. As Heather is a HOT and has a room in the HOT dorms, she spends most of her time living with Tommy in the DIKS mansion. The solution would be for Maya to keep her dorm room but stay with the MC in the DIK mansion. If they are going to continue this stupid game of trying to fool her dad, then that way if he shows up she has her dorm room she can meet him in and he's none the wiser. Josy can be registered in the same room as Maya but stay with the MC in his (very large) library room in the mansion as well, thereby ensuring that: Nobody else gets assigned to Maya's dorm room, and all 3 of them are together where they are free to live their relationship without interference.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I don't think Jade is somehow related to Sage but she is definitely related to one of the main girls, I almost sure. There is a some hints to it but there is no full picture yet. Intuition tells me I am missing some piece of puzzle what already in the game (just like I've missed all of those hints about Maya and Josy knows each other in first 3 episodes).
you might be right! but Sage is most definitely Burke`s daughter! so on the best possible ending she is just tyballs step sister!

but oh boy do i so wish to front tybalt after fucking his girl his sister his mother and getting a blowjob from his father!
thats when tyballts goes cray cray and shoots my MC but well worth it, even doing Stephen ...


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Really felice? Now the story is always right? One of our last arguments you claimed that this story was full of unbelieveble stupid people and that was breaking your suspension of disbelief. Now that i partially agree with your statement you denied it?
You love to have pointless arguments, do you?
I don't. I like to argue with a goal, wich is a mutual rational agreement where two people end with the same opinion regardless of what that opinion is as long as it'is the best. Sometimes it cannot be done but i always try and when i cannot means that i fail.

Well, not all stories can be always right. Sometimes a story contradict itself and then at some point it is wrong. Couse the only thing that is ever right is logic.
Also, you should not confuse "what you see" with "what it is".
You see Derek as an idiot, i dont. Who is right? well we will see, but at least one of us is seeing things wrong, or both.

Finally, when you analize a story there a lot more things that what is shown. Historical context, author's background, meta-narrative, narrative influences, narrative structure, public expectative.
It is Derek stupid? maybe but DPC sayd that he identified with him. I don't think DPC is stupid or that he sees himself as one. Then i dont think Derek is meant to be stupid, just goofy.
Yet if DPC sayd that Derek is stupid then it will be canonical to say that he is, regardless of my opinions over inteligence and stupidity.

"Maya needs someone to assist her in everything not just because she's the damsel in distress in the story"

"Damsel in distress". What an awfull expression. It is a discursive artifact made to blame the victim. You guys are going to somehow make me feminist even after all the fight that i put against thoose people.
I don't think thats your concient intention but it still is what it is.

Maya need help in one problem she has. That's not the same as everything. And that's how fiction works. If your understatement over someone needing help is to disqualified them putting the blame on him, calling "damsel in distress" and stupid then you will have a hard time reading any work of fiction.
Personally, you are cool felice, but beetween literature and you, i choose literature one millon times.

No, he didnt. He sayd Quinn uses the girls. Maya ask the obvious question, ¿how? and he never answer. Later Maya include MC in the plan as a collaborator. So, why Maya was stupid couse she forgot to ask and yet the MC get free couse he forgot to tell?. He had every information to knew that Maya's "dream" was to become a prostitute, yet he didnt explain that detail to her friend.
Later he become both her collaborator and her kinda "boyfriend". So, he wasnt smart enough to figure that the "free tuition" meant prostitution? or he wasn't smart enough to figure that her prude girlfriend will not accept prostitution? Why he collaborate with a plan that was not going to work and actually didn't?.

Man i literally answer that question the last post. They are friends, felice. You dont want your friends to fail and get out of college. That's why. You dont want to loose your girlfriend. That doesn't mean to be someone guardian for the love of god. That's the minimum friends do for each other, give advice, provide critial information and offer guide in difficult moments. But it is even worst, they were knowingly collaborating with that plan. They were a part of it, a team.

So, for you Josy didn't give a fuck Maya's position (wich is clearly not true "I give a fucking diarrea about you" Josy dixit). But she wanted to join the HOT's. She told Maya that the plan for the "free tuition" is excelent and will solve all thier problems, but the only thing she wanted was to join the HOT's. Lovely girl.

About the last question... is clear that for you guys to conclude "It is Maya fault" is an imporant thing. So let's talk about fault.

It is Patrick fault. Primarialy couse he started all of this and with malice.
Then it is DPC fault for building a story that doesnt have sense and does not takes into account details.

Then came the plot holes, and there if you insist in cannonized them:

Then it was also Maya fault for not asking, (happy?)
Then it is Quinn fault for having and ilegal ring and to fool Maya and not even clarified even when it was in her best interest.
You also get to Burkes fault for allowing and using this ring.
Then it is MC fault for being a shitty or stupid friend.
Then it is Josy fault for being a stupid friend.
Finally it is also Sage fault for living in Candy land when her sorority was being taken by an ilegal ring.
The MC told Maya that Quinn uses the girls to make money and that says it all.

There is something about Tommy and Quinn from the beginning with Maya. Maybe Rusty is in on it too. That is implied at least before the scene with the 3 shots drinking.
There the MC asks why Maya is not here and Rusty asks who is Maya. Thereupon Tommy to Rusty, I told you from ......
Derek replies that they are talking about his sister here and Tommy, that's your sister.... ?
Rusty's expression also changes from happy to disappointed.

It's probably more about Maya than much thinking. With Tommy's twisted mind, I could imagine that maybe he wanted to have peace with Josy and wanted to make sure Maya got the free tuition in the beginning with the help of Quinn or Tommy wanted to get revenge on Josy for something and wanted to use Maya for that.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
If you are in a relationship with both of them that should happen automatically or at least fuck Josy at least 2 times in episode 7
It is not so. My MC first fucked Maya and then entered into a relationship with Josy at the party and after that they didn't fuck but made love. I also had the hand holding in the gym.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
I don't think Jade is somehow related to Sage but she is definitely related to one of the main girls, I almost sure. There is a some hints to it but there is no full picture yet. Intuition tells me I am missing some piece of puzzle what already in the game (just like I've missed all of those hints about Maya and Josy knows each other in first 3 episodes).
Maybe that's why the puzzle piece isn't visible, because you have to choose between Josy/Maya and Jade in EP4.

When the MC role-plays with Jade, the MC becomes the son and Jade becomes the mother. Maybe son-in-law and mother-in-law? What if Jade is the mother of Maya?
The two have things in common. They are blonde, feminists, sexy and the MC can't have both of them together. Just a thought.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
The MC told Maya that Quinn uses the girls to make money and that says it all.

There is something about Tommy and Quinn from the beginning with Maya. Maybe Rusty is in on it too. That is implied at least before the scene with the 3 shots drinking.
There the MC asks why Maya is not here and Rusty asks who is Maya. Thereupon Tommy to Rusty, I told you from ......
Derek replies that they are talking about his sister here and Tommy, that's your sister.... ?
Rusty's expression also changes from happy to disappointed.

It's probably more about Maya than much thinking. With Tommy's twisted mind, I could imagine that maybe he wanted to have peace with Josy and wanted to make sure Maya got the free tuition in the beginning with the help of Quinn or Tommy wanted to get revenge on Josy for something and wanted to use Maya for that.
So you also think she is stupid and all her problems are her fault?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
Maybe that's why the puzzle piece isn't visible, because you have to choose between Josy/Maya and Jade in EP4.

When the MC role-plays with Jade, the MC becomes the son and Jade becomes the mother. Maybe son-in-law and mother-in-law? What if Jade is the mother of Maya?
The two have things in common. They are blonde, feminists, sexy and the MC can't have both of them together. Just a thought.
You don't think Derek would point out that Jade is his mother?


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
So you also think she is stupid and all her problems are her fault?
I definitely don't think so. But she is young and therefore has little life experience, which basically applies to all students at B&R. Maya simply has no experience with certain aspects of the dark side of life. But Maya is maturing the idea of resistance. This is seen in EP7 when she sits on the bed of Josy and the MC. She clenches her right hand into a fist. This could have symbol character.
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
I definitely don't think so. But she is young and therefore has little life experience, which basically applies to all students at B&R. Maya simply has no experience with certain aspects of the dark side of life. But Maya is maturing the idea of resistance. This is seen in EP7 when she sits on the bed of Josy and the MC. She clenches her right hand into a fist. This could have symbol character.
And the teachers too. They seem to do their own quote of stupid moves.
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