I recall early on, there is a scene where Rusty tells Tommy he had sex with Riona, yet strangely fans never voiced much concern about it.
Riona fans seem to be a different lot. Not as possessive.
Also, I'm still sticking to my belief that there is something going on between Rusty and Cathy. His concern for her goes way beyond just a student and his favourite teacher. More than the tears, the hugs, and the home visits with flowers, it's Cathy's own words. I think it was when Cathy called MC to her desk after class. She really talked about Rusty in a curious way. My Spidey sense started tingling. Rusty was immediately way more concerned about Cathy than any of the other guys and not because of the potentially harmful effect on the DIKs. I doubt Rusty and Cathy suddenly developed such a close bond in the aftermath of the leaked photo. Their actions suggest they were already close prior to the meeting. It wouldn't surprise me if Cathy and her "Russell" as she calls him, had a mistress/pet relationship.
Even if it's not true about Cathy and Rusty having sex, one thing is clear, he is the only other guy on campus besides MC who seems to be a real ladies' man. He even scored a date with Jill! He chats up Sage, has sex with Riona, has sex with Arieth (nothing out of the ordinary), probably diddles a few strippers, goes out with Jill, and has some kind of intimate relationship with a teacher, even if it's not sexual (
yet). The only other person who has been able to do that with teachers is MC. Bravo sir.
Sorry Derek, yours doesn't count.