Yeah, you don't see all the plot twits about the MC, Maya and Josy, and even Tommy, like something typical of a Soap-Opera. But I do. A Venezuelan or Colombian soap-opera. Ugly Betty, Pasion de Gavilanes... something like that. A "culebrón" (huge snake) as we call in Spain that kind of cheap, totally absurd, and extremely long soap-operas that old ladies love to see in TV after lunch with a coffee and a cigarrette.
Now, lets see what is going to happen with the mother of the MC and the Roices. That is going to be huge, too.
Actually, the premise of this game is based in arquetypes of soap-operas and cheap TV movies. The Jocks have ripped bodies, but are stupid. The nerds only think in studying and "dungeons and dragons", the rich guys are snob, classists and don't have any empathy (except Jill, of course, the archetype of the good rich girl that fights against social class prejudices)... The DIKS are hooligans, but at the end of the day, they have good hearts.... I could continue. Another example: the treatment of homosexuality could not be more archetypal and stereotyped, according with 2021 standards and prejudices. The love story of the two lesbians only can be sweet and inspiring. The love story of the two Jocks only can be tragical... Archetypes already seen in a million of movies, TV series, comics, videogames, etc.
Don't get me wrong: I enjoy a lot this game. But I don't thing it´s great writing. The dev is just a guy that has seen a lot of TV when child and young.