True, and I'd even say that it is the opposite of what has been proclaimed. Look at how DPC treats Jade's feminist class. The fems are shown to be objects of mockery and disdain, or at the very least they are the ones depicted as being extremists. They are fat and ugly and always shouting. Jade is a bit hypocritical about her views, so only Maya is left as a good example of feminist in game.
Throughout the game, boorish behaviour is rewarded with sex and masculinity is depicted as being fun (well aside from MC acting like a whiny little bitch boy at times). Look at Derek and Minnyy. Derek is likeable and funny where as Minny is perpetually angry. I'm quite sure that DPC even said at one point that he makes fun of feminism in game to annoy his feminist wife.
I am sorry Kellerman but i am going to take a break from our creationist friend.
You have a point. Its true that DPC make fun and ridiculize hardcore feminist. But this is the thing guys, most of the people in the left, most of us, we hate hardcore feminist. Even moderate feminist does. They are extremely violent arrogant and obnoxious. It's like a right wing conservative gay who reject neo-nazis groups and white supremacist, that doesn't mean he is not right wing, its just means he reject violent extremists.
And as a guy, and a wanker guy of course he hates hardcore feminist. They are against prostitution and porn!!!!. But on the other hand Maya is a feminist, Bella is a feminist. He sayd he had a feminist girlfriend, and even if he make fun of her they should have at least some common ground and a siimilar mind to find some agreements.
On the other hand. Hiper-masculinity is also ridiculized in the forms of the jocks. Rich people is ridiculized in the form of the preps. Liberal economics are ridiculized in Tybaults presentation. And since the main conflict this last 4 seasons was a conflict beetween a gay couple and a religious conservative, we kinda know his stand on homosexuality. And, if as both proclaim, feminism and religious are the opossite, then its always better to be portray as a comedic relief than as a villain.
So i have to agree with our tolerant and open-minded friend MandalayRoad.
I think in the context of worldwide political discuccions (regardless of what it means in Sweeden) i give DPC a 3/5 lefty. Not the best he can get but enough to be in the band.
This is how a feminist looks like:
Come on OFT, you can easily do it, to be ignore by him seems quite easy. This paladin of tolerance and free of thinking seems quite quick to ignore once he heard a different opinion. By the way, can you still see his post after he ignores you?.