Am I the only one who doesn't mind the way Assman reacted to the Maya & Josy twist? Does it make him look like an emotional lesbian? Absolutely. But it plays into his acting on impulse character trait and it humanized him. The lad is already pretty good looking athletic martial artist with massive penis who's also good at guitar, you gotta give him one or two flaws to make him interesting and not just another Gary Stu
It's probably right to suggest the guy we've got to know would behave that way; same as the way he got all weird with Sage in Ep7, but his behaviour still pissed me off.
The bit about hurting DPC's business really got me laughing. It's funny to think that a couple of subscriptions would be hurting him significantly. Because people sure as hell aren't spending money on his Patreon just to get an extra render or two. Not to mention the amount of cash he already has going his way. But I guess once you have a lot, you always start wanting more.
What's actually sad is that he treats with contempt those who put their faith in him by supporting his game. People who can easily pirate it easily, but choose not to. Meanwhile instead of trying to tighten the plot, reduce the grind - and reduce his workload in the process - he's thinking of new ways to pad the game out with filler. I'm pretty sure the majority wouldn't have noticed or cared if there were less mini-games or irrelevant padding, if it meant faster updates or more main-plot-relevant content making it into the game.
I doubt anyone would pay for a subscription
just to access those renders. It's a bonus for them when they support him, so yeah, I doubt distributing it would have any impact at all. People who are currently subscribing wouldn't be all like, "Oh shit, I can get it for free, I'll just cut my subscription", and people who haven't subscribed wouldn't choose not to because of the free renders, it's because the whole fucking game is available for free that they wouldn't bother.
I don't agree with the padding concern. I like almost every aspect of the game; I like that you can choose to meander a bit (in the free roams) or zip along with the story at other times. The only thing I didn't like was the pixel hunt, I never bothered with it in the DIKs mansion.
There are people commenting here that they love the minigames, and DnG has it's followers and detractors, so it's completely subjective as to whether there's anything wrong with what's been delivered so far.
What's not subjective is whether it's acceptable to take it for free. It's fucking not. But we do it anyway. Suck shit DPC, we're stealing your game.
If I was him, I'd bring the hammer down on anyone I found perpetrating or assisting in the theft of my product. Unfortunately we're untouchable, so he takes it out on the people that bring the love to us.
While this is true, it's not as simple as that. The guy wouldn't be in a position to bitch about money if this community hadn't supported him in the first place. Plus it's already been pointed out how hypocritical he himself is. To paraphrase a certain anime character - 'the only ones who steal, are those who are prepared to be stolen from'.
DPC hasn't stolen anything, "the ones who steal" are us. Sure DPC started here, but he's also made the choice to work full time on this game now, it's no longer a hobby. Things have changed. We can't actually take ay credit for what he has delivered, and we don't "deserve" anything.
We're not stealing from a big corporation that just wants to pay out billions to shareholders, we're literally stealing from one individual. He's doing well from this, no question, but that doesn't mean we have some kind of right to steal from him.
There's no justifying this. We're doing it because we can. It's better to accept that than to pretend otherwise.
It is rare but I don't agree with you. Not at All. it is always the classic south park episode that comes to mind mine, when the kids downloading music and some guy show up to explain them what a horrible things they do. and now P Diddy has to delay of buying the diamond fountain, because they downloaded his music. 30$ 40$ 75$ 100$ support is not an obligation, it's a respect that the customer show toward him.
as I said the comments the behaviour, it's like He doing you a favor and not the otherwise.
But this subscription is technically like you paying for netflix, every month but only in every 5 month you get to se a content and in the rest of the days you get status updatet about that it is coming
I like him, I like his games, so much that I was accused not once of being a Simp toward him.
But it's always him who act like a bitch, and he just gained another 100 subscriber today, surely he suffer greatly.
He should Just Shut up, do his job, and enjoy the praises and the money . Is that so Fucking hard ? I fully backs him up, in cases when somebody else try to make money out of his work, somebody download the game, and try to sell it as his own, Yeah I will be with him in a case like that.
But being this so fucking dramatic because of a preview, shared by someone who already on the 40$ payroll. Those who wants to give him that much money they already giving him, and I assume it is really not many of them , so is really worth to drop them ?
but whatever, we all said what we wanted to said, its nice that instead of the picture we talking about what an asshole he is. Just be careful, the higher you are the bigger you fail. Never go after the fans, a lesson that lots of peoples start to learn
Based on my previous post about an estimate as to how much DPC is earning, if you take that potentially large monthly sum, and divide it by the number of hours DPC has indicated he works, he's earning like around $70/hour. That's not P Diddy kinda money (I earn more than DPC when you break it down to an hourly rate...)
Plus he's not being all that dramatic. He just sent a single message akin to, "Fuck off cunt". It's everyone here that's being dramatic.
Have you ever had anyone steal your IP or creation?
I write software for a living and I had a customer give some of my code to a competitor who then provided the same custoemr with a solution using my template. It didn't cost me anything because, if I did the job, I would have just delayed other work and still had the same amount of cash at the end of the month. But it still pissed me off, and my company took action. The difference is we still have that customer and they don't give our solution to others anymore (we'd be way worse off if we just dropped that customer).
So I get the annoyance at someone taking your shit and giving it to others. They have no fucking right to do that. So am I a hypocrite for pirating this game? Sure, but I'm not gonna fucking whine about it if I get held to account.
i definitely get what you are saying. and im not denying that i was doing stuff i wasnt supposed to do. but it was literally a jpeg of a scene that isnt even canon in the game lol. if he had to power his beefy computers by riding a bicycle, i might sympathize more with him. but after posing a few scenes for a few hours of his time the computers do the rest and then he sells them early behind a large paywall. i agree with the others that this doesnt actually hurt his business in reality, it likely just hurts his ego/pride. im not personally profiting off the pictures and i already paid him for my access to it, so i would argue the line of "ownership" for these specific pictures is blurry at best.
and ultimately the entire next episode will still be posted here and everyone (including me) will play it for free. so was it worth it for him to lose $40 a month for the foreseeable future from me over something so insignificant? i guess he thinks so. but i dont really lose out on anything in the long run, and the only shitty part is that all of us here have to hope somebody else posts the patreon stuff otherwise there is literally nothing to talk about for months on end and all hype dwindles away.
thats my two cents
With the game being available here for free, the people who subscribe are those who give a shit about him, so yeah, all he's done is piss off a no-longer supporter, the money situation is irrelevant.
But he's done the same thing before, so you took a risk knowing what could happen. Like I said previously, I'd warn a first time offender, but I guess I'm just more tolerant. He probably doesn't get enough sleep and he's just a cranky motherfucker.