Also, I really do think that he got way too ambitious with this project and if he tries to outdo this one with his next project he's going to bite more than he can chew.
I think he's already bitten off more than he can chew in this game. Think about this, we aren't even halfway done, and you can already have sex with 3/5 of the major characters and most of the important side characters. How many more times can you repeat this without it becoming... well, repetitive. Will it be as exciting heading into season four? ...Season 5? Probably not. Not to mention, the major antagonists aren't that engaging (Tybalt is annoying, but not that engaging, while Chad is kind of interesting, but not that menacing), so there's not a ton of external conflict to drive the plot.
I think he really risks stretching this thing out too far. When you include a lot of material in the first half of the series, you're bound to run out of new material - unless you introduce more characters. That becomes a bit of a Mereenese knot in its own right, because the universe is already pretty big and the new characters aren't that interesting (such as the Madame and the annoying girl that has lunch with you, M&J).
I get that he wants to include a lot of content, but I'd rather just have a really good story that never feels old.
The answer is very simple - hire a coder to crank out the more rote elements, which wouldn't compromise his artistic vision at all. DPC is a bit of an egomaniac though, and it doesn't seem like he wants to share any of the glory. That's fine, it's his story, but it also comes with the risk of things becoming a bit... dusty.