Nah. Beside the things I already said, the fundamental difference between AL MC and his Ex, and MC and Zoe. The Players would not buy it. You spend 8 episode or more, 2 years, building a relationship with Jill for example, and its lead to a kind of love confession, only to Zoe show up later, and Suddenly MC is confused ?! Nah. Especially because Zoe was not a lingering feeling for MC , That was Josy. Zoe was never brought up beside that one background Story, and that it was, nothing more just a background Story. MC never give any vibe that he has unfinished business or lingering feeling toward her. This was the fundamental difference between Zoe, and Best Girl aka Josy . IF MC and Zoe was that serious, MC would act differently, try to keep in touch with her, visit her etc etc. But they Drifted apart very peacefully, Zoe even have a new Boyfriend.
Josy on the othehand was the Someone who MC was not ready to let Go. That is Why her arrival shaked the things up, not just with Maya, but also with Jill. Something MC still find weird and freak out about, is the developing relationship between Jill and Best Girl . Especially if He is "Dating" both of them

Zoe, may can return as a friend, visiting, and may be giving advice to MC, but even that would not feel natural for the Players. Because we do not have connection with Zoe.
Something like this could only work with someone like Sage. if Sage leave the game, and later many Chapter later she show up, that could cause believable "drama", but even that I think would be just like a Friend return to Help MC clear things up in his head.
In similar way like Anna returned to help Seth Cohen, in The O.C.
