ename144 , thank you for your amazing spreadsheet on the mansion minigame. Alas, I don't have Excel these days; I use LibreOffice. I think I read that your spreadsheet is designed only for Excel? I'm seeing some wonky behavior as I try to follow your tutorial, and I wanted to verify that the problem is likely my software. Assuming I can't use the spreadsheet, can I ask if I have some general principles correct? In fact, I'd rather play the game myself with some general guidelines, as I think it's a fun challenge.
1. First, I get that I should maximize the dumpster at start. Should I make any other investments? Cleaning supplies, say? I plan to donate my Pink Rose card to the repair effort. (This is a CHICK playthrough and I'm being Mr Nice.)
2. I should not assign any Work jobs at all until, say, free roam 5 or 6? In the meantime, invest in Work XP so that one takes only the best jobs all at once at the end of the process?
3. Should I allocate all 60 XP points available to me this time? I may have misunderstood, but I thought I read a post suggesting one should not do that. If I don't invest them, do they carry over to the next free roam?
4. One of your earlier posts suggests having two groups of three DIKs, each group with 90 work, but one prioiritizing Cleaning and the other Salvaging. So one ends up with 6 DIKs who have 90 work skill. No need for more than 6 DIKs with high work skill?
5. Can I prioritize Jacob's room? I want him to get painting soon.
6. I like the idea of the 3/3/3/5/9 constraint. Three rooms in the first three roams; then 5; then 9. In general, I imagine this means completely finishing some rooms early on, then leaving a bunch unfinished as one approaches the later weeks?
7. If I suspect a DIK of disloyalty, can I freeze him out of XP gain and still repair the mansion? Maybe it doesn't matter, as the mansion will be repaired before we learn who the mole is?
Again, thanks for your awesome work on this! It's much appreciated.