Okay I noticed this here. Maybe it's a coincidence, I'm not sure.
Episode 3 ends with the hero finding out that Josy and Maya are dating. And episode 4 begins with Josy and Maya remembering how they fell in love with each other. Episode 7 ends with the hero finding out that Chad and Troy are dating. Will episode 8 start with their memories? It's funny that Troy, Chad and Sage are a love triangle, as are MC, Josy and Maya.
The parallels between Maya/Josy and Chad/Troy are certainly interesting, though the role of the MC and Sage is very different (unless we learn Sage once had a thing for Troy, too).
But I doubt we'll get an equivalent flashback for C/T to start Episode 8 simply because they're comparatively minor characters that have very few connections to the MC. What we might get is a more indirect flashback that includes Sage's perspective on Chad but also shows us what was "really" happening with Troy. That would keep the focus closer to the main cast, and tie in nicely with Sage bearing her soul to Maya at the end of Episode 7.
Lol rando question but why are so many people down on Maya? , is it because she doesn't look like a sex doll like 90% of the girls in the game? , is it because she's lesbian? or is it because she's cock blocking yall from a solo route with Josey?.. I don't know, I personally think she's great, she has that "girl next door" vibe and her character model not being overly sexualized unlike majority of the B.A.D girls is a plus for me.
also I don't think either she or Josey needs solo routes,them being that cute lesbian couple separates them from the rest.. Tremelo already has like 95% of the games girls at his disposal, let's not be selfish now lol.
And really I don't see how a solo Josy route won't end with Maya being hurt cause if Josy chooses Tremelo over her, Maya won't have anyone, she won't have Josy or Tremelo leaving her sad and lonely.. Yall really wanna do that to poor ol Maya when you can just be with both her and Josy?.. But then again I'm probably in the minority here who actually gives a feck about Maya.
I adore Maya, so I can only speculate. But most of the dislike Maya seems to stem from some combination of the following reasons: a) She lied to the MC, concealing the fact that she was in a relationship (exacerbated by previously insisting on 100% honesty from him); b) she's a serial damsel in distress, all too often despairing at the challenges she faces; c) the MC is frequently dragged into her drama with little recourse for players who don't care for her; d) she will harshly reject the MC in Episode 4 under certain (poorly explained) conditions, but somehow she will remain a close friend of the MC afterwards; e) she prevents players from hooking up with Josy solo; f) her skin texture and makeup can be very rough in some shots.
Personally, I still find Maya to be a caring, introverted girl who's simply overwhelmed by the circumstances of her life. I understand why she couldn't explain her situation to the MC and want to help her become the confident woman she aspires to be (similar to her initial portrayal in Episode 1). So I'm forgiving of her occasional inaction, I don't mind enduring her drama, and I'm happy to share Josy with her. But I can see why others wouldn't feel that way.
I'm 12 years older than my wife and we have been married for 13 years and have two children together...to each their own, but age is just a number.
I'd say age is more than just a number. Our age also influences a lot of our outlook and experience because we absorb a lot about the world during our formative years. The world in the 80s was very different than the world in the 00s. That can not only give children each age a very different template for the world, it gives them much less common ground to relate to.
Of course that's just a broad stereotype. It's entirely possible to find people from different generations that have similar views on the world, just as it's possible to find (or make) common ground on things other than shared childhood experiences. So while I think large age gaps are a real impediment in general, for individuals who can overcome that gap it's largely unimportant.
I'll be curious to see how this plays out with Bella, especially once her secrets are finally revealed.
heyy soo i just tried your solution and by the end of episode 7 i am at 92% completion with $64 its almost close to your solution but wayy better than how i did it.. so i ll just finish it in the remaining two turns. A huge thanks for the help btw now i just need to follow this again on Josy and Jill's path -sigh- its gonna be tiring T_T
That's strange, the solution should have completed the house and windows with
$2 to spare.
Can you tell where your results deviated from the predictions on the spreadsheet? Off the top of my head the easiest things to miss would be sorting books for Bella just before the D&G session in Episode 6, and repairing Upper Area #2 during the free roam at the end of Episode 6.
But I don't think that would leave you with quite the results you mentioned, so something else must be going on.
As you said, you should be able to finish easily in Episode 8. But I'd still like to figure out what's causing the issue.