I usually run away from "First Release" games and such thing, but OH BOY, this was a nice pick up!
Just a qucik look at the Release Notes could tell you that this game have lots of work behind, it isn't the standard "Milk Release" where developers just release a couple of renders and a set up history to catch the attention of the public and check if he can arrange a few new supporters for his patreon.
Not this time, on my first play of every first release I just skip the whole content to see how much of it has, but when the PC just met his crush I had to stop the skip and glance how good her render was... and it was totally worth it.
Renders - 10/10 I would say, many kind of female characters: you like big boots? you got it, you are and ass guy? good for you, here theyy are, Red heads? You too my friend... MILF, Teen, EMO... GOSH SAID, it even had ANAL on his first release.. how many games do you know that had anal on his first chapter?.
History - Ok, im a very critic player when it comes to history, and I can't give this game a 10 on this topic, but it doesn't mean that the history is bad, no, I wouldn't say that.
The trama is good, it has loop holes and sings that I find that a bit irrelevant and it could be improved, but all in all I would say I'll like where things are heading and it's a shame that we will have to wait a couple or months for a chapter 2, or at least that's what I think about how long it would take.
Game Mechanics - I like them! Leeting you choose if the PC is a rude smart-ass or a classy man is pretty nice for me, but I feel that right now it has a small impact overall, I played for a total dick and just missed one scene, so I hope things will develop different with every decission you make on the game.
There a few minigames on the game, and I dont like minigames... Math/logicall is ok, I'll say its nice to have those break points in the game, but the english and fighting one... thouse are a bit annoying, specially the english one having in mind that many people are native english speakers, and even for me that I find myself with a nice english level, it's a bit hard to score a perfect at that without cheating.
The fighthing one.... I didn't bothered with him and just console-cheated the whole game.
Well, that's all, I'll keep an eye on this game for sure, and hope for it to became a top game on the site!