I'm late to picking this one up even though I was looking forward to it. I have to say its every bit as riveting as Acting Lessons, and is probably the only example of a 0.1 that ended with me as impatient for the next volume as I am for the next episode of one of my weekly animes.
It is a great credit to the creator and the game that I'm even making a review, because I go out of my way most of the time to not comment or get involved in threads. My praise for Being a DIK is at the point that I feel I do it a disservice not to offer a well thought-out review.
Seriously, great storytelling. Characters are obviously deep and well thought out (and I would expect no less from Dr.PinkCake). What strikes me when it comes to the characters and characterization, is there are no characters "left behind". What I mean is that every character has a name, and a clearly defined personality, to the point that I'm really left wondering just how deep Dr. PinkCake's notes are when it comes to this kind of thing.
Where some school/college based games choose to highlight the "speaker" and leave the others intentionally as black silhouettes (which is not itself a bad decision either) this game opts to name and develop every character.
There are a number of scenes where the background is made up of other characters that we either have not met at that point, or have seen in passing, and I think that is great. It is a huge plus to the immersion to have so many fully fleshed out characters. And I like the idea that if I see a glimpse of someone in the hallway, they aren't just filler, I will probably get to meet them some day.
I've played through the available content twice now, once as my "pure" character personality, and another trying for as much extra/DIK content as possible. I was very impressed at how the subtle choices of the game have such massive impact on your interactions with the characters. Everything from the dialogue to your general personality is affected by the DIK/Chick Scale, and it is obviously well thought out to do so. I am excited to hear that there is going to be content put in for a "neutral" path as well, as it is admittedly an initial concern that by taking a neutral approach you could miss a lot of content.
The only QoL change I've seen that I think is worth considering is maybe consider a more fleshed out bypass option that lets you play some mini-games and not others, instead of all or nothing.
I say this because I'm finding I'm not a huge fan of the Brawler Mini-Game, but the other 3 are great and immersive. (Note: The brawler mini-game is still immersive, its just a frustrating game for me so far, hence the initial dislike).
In conclusion, despite being only the first episode of this game, it has risen almost instantly in my long list of played games to the top of my favorites. This is not altogether unexpected, as I was a huge fan of Dr. PinkCake's last work, Acting Lessons, but I am pleased that the quality of story, characters, and overall experience that was present in AL has remained here in DIK. I look forward to playing through this new story and world that is being built.