i dont know why there is a such a big fuss about the adopted part... what do you guys expect? That the adopted kid will be kicked out of the family once its revealed to everyone or what? And than we will get a orgy with them or what? for what?Looking at Jade.... Looking at Sage....
I am not sure..... I know all the disbelievers out there think Patreon would rule the day and that it couldn't be revealed on the day that DPC pulls the Patreon plug for Steam exclusive contract....
But both those ladies have some most excellent genetics.... and Tybalt frankly seems to be the adopted one.....Probably dyes his hair to look like mommy.
It just doesnt matter... adopted or not, Sage is the daughter of both, and tybalt the son... there is nothing more to it... and there will be no sex or anything like that between them.
that sage is adopted was just a way for DPC to hide all the time that she is the daughter of Jade and Stephen to make an impact at some point for the players, thats it.
And its a easy way to explain why sage now wants to help maya.
Thats all about to say to this...
Just face it, adopted means DAUGHTER and SON and thats it... and DPC will not cross that line to make any sexual out of it, it will really not happen, not in a thousand years, and not after that.