No. Bella rejects you if Cathy sucks your magic dik. Maybe she likes to keep her car free of stains

I love the character and Young Bella is the prettiest of them all, the OMG scene was awesome. But to me she is the LI with the biggest plot holes and the weakest motivations. She shelters and takes you home with no real reason since you are a complete stranger, just another student. No teacher would risk her job like that, she should be more careful (like the scene with Jade). Wow, the Ice Queen takes you to her home, takes you to dinner, in her car drunk, all of that without knowing you, I wonder what a 'Fire Queen' would do.
It all makes much less sense after watching her flashback.
And she does all these things fully knowing that you are after her best friend. After warning Jill that you are trouble, excuse me what? You're kissing the 'boy' you despise and boss around and the 'trouble' almost the first day and never say a word to your best friend, you are really lousy at protecting her let me tell you ma'am.
But yeah despite this, I love her. And she is one of the most charismatic characters.
It's a slow burn. When you do a Quinn route, you see the little details. She explicitly chooses you for the cumpetition. She is probably jealous of Maya (maybe that's why she makes her life a living hell), she takes care of you when you are high on the roof... there is a pattern through the game, ending with the broccoli. For Quinn the challenge is intimacy and emotions, not sex. Terrified of showing emotions and losing control, the next step should be to run away and there will be a scene when you go to her and everything finally explodes.
idk. I love her path and I'm in to the very end fully knowing that the shitstorm is coming and she will end up expelled, dead or in prison or we'll get a bittersweet ending at best. Poor Riona is in danger too.
Oh, and the rain scene + follow up in the mansion is arguably the best in the game. Or one of the best at the very least.