I agree with most of the things, but honestly I consider Josy the most believably written character out of the bunch. Sure there are moments that make you scratch your head, but the way she's written is probably more believable than say Jill, Quinn, or Bella (probably not a good example, because there is a guy in real life that ended up dating and then marrying his high school teacher and what do you know, later in his life he became the president of France).
Jill's writing has been inconsistent. She started out great, but then there were periods of time that were really questionable, then came that whole blackmail thing and it made her my least favorite character.
I don't even want to talk about Quinn and it's probably DPC's fault, because she started out as an antagonist, but then DPC decided to give her a cheesy redemption story and there has been wild inconsistencies in the writing. Like for example she injects herself with heroin or whatever it was during the syringe seen and like 2 episodes later she's hesitant about cocaine.
Bella admittedly is my favorite character and the first episodes were frustrating, but then came the library scene, which adds intrigue into the storyline. I have a theory on that whole call out for help thing and it's based on the flashback scene from the last episode. Honestly, I think Bella was talking to herself in the library and that's why her boss sent her home because she saw that she was unwell. And while walking back home and supposedly talking to James, the background guy's facial expression was weird, which makes me believe James never was there with her. Now this whole situation is definitely caused by something tragic and it led to a mental breakdown or something. Though it's questionable, because that's way too dark for this game, but this being DPC I'm not gonna question that.