
Jun 16, 2018
sage must know because if not she would be the dumbest character in the game
i mean, how would you manage to run a prostitution bizz and a drug bizz right next door (literally next door) and she never seen/hear anything about it, even a lot of times characters enter quinn bedroom and she is selling/talking about the drugs, sometimes she has drugs and money on the headboard, i mean, come on, not even jill is that naive
if it was quinn alone doing the services and selling drugs would be kinda plausible, now with 6 girls envolved... impossibru
the free tuition rumor i bet its something that riona or sarah made up to bring more girls to the sorority and then "expand"
Only Quinn and Rio are selling weed so how could Sage know? Everything is happening either behind closed doors or outside of HOTs house.
And about restaurant it's same thing, everyone who is using her service is calling or texts her so again how could she know?
Does she follows Quinn or Rio? Or have cameras around the house? No.
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Aug 26, 2019
Only Quinn and Rio are selling weed so how could Sage know? Everything is happening either behind closed doors or outside of HOTs house.
And about restaurant it's same thing, everyone who is using her service is calling or texts her so again how could she know?
Does she follows Quinn or Rio? Or have cameras around the house? No.
That might happen in the next episode Quinn gets caught and sage takes some serious action


Nov 3, 2021
Only Quinn and Rio are selling weed so how could Sage know? Everything is happening either behind closed doors or outside of HOTs house.
And about restaurant it's same thing, everyone who is using her service is calling or texts her so again how could she know?
Does she follows Quinn or Rio? Or have cameras around the house? No.
cmon bro
in this type of sorority/fraternity people always know what happens with everyone
how diks always know that x has slept with a girl to make the walk of shame?
tommy goes to quinn a lot, they smoke weed on the top of diks mansion, one time they consume or smoke (i dont remember cleary) next to heather, quinn has drugs and money on her room, riona is smoking all the time...
i mean, its impossible that sage never saw/hear/smell something related with drugs, there is too much examples of people using drugs on open sight...
and the same with the restaurant, this is the type of things that people talk about and at least become rumors
plus, where the money to the sorority comes? how they maintain their lifestyle?
i bet sage knows but let quinn take care of that type of things because she has more experience and she will leave soon and quinn became the new president
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Choose Josy first in EP5 and Maya first in EP6. And why? I, as the player, want Maya to perceive my tremolo as heterosexual. But in EP5, Maya tells the MC that she sees him as a woman. In EP7, Josy comes first again, then there is a hot movie night with Maya. At the hot party, Josy becomes Tremolo's girl. In EP8, Josy and Maya reconcile and go swimming with Tremolo. Tremolo first has sex with Josy in the hot tub, which is very satisfying to Josy. Maya is perhaps too tight, so Tremolo doesn't last quite as long and Maya comes up short. Of course, Maya had to change that during the Dorm Party. As you can see, it's always a back and forth.

You are twisting the facts that Maya is alone. What do you think Josy and Maya should do?

Yes, Maya goes to Tremolo. Suddenly Patrick is back in the room looking for his daughter. Booooom.
Maya goes to Tremolo and Josy goes back to the dorm. Suddenly, Patrick is back in the room and sees Josy. Booooom.
Josy goes to the HOT and sleeps there, right after arguing with Maya. Booooom.

There was no other option.

EP8. Did you really read the conversation between Josy and Maya? Josy says to Maya that the HOT's are open-minded about girl-girl sex. Okay, that doesn't really help Tremolo. But Maya also asked Josy if it's okay for the HOT's to have threesomes too.

I assume Maya was referring to Quinn. There can't really be anyone else in question. Sarcasm.

To your last point.
The diary provides a possible reference point for Tremolo through the photo of his mother with Vivan and Miranda.
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
I honestly don't understand what you mean....
theories do not interest me at this time

since chapter 5 the 3 are together, yet the moments between them are the ones I listed.

MC, and the player who controls him, can choose what he wants, but in fact in the fifth chapter he chooses whether to leave Maya crying alone at the preps, or to leave Josy carrying her suitcases to her room alone, and the game rewards the player by making him have sex with the one he chooses.

there was no choice to let MC host Josy, ok. I never questioned it. but what does it have to do with the fact that the two of them are celebrating how much they love each other while Maya is alone and defeated in her room convinced that she has to renounce to Josy this time forever? ok, it's a porn game and the characters have sex at every opportunity (except if they are in a troupe, in that case they prefer to study) but it remains a not particularly sensitive scene.

the mention of chapter 8 then i don't really understand what it means... what do HOTs have to do with MC's room always being available?


Nov 27, 2021
People that say that Sage knows about Quinn´s business, and allows it, or even is a part of it, could please ask me two questions?

What Sage can possibly gain allowing a prostitution and drugs ring into the sorority that she´s presiding? And what can possibly lose?

My answer: she has nothing to gain, since she doesn´t need the money, and she has everything to lose, including jail and her future, if that ilegal ring comes to light. She doesn´t even smoke pot, unlike Tommy, that is bond with Quinn's business because she´s his supplier. Someone said that she is the dumbest character in the game if doesn´t know about Quinn´s business. I say she would be the dumbest character if she´s involved in Quinn´s business, or just allows it, since she doesn´t need the money for paying the tuition or any other thing.

Also, the arc of this character is not becoming suddenly in another Quinn. DPC has been portraying her as a decent person for several chapters. Her obvious arc as a character is to discover that her own father, her protegee and best friend Quinn, and half of her sisters at the HOTs have betrayed her, that she has been a fool, and to have a massive breakdown. After that, she will recover with the help of Tremolo, if Tremolo doesn´t betrays her too along the game. If Tremolo fucks her mom and knows about Quinn´s business being a client of Quinn´s restaurant, probably Sage is going to have a bad ending.
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2021
People that say that Sage knows about Quinn´s business, and allows it, or even is a part of it, could please ask me two questions?

What Sage can possibly gain allowing a prostitution and drugs ring into the sorority that she´s presiding? And what can possibly lose?

My answer: she has nothing to gain, since she doesn´t need the money, and she has everything to lose, including jail and her future, if that ilegal ring comes to light. Someone said that she is the dumbest character in the game if doesn´t know about Quinn´s business. I say she would be the dumbest character if she´s involved in Quinn´s business, or just allows it, since she doesn´t need the money for paying the tuition or any other thing.
i basically answered that on the previous post
im not saying she is envolved, im saying that she at least suspect
sage is loaded but most of the students are not. i mean, she criticize rusty for using daddy's money and living in a bubble and how fraternities must be independent and self sustain buttttttttttttttttt... we ever seen HOTs working? we saw the car wash but thats a thing for hell week or something, i dont thing HOTs wash cars for living so the question remains. how hots survive? where the money comes? their mansion isnt cheap, they need to eat, they make parties... i think you understand what im saying


May 23, 2021
Each path, by itself, is worthy, the reward is all the stars in the night sky.

And the debacle with Bella, don't give up, it has to be fixable somehow. She is worth it.
I was super against Bella in the beginning chapters, then I did a playthrough going for Bella I'm 100% team Bella now.
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Jun 16, 2018
cmon bro
in this type of sorority/fraternity people always know what happens with everyone
how diks always know that x has slept with a girl to make the walk of shame?
tommy goes to quinn a lot, they smoke weed on the top of diks mansion, one time they consume or smoke (i dont remember cleary) next to heather, quinn has drugs and money on her room, riona is smoking all the time...
i mean, its impossible that sage never saw/hear/smell something related with drugs, there is too much examples of people using drugs on open sight...
and the same with the restaurant, this is the type of things that people talk about and at least become rumors
plus, where the money to the sorority comes? how they maintain their lifestyle?
i bet sage knows but let quinn take care of that type of things because she has more experience and she will leave soon and quinn became the new president
Well using drugs and selling them are two different things.
Yea Sage knows that Rio is smoking but why do you think she knows it's all coming from Quinn?
Even if she would ask Rio about it or Quinn, they would just say that they bought it from someone on campus or whatever, like I said earlier drugs on campus are the same like alcohol it's just there.
And Yea it's just rumors like you said, same thing was with free tuition rumor.
Money comes from parties like with preps and Sage knows it, i bet there are donations too even if Sage doesn't want help from her family, i think Jade gives something to them because kids are everything for her.
But if she knows like you say, what's in it for her? She would know about her father?
That's just doesn't make sense.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I was super against Bella in the beginning chapters, then I did a playthrough going for Bella I'm 100% team Bella now.
her story starts really bad, until the third chapter it really seems to want to take advantage of a nymphomaniac, but from that point on, if you choose to goase her, it improves incredibly chapter by chapter.

of course you still do not know anything about her husband is incredible


Dec 27, 2017
Quinn is running two businesses at the same time. The "restaurant" and the drugs. We know that she started all this (at least the drugs) last year since both her and Riona got into B&R as part of the "rejects" as per Tommy's word, and Quinn also remembers the hazing of being a daughter as she talks about it if the MC decides to sit with her and Sage in the cafeteria. In one of Riona's talks with Quinn in the HOT backyard, they talk about the free tuition, and how the rumor has been spreading. If I remember right, they both also have their scholarship paid as well. Seeing Mona's files being deleted by Burke clearly means that it is real, but it is something Quinn doesn't like to have spread. The how and why this all started is still unknown, though.

Now, who is part of each business. Quinn is the leader (at least with the HOTs) and until recently Rio was her right hand in both businesses. Camila and Mona are also in both, as seen with the girls' conversation in Mona's dorm. Due to that, Lily found out, but so far she seems to only be working in dealing drugs. Now the other students. Sarah and Melanie are also part of the "restaurant," but it's not confirmed if they are also selling drugs. Then we have Quinn and Tommy's conversation in the DIK basement, in which it is confirmed that Heather, Elena, John Boy, Tommy and the aforementioned girls all know about the drugs, but not Sage as she would be against it. Tommy even tells that if Sage ever finds out, that Quinn can use the DIKs to take the blame. Rusty knows about it all too, but he doesn't want to be part of it. As an extra, we also know Quinn is selling to the Alphas, being Dawe the only confirmed so far, and other students like Sally, Karen and Rich.

Reasoning on why Sage doesn't know about any of this? In a way she does. As mentioned a lot of times in the game, there are plenty of rumors in B&R, of note the "HOT's free tuition." But so far it's just that, rumors. And if her sisters, whom Sage trusts, tell her they are not truth, why would she not believe them? I also understand it's a little forced, but it's not completely implausible. Sage is very happy having Quinn as her VP. As she states to the MC if he decides to stay with her, Quinn knows what to do without Sage asking her to do it. Basically Quinn holds the reins and Sage doesn't know what she does at all. This is all on Sage of course, as it's her job to supervise Quinn, how she does the job and where she gets the money. Quinn knows this and takes advantage of her, as seen with the preps party for example. But as Riona has stated, expanding the business means more exposure, and sooner or later it's a fact that Sage will find out about it. And when that happens, it will be quite the shitstorm for the HOTs.

Now, how much the MC knows about all this. Not much really. He knows about the "restaurant" to some extent, no matter if he is a customer or not. If buying, he knows which girls are part of it. But about Burke and the whole "free tuition" matter he has no clue. Maybe some suspicions, but that's all. Same with the drugs. He knows that some of them use drugs, but not that Quinn is selling them. He also may know that the HOTs are having trouble with money after talking with Rio and Quinn, having the option to give Rio money, and pondering if helping Quinn with his 5K of the inheritance. In a way and with what little he knows, the MC may not see what the girls are doing as bad per se, but just as a way to survive. Of course, Burke and the tuition will change all this when the MC finds out.
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Mar 22, 2021
the biggest doubt is Burke's role, if he keeps the circus going in order to have sex with a couple of uninhibited students (which normally a professor doesn't have to struggle to do) he's the worst businessman in the world, but if he's behind everything I don't think the restaurant can sustain itself on the consumption of penniless students (MC hardly ever pays, to mention)
I completely agree.

What we see of Burke in relation to the restaurant remains unclear.

In the discussion between Quinn and Mona, we can't tell exactly who did what :

- Was Mona sent to Burke by Quinn (like when the MC calls the restaurant)?

- Did Mona solicit Burke, knowing or not knowing who it was?

- Did Burke approach Mona directly? (So he knew she was a prostitute.)

From what we know of the operation of the restaurant via the MC, we must first go through Quinn. Once that is done, we can directly ask the girls without going through Quinn.

In all likelihood, Burke is at least a customer (without knowing since when, Mona was perhaps his first dish, or his tenth). Regarding an active role within the restaurant, we do not know.
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Nov 27, 2021
we ever seen HOTs working? we saw the car wash but thats a thing for hell week or something, i dont thing HOTs wash cars for living so the question remains. how hots survive? where the money comes? their mansion isnt cheap, they need to eat, they make parties... i think you understand what im saying
They survive the same way the DIKs get the money to restore their mansion: by working. John-Boy says that Elena told him that they do community work and it sucks but pays well. Sage says somethin similar: donations, community work, being payed to assist to parties like the one of the "preps", things like that. It's supposed that every sister pays a fee to maintain the sorority and themselves and it´s supposed that people pays a ticket to be invited to the parties. We don´t see the HOTs working, the say way we don´t see them at the toilet: because that´s not relevant for the plot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
I completely agree.

What we see of Burke in relation to the restaurant remains unclear.

In the discussion between Quinn and Mona, we can't tell exactly who did what :

- Was Mona sent to Burke by Quinn (like when the MC calls the restaurant)?

- Did Mona solicit Burke, knowing or not knowing who it was?

- Did Burke approach Mona directly? (So he knew she was a prostitute.)

From what we know of the operation of the restaurant via the MC, we must first go through Quinn. Once that is done, we can directly ask the girls without going through Quinn.

In all likelihood, Burke is at least a customer (without knowing since when, Mona was perhaps his first dish, or his tenth). Regarding an active role within the restaurant, we do not know.
Burke is so stupid that he went to molest Mona when his wife and his partners are walking around? And why did Quinn send Mona and not Camila or Riona? They are much more experienced girls. If she wanted to make sure she became a restaurant dish, wouldn't it be easier to offer Mona Tremolo first?


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Do not see it as a celebration, rather as a mutual comfort.:D

The point of EP8 shows the clear interest of Josy and Maya, that they want to have sex in threesomes, that is, with tremolo.:love:
js "You and me, both."
js "But I will say that I feel much happier today than I've felt in months."
js "And that's kind of fucked up to say, given what happened tonight..."
js "But it's how I feel... And it's because of you."
js "You make me feel..."
js "...safe."

Josy feels justifiably guilty, but only afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
They survive the same way the DIKs get the money to restore their mansion: by working. John-Boy says that Elena told him that they do community work and it sucks but pays well. Sage says somethin similar: donations, community work, being payed to assist to parties like the one of the "preps", things like that. It's supposed that every sister pays a fee to maintain the sorority and themselves and it´s supposed that people pays a ticket to be invited to the parties. We don´t see the HOTs working, the say way we don´t see them at the toilet: because that´s not relevant for the plot.
Parties don't happen every day.
I also think that Sage only suspects that her sisters work as prostitutes, but she has no proof and she does not want to indiscriminately accuse them of this. So it was with Sarah and Melanie. She assumed that they fucked with Chad, but did not say this so as not to violate the rule of HOTs: not to attack each other.
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Nov 3, 2021
Well using drugs and selling them are two different things.
Yea Sage knows that Rio is smoking but why do you think she knows it's all coming from Quinn?
Even if she would ask Rio about it or Quinn, they would just say that they bought it from someone on campus or whatever, like I said earlier drugs on campus are the same like alcohol it's just there.
And Yea it's just rumors like you said, same thing was with free tuition rumor.
Money comes from parties like with preps and Sage knows it, i bet there are donations too even if Sage doesn't want help from her family, i think Jade gives something to them because kids are everything for her.
But if she knows like you say, what's in it for her? She would know about her father?
That's just doesn't make sense.
if sage takes money from her parents to run the HOTs she would be a hypocrite because she gaves us a lecture about how rusty uses daddys money to run the DIKs and how thats wrong yada yada
we dont know how is her relationship with her parents, we only know that she attendeds to a party using HOTs clothes and her parents and brother were there :KEK: :KEK:
we dont know if she is a daddys girl or she doesnt have a very good relationship with him or her mother
what we know is that her "sisters" were trading sex for money at a party where she and her family were

They survive the same way the DIKs get the money to restore their mansion: by working. John-Boy says that Elena told him that they do community work and it sucks but pays well. Sage says somethin similar: donations, community work, being payed to assist to parties like the one of the "preps", things like that. It's supposed that every sister pays a fee to maintain the sorority and themselves and it´s supposed that people pays a ticket to be invited to the parties. We don´t see the HOTs working, the say way we don´t see them at the toilet: because that´s not relevant for the plot.
ok, fair enough, they can have jobs like the DIKs have but if they can sustain their lifestyle why sage and quinn are so worried about expanding and having more sisters?
what bills they need to pay? or what is so expensive that their work and donations dont cover?
i think there is something about the HOTs that we dont know


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Jan 6, 2020
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