
And that's when he's sneaking into Jill's room during the middle of the blackmail subplot...
I (and many people) have commented on how bad Jill looks when she opens her mouth, but I gotta say, she looks pretty good here with her mouth wide open... In an 'O' kinda shape... Yeah, she looks good and... useful...
I love how we're all honoring Ivrhym's intentions to keep this particular conversation under spoiler wraps, even though pretty much everything is out in the open on this thread now.
My opinion only and NOT to dis Maya, however....
Knowing Lily's story pulls the rug out from any sympathy I had for Maya's college funding situation.
Lily is goal oriented. Ambitious. Works hard AND doing college. Doesn't whine about it. Implies she has standards about what she likes in a man..... etc...... etc..... etc.....
Complete surprise as I had being working other paths. In the same league as one of the main LIs.
Less hassle than some of the main LIs. DPC must have got hooked on the character when he created Lily.
I like her a lot.
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To be fair to Maya, her parents (i.e. her father) were probably a lot less supportive about her independence:
Lily: "Mom, Dad, I've been thinking it over, and I think I'd like to pursue a career in stripping, and who knows, it may even dabble in some prostitution too. I also expect there'd be a lot of drugs involved. Whaddya think?"
Lily's Mom: "That's wonderful darling. Well I'm sure I told you before, being a prostitute opens up all sorts of avenues... I would never met your father if it wasn't for him and his mates gangbanging me that fateful evening. They were all good, but I could tell, when your father was balls deep in my ass, it was really something special. *sigh*"
Lily's Dad: "Good for you girl, there's definitely a lot of money down those paths, people are virtually throwing cash at you! Actually, they really will be throwing cash at you. Ha ha, fuck I'm funny some times!"
Lily: "Oh Dad, you're so silly! Thanks Mom and Dad, it means the world to me that you care and love me so much."
Maya: "Mom, Dad, I was talking with a friend the other day and she mentioned she usually gets a summer job. I'd love to give that a try, am I allowed to?"
Maya's Mom: "Oh that could be a lovely..."
Maya's Dad: "Silence woman, if the Good Lord had intended for you to have an opinion, he wouldn't have made woman inferior to men!"
Maya's Mom: "

Maya's Dad: "I heard that! I'll deal with you later... Maya, no. You don't need a job. Right now all you need to do is focus on learning your womanly duties. What good is an income to a woman when her main goal in life is to please her husband?"
Maya: "Well maybe I don't want a husband... I mean, like, maybe, I mean, what if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with another girl, like you know, hypothetically speaking..."
Maya's Dad: "You fucking what!? It's that girl Josy isn't it! I knew there was something evil in that girl! You are not to see her again, do you understand!"
Maya: "OK, Dad. But you said I could enrol in college right? To make me more interesting to my future husband?"
Maya's Dad: "Yes, I did say that didn't I. OK, let's go organise that this week. We'll need to sort out a loan for you, you leave that to me."
Jill is pretty much my type. I like girls who are stacked, in shape, and have either black or red hair.
And She is rich AF sooo
Yeah, and personality and intellect are so overrated, amirite?