She's not controlling at all, but she is the rote wikipedia entry of the Stray Cat/Broken Bird trope. She doesn't want to choose your friends, but you need to pick only the best (by her definition, which you psychically need to figure out), she's not going to tell you what career to pick, but it better be the best (same criteria) and when it comes to interaction with her, it's going to be on her terms all the time, 24/7 whether she realizes she's doing it or not.
and yeah control is a factor in that something horrendous happened to her beyond her control, and thereafter she made getting absolute control of her life pretty much priority 1.
She's not an asshole but she is the MG that literally will drop you after ANY circumstance where what you do is a sum negative to her point of view, and there is no road to redemption or making mistakes.