SanchoMod - yes just another update note (and a permission request)
Good evening. Note that the mod's update journal found
here is pretty much maxed out (posts are limited to amount of attachments so I can't add more images to notes) so I have to start another post.
Note 12: I'm tagging
fakitap for permission request to use his math in the mod for which I've given credit with the mod's info screen (see arrow in image below). I've tentatively used his resource as I can code my ass off but wanted to progress refining the mod instead of recreating all of the math behind the mansion minigame:
Like the FR/Hangout/DnG/etc guides the mansion minigame automatically replaces information within the MiniStat screen as appropriate. I decided to include an XP auto-population option for another quality of life improvement. This feature is completely optional to the player but can facilitate easier input and faster scum saving for jobs (if that's what you're going to do anyway). Here's the breakdown:
Sample of screen before the minigame showing the MiniStat in it's normal state (I've made the stat screen larger in all of the following images to be easier to see in these images, the MiniStat screen is scalable on the fly so you can make it larger/smaller as you deem necessary):
The following is the previous round's summary directly before the new allocation screens. It simply shows basic info as the player reviews the summary:
This is the XP allocation screen with the math from
fakitap described earlier. This shows the initial screen with no XP adjusted by the player yet. Note the option to auto allocate these described XP results within the MiniStat screen:
Here the player has pressed the auto allocate. Note the changes and remaining available XP automatically show what's been done. The player can now click "Next" to proceed if all is good, remove/add XP freely as desired, or completely reset XP like normal:
Here the player pressed "Next" and we are on the assignments screen. Note the MiniStat has changed to display information pertinent to this screen, again using the math populated by
The player has made desired assignments, and finalized. This is just a screen showing the MiniStat going back to it's normal state after that occurs:
That's it for this update note. All the pics above are already old at this point as I've already made GUI tweaks for aesthetic improvements but you get the point. Feel free to see the many other features within the other post's entries from the link at the beginning of this post. It's time for this evening's Crown & Cokes as I get back to it. Regards and be well.