so he's being irrational ( or should I say he's being human ?
Yeah, that's exactly my point, he is being irrationale. What I dont get it's why someone would justify his actions. He has reasons to be angry, but he doesn't have a legitime claim against anyone.
You're also forgetting the fact that MC is not this guy you're painting him to be. HE HAS ISSUES WITH BEING WITH A GIRL IN A RELATIONSHIP.
The fact that you have remorse could not justify the fault. If you insist that it is, then the same would apply for Josy and Maya, and then we would agree there are inocent as well. Yet you claim than Josy is on the wrong. So then we can considerer MC remorses as irrelevant or extenuatory but not absolutory. That's it, he shows lack of moral, not absolute but still.
She didn't know but we aren't victim blaming here we are still seemingly Discussing WHY MC acted like MC
Then you will agree with me, that on this regard Josy has no blame and the MC is being irrationale.
But he wasn't entirely wrong either.
No, you don't. I wouldn't call it "victim blaming", we are just arguing if the MC is victim of something or not. I know you don't hate Josy and Maya for this but we still disagree.
A. Josy knew he was going to B&R. B. Josy knew the only reason she wanted into B&R was her "Boyfriend" it wasn't like the best choice for her field of study ETC. She knew why she was going there. C. She wasn't upfront with this information.
She had no reasons to be upfront with theese information. She had reasons to not cheat on Maya, yes. The MC had reasons to not fuck Josy, yes. But you don't have any significant moral obligation to give to a still one fuck time specifications about your life.
To make this matter worse the MC contradict itself about the specifications about gender (one line is an important thing, the other is not) and volgue also claim that Josy told the MC about Maya being in B&R, we should check if that's another contradiction.
AND HE DOES TELL THEM HE'S dating other girls. The only possible omission is going Quinn route which in all honesty DR pinkcake kinda just fucked up the coding to allow you to do so. As during the choice phase she can't be chosen if you're on a neutral path.
But you are claiming that Josy is in the wrong for not speficate about details over their relationship. Yet you don't see the fault on the MC giving noone?.
Weeks to tell MC you get mad because mc doesn't tell her withing the first 30 minutes of finding out Maya and Josy
I am not mad. I am just pointing out how absurd is to acuse someone of omiting a specific detail about a relationship she had... and at the same time omiting a really huge fact about the relationship he had.
Now at this point varage, I am really confused, couse you claimed before that the MC is an hypocrite. Yet every time i point out what i think are their hipocrite acts, you seem to justify him.So, why exactly you think he is hypocrite?. Is an honest question.