My first breakup was so fucking extreme and in everyone's faces (got a girl pregnant in high school, her parents intervened and split us up), so nothing else registered big drama after that, just the usual tears or anger and miner stalking in a couple of later failed relationships (why do women stalk their ex's!?)
But I think any significant relationship deserves the effort to do the breakup to someone's face.
One of my friends broke up with a girl he'd been with for 2 years via text when she was overseas. That's just fucking mean!
But back to the game, at least in the mc's case, none of the relationships were very serious:
- Sage was only really thinking about getting serious for a week or so before the mc called it off, so she wasn't really hurt at all, just surprised and a bit disappointed.
- Maya isn't going to worry I reckon, her whole "no strings attached" approach means she'll accept it as something that just didn't work out, and she's got Josy like you said. She'll probably still be dramatic though, it's what she does.
- We've already seen Bella's reaction. The fact that she's had doubts about it all along, and in the long run she realise it was definitely the smart thing to do, but we can definitely see she's down after the call, the mind can't always tell the feelings to fuck off. She'd already just recovered from one semi-psychotic breakdown, I'm sure she'll be fine...
- Josy will take it hard I reckon. I think she already loves the mc, and even if she has Maya to fall back on, she really wants the mc too. She won't take it well.
- Jill is the one to worry about though. She already thought it was serious relationship (the impression she'd given her friends was that they were already a couple). And obviously if she catches the mc fucking Bella, it's gonna take a while for that shit to blow over!
She's got serial killer written all over her!