Being a basic DIK seems enough for it:I believe you have to be a massive Dik
"Tell a joke" if True:
if dtype < 1:
mc "What did the librarian say to the student?"
scene d1_isa2 with dissolve
isa "Shhh!"
scene d1_isa1 with dissolve
mc "Oh, so you've heard that one already?"
isa "..."
mc "Sorry..."
mc "I'm really here to apply for a library card."
elif True:
$ RPisabella -= 1
mc "Hey Isabella! Are you a book? Because I would like to check you out."
scene d1_isa3 with dissolve
$ renpy.pause()
jump d1_thrown_out
"Ask about library card" if True:
mc "I would like to apply for a library card."
dtype 0
means neutral, so the less questionable joke should fire for neutral or CHICK protagonist.