switched to another laptop i had lying around and managed to download and extract the patch zip with no apparent issues. am dowloading the main game zip now hopefully it all goes wellI did have the same issue previously, in my experience this happens when there was an interruption during the download that cause a corruption in the game file. There is also an instance when finished downloading the game but did not extracted the file immediately sometimes the pc had some viruses that corrupt the file.
Here out of ordinary suggestion which work out for me way back. Try downloading the game in a different device such as an android phone or different pc. It will be much better if you can download the whole file and not the split version then extract the game in the phone if the game is extracted without a problem then the issue is on the pc that corrupts the game. If the issue remains the same. Try downloading on different site.
This is just my own reccomendation
that's also a possibility I guess, don't know why there would be an issue there but then agaiin the laptop i use for games is pretty old and not that good so it could be that some part of it just doesn't like these files or has issues when working the %appdata% folderOr maaybe there could be an issue in the %appdata% folder? Can that even cause something like this?