Up until now, Quinn has been my number one. However, something that happened in this past episode has me starting to lean toward Sage.She's got a massive wet spot for him, at the very least!!!!
No, because people would still find reasons to hate her, and they do when you look at a lot of the criticism she comes in for and see that much of it is unrelated to this plot. The central theme of all of this is that her Dad is someone of extreme religious ideology who's trying to control her and keep her from being with someone she loves. Even if you took the tuition out, I feel this central theme has to stay because it's what produces the most stakes and tension, but obviously it would be done in a different way. People can try to fanfic alternatives for a Maya plot all they like, but most I've seen are either dry and simple like Jill's plot or just flat in terms of whatever drama they think works better.Dude... I respect opinions even though I strongly disagree with them...
But don't you think Maya would be more likeable if she didn't have a free tuition problem? To say that her problem is not negatively affecting her character is either playing the fool or being too naive.
Funny thing about that "Maya never tried to find out what it was about" part is that in that scene, Maya is the one who actually does ask about it. She says to Quinn, "What do we have to have to do exactly?", but the answer isn't given at that time since Sage and the other girls walk in so Quinn clams up.Quinn ask if they heard about rumors and ask if they are interested, but Maya never tried to find out what was it about. Someone is offering you free money and you don't care to know what you should do to get it? And as the guy said, she never asked any other HOT about it. And it is funny that she doesn't trust Quinn at all, but she decided to trust the rumor about a free tuition when Quinn asks if she is interested even without knowing what is it about or either if it was true or not.
Also, Quinn didn't know about her money problem. So when you say "Quinn explicitly baited Maya with the idea of addressing her money problem" that is totally wrong.
What does the Tasks app on your cell say? For most branches, you have to visit Derek's room if my memory serves me well.guys what do i do at the halloween party after the nurse girls drinking game? looked everywhere and nothing
If they tell the truth to the MC, they fear (reasonably) that he will freak out and call the police. Quinn is involved in shady businesses, so it is easy to understand her reticence to having the police investigating anything.Up until now, Quinn has been my number one. However, something that happened in this past episode has me starting to lean toward Sage.
So, Vinny pulls that gun on MC, forcing him to back off. Tommy tells him not to worry, it's not a real gun. A little later after Tommy tells Quinn what he said to MC about the gun, she tells him that MC must never know it's a real gun.
Right then. Later on down the line when Vinny takes this gun out again, MC is going to be working on the assumption the gun is not real and act accordingly.
Somebody is gonna be taking a bullet when it goes off. I don't think it will be MC (Or at least not a fatal shot if it IS MC.) but it's likely to be one of the HOTS. And it will all be the fault of Tommy for not telling him in the first place, and Quinn by insisting MC not be told the truth.
Oh i'm still gonna fuck Quinn at every opportunity, mind you... But, just sayin'
Actually, Tommy told Quinn the MC must never know it's a real gun and not the other way around...but she does end up agreeing to it.Up until now, Quinn has been my number one. However, something that happened in this past episode has me starting to lean toward Sage.
So, Vinny pulls that gun on MC, forcing him to back off. Tommy tells him not to worry, it's not a real gun. A little later after Tommy tells Quinn what he said to MC about the gun, she tells him that MC must never know it's a real gun.
Right then. Later on down the line when Vinny takes this gun out again, MC is going to be working on the assumption the gun is not real and act accordingly.
Somebody is gonna be taking a bullet when it goes off. I don't think it will be MC (Or at least not a fatal shot if it IS MC.) but it's likely to be one of the HOTS. And it will all be the fault of Tommy for not telling him in the first place, and Quinn by insisting MC not be told the truth.
Oh i'm still gonna fuck Quinn at every opportunity, mind you... But, just sayin'
DPC is currently just a ghost of the man he once was, I doubt he would have the balls to make the MC get shot. I can't even imagine that scene in the game, I would be positively surprised if it happened.the scene where Tommy tells MC that Vinnie's gun is not real could cause real problems. since MC now thinks Vinny is a coward and the gun isn't real, he will probably attack Vinny next time they meet and possibly end up getting shot. since you know, Vinny is a fucking pussy and would get his ass kicked without a pussy weapon like a gun. a weapon that only a pussy uses..cause you know, only a pussy needs a weapon. cause..they are pussies..hopefully i got my point across...
"The fancier the gun, the bigger the pussy who owns it". I mean he's packing a 9mm semi-automatic... Still a pussy nonetheless.the scene where Tommy tells MC that Vinnie's gun is not real could cause real problems. since MC now thinks Vinny is a coward and the gun isn't real, he will probably attack Vinny next time they meet and possibly end up getting shot. since you know, Vinny is a fucking pussy and would get his ass kicked without a pussy weapon like a gun. a weapon that only a pussy uses..cause you know, only a pussy needs a weapon. cause..they are pussies..hopefully i got my point across...
Well done, man. Keep up the good workFellow Fuckfaces, What do you think? Should I make more?
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View attachment 2342787
Speaking of pussies... Have you created any Isabella signatures yet? I saw that you make some pretty cool signatures."The fancier the gun, the bigger the pussy who owns it". I mean he's packing a 9mm semi-automatic... Still a pussy nonetheless.
From "speaking of pussies" to "Isabella signature" how the fuck do you even make that leap...Speaking of pussies... Have you created any Isabella signatures yet? I saw that you make some pretty cool signatures.
About Isabella's signature:From "speaking of pussies" to "Isabella signature" how the fuck do you even make that leap.... Nevermind, here Signs
So she made one unanswered question and that was enough for you to see it as "she trying to find out". Yet she believed the woman she didnt trust, enough to go through all the hell's week tasks with expectation of getting this "free tuition" lol. She is really lovable. Do you also think Quinn would "let her in" knowing that she couldn't handle it?Funny thing about that "Maya never tried to find out what it was about" part is that in that scene, Maya is the one who actually does ask about it. She says to Quinn, "What do we have to have to do exactly?", but the answer isn't given at that time since Sage and the other girls walk in so Quinn clams up.
Mona is the one who, at that time, doesn't question it. She immediately says "sign me up" with gusto when Quinn hints at the free tuition whereas Maya does actually pose an inquiring question about what it would require.
Since Mona later signs up to be part of Quinn's restaurant, I feel we can assume that Quinn let Mona in on what it would really take, but told Maya something else entirely because she never had any intention of letting Maya in. She was just playing games with her.
Did you download the Interlude when it first came out? If so, you can download the Patch to update it to include Ep 9.what's the difference between Season 3 Interlude+Episode 9 vs Patch (Interlude to EP 9) ? which do I download
I've got the following files:So I am working my way up through Chapter 9. I love the game, I love DPC, one of the best out there.
So to see everything, you need to do multiple playthroughs.
Let me know if I have missed anything.
Josy/Maya path
Jill path
Sage path(she's my favourite)
Bella path
and I guess a None of the above path
Is that it? Now does DIK/Neutral/Chik status or being permanently on one or the other make or break any of these routes? I'm currently doing a Massive Chik on Sage. Will the end result be any different than the Massive Dik on Sage that I have already done to the end of the chapter?
Is just doing Neutral for all of them good enough to see all scenes?
thanks guys for any answers