I think Maya was doomed from the start. Tied to Josy, who is more popular, at least from what we can read here on F95.
Well we didn’t know at first she was tied to Josy; as soon as she confessed her “boyfriend” was fictional, we thought she was single. And available. And getting hazed by the HOT scavenger hunt
way out of her comfort zone—but fucking the MC would solve that, right?
Yes, the tuition plotline is annoying, especially when you’re an American who’s dealt with federal student loans and know they work nothing like this story. Nobody cosigns for them. Once approved they go directly to the college. Parents never touch them, and
that’s by design—in the past, parents committed fraud that way, so now they’re largely fraud-proof. None of Maya’s loan money would have passed through her dad’s hands. He controls nothing.
He’s bluffing.
Unless he took out a different loan—in which case Maya’s solution is ridiculously simple: reject her dad’s money and all the strings attached to it, and get a federal student loan.
Jill’s lawyer will either tell Maya all this in a future episode… or we’re gonna discover B&R is actually in Donutistan, where the laws are entirely different but fathers
still can’t date their daughters. (Yeah, I know, whole different game. Still.)