At first, to be clear, I meant RPs number at the end of Season 2. I didn't included EP9 ones in my calculations, because it hadn't sense. Anyway this average 6-10 difference is still here.
Regarding their dialogue about sex with MC, etc. You may think what you want, but if game doesn't control it (e.g. by creating a new variable as a result of a such "calculation" or particular MC response) then it doesn't have sense and doesn't affect anything AND can't be checked in the future as well. Players are punished only by -3RP to the girl with whom they spend time less. Since Maya and Josy have RPs about 50 by the end of EP9 this doesn't feel like a significant punishment at all. It's mostly like a hint for the player of how to play further properly in this particular branch.
The DPC may intentionally mislead or omit something. Especially the technical aspects of the game or those moments that can be used as spoilers to something significant. A good example is the cheating/temptation counter implemented in season 3. It's not mentioned anywhere in the official guide, this thing was figured out only after digging into the game script.
It is quite logical that if RP weren't important, he wouldn't have introduced them into the game. And as I mentioned earlier, J&M are the only ones that get any dividends from the presence of RPs in the game so far. All the other MG's are just hoarding them. We had several scenes with J&M (including lewd ones) where RP checks was used with one of the girls or both at once.
I'm not saying that the rest of MG will never use them in the future, but it's obvious that for the whole 2 seasons, only J&M clearly used them. How about RPs for fraternities? Not important too?
I won't comment much on your words mentioning the need for 100 points for J&M, this... just naive and ridiculous. At first, game is made for the "average" players, not idealists and perfectionists. Game can and WILL forgive some of the wrong choices, especially absolutely not important ones like saying compliments here and there or choosing the right words at EVERY opportunity. You mentioning that DPC said RP is not that important and after that you make an assumption that 100 RPs for both J&M are prerequisites to be ok and safe

That's exactly where the problem lies. Josy=48 Maya=54 but JM=102. If I didn't treat Josy and Maya equally, then Josy or Maya would get -3RPs and I would only have JM=99. Then I wouldn't have 100% JM. I wouldn't have made the throuple and it's about the throuple.
The fraud/temptation counter thing is interesting and I think it's implemented incorrectly. Example. Hooking up with Heather in EP9 is cheating, but grabbing Nicole's ass is a temptation. However, DPC counts both together in this fraud/temptation counter. If he had counted it separately, he could add more spice to the game without the MC actually cheating. But well, let's wait and see how DPC implements it in its punishment ideas.
With Josy and Maya, RPs are important to them. It's also about whether the player wants the throuple and I assume that the player only gets it if Joy's RPs and Maya's RPs together have at least 100 RPs. If these 100 RPs are not reached, then it will probably stick to solo paths. Therefore, the RPs for the other LIs are not so important, because the other LIs cannot form a stable throuple.
So I think to make sure this cheating/temptation counter really kicks in from EP10 onwards. Why? The player cannot reach JM's 100 RPs until the end of EP9. Only in EP9 does he fix his relationship with the desired LI. So the fraud/tempt counter doesn't make sense before EP10.
The 100 RPs are only necessary to achieve the throuple. You should therefore view the throuple as a DPC reward because you have reached 100 JM RPs. If you don't achieve it, you won't have a stable throuple. So they are important, but only for the throuple.
Oh really? Are you really using a baby birth type comparison here? Like if everyone touched pussy on their first birthday?
Difference here is simple and clear. The dormies are still dormies, while HOTs are HOTs, DIKs are DIKs, etc. The fact that you live in college dorm for several weeks until being pledged to some fraternity or sorority doesn't allow to consider you as a dormie. You will be considered dormie if you don't want to pledge, if you failed to pledge or if you were expelled. The difference is in the intention and desire to join somewhere or stay in the dorm forever and ever.
Ah, ha, you don't want to understand. Maya explicitly doesn't say Sage until EP9 so that she can take part in HOTs. Ergo, Maya was a dorm girl before that. The MC explicitly signs out of the dorm with the official college administration. This means that the MC is no longer officially a dorm resident. Josy does not deregister, so the official college administration continues to list her as a resident in the dorm. The question now is whether Oscar knows that Josy is HOT or not. Josy hasn't worn her HOT uniform in public yet. Only the students who were at the HOTs party in EP7 know. I didn't see Oscar there.
You need to decide - either Sage knows something really important, but then she should know about prostitution in her sorority, Quinn's business, etc., and even more so if she knew that Sarah or Melanie are engaged in something like that, everything would be different. They are below the rank of Quinn - as another additional motivation to throw them out immediately if it is revealed. So in this case, you contradict yourself and give out wishful thinking.
At this point you haven't finished reading my post. Sage might know what Melanie and Sarah did in the past when they were Dorm Girls. Melanie and Sarah are in their final year of college, as is Sage. However, Sage was not president of the HOTs right from the start. As a result, it was out of Sage's hands at the time to decide whether Melanie and Sarah could become HOTs.
It all happened 3 years ago. Melanie and Sarah are caught gutting Preps. Stephen Burke covers everything up by offering Melanie and Sarah a scholarship for their silence. Melanie and Sarah accept this. You pledge to the HOTs and are accepted. At the time, Sage wasn't president yet, but she knows what Melanie and Sarah did. Tybalt is a Prep and Stephen Burke is her father. Of course she knows what happened. Sage can't kick Melanie and Sarah out of HOTs. Melanie and Sarah are probably the HOTs with the most HOTs years next to Sage. But Quinn is VP and not Melanie or Sarah, even though Quinn is not only 2 or 1 year of college. Why? Because Melanie and Sarah, because of their past, don't deserve to be VP.
Because Stephen Burke settled this issue over 3 years ago, Sage knows that "free tuition" of the HOTs is just a rumor. She doesn't know so Quinn started the restaurant. There is no contradiction there.
I won't comment this seriosly, but, in general:
1. Quinn business expansion goes with approval of Stephen. Because all newly recruited girls passing through his bed. He gives them grants for free tuition. Obviously, it's just a little part of the whole grants he is giving to different students across B&R. It's also obviously that Stephen have an agreement with Quinn. She brings him freshwomen and he brings them free tuition. While Quinn herself gets money from prostitution. I doubt that Stephen being a very rich man are interested in this dirty and very little money which Quinn makes on this. It's not his level.
2. The other thing is drugs. I heavily doubt that Stephen knows this and involved in this. This is entirely Quinn's initiative and her attitude and desire to work with drugs are due to her background, her family, the environment in which she grew up. Children growing up with alcoholics tend to become alcoholics. The children of drug addicts become drug addicts themselves, the children of prostitutes (if they see all this, which is not uncommon in poor countries) - similarly. We know that she herself smoking weed, hashish, and doing some heavier shit in injections, which also involving Tommy and some of the DIKs and HOTs as well. The money she needs more and more may be the result of various reasons. We don't know that yet. But she's trying to do business with everything she can and able to do. One thing is clear that from some point she has been hiding her motives and reasons from others, including close friends whom she trusted (for example Riona).
3. Sarah & Melanie situation is probably about how long they working in restaurant. I'm sure that they get a % from each "order" and not only the free tuition itself. It would be a weak motivation tbh. So, being in sorority, where you had to pay very few contributions, when you know that your tuition is pre-paid and you don't think about how to get money to pay for it AND at the same time getting money from prostitution. Well, they accumulated solid money during the 2 years and they expect to earn even more in the remaining 2 years.
1. Post the passage to which you base your obviousness, as this obvious passage does not yet exist in BaDIK. Go ahead, I want to read it. I want to read how Stephen Burke explicitly admits that he fucks students who have prostituted themselves and he gives them scholarships for it.
A man in his position cannot afford a scandal. Not only would he lose his job at B&R, he would be hit with lawsuits and his reputation would be completely destroyed, meaning that no one would do business with him again. B&R would also be finished. The reputation of the Burgmeister and Royce families would also be affected.
2. I agree with you here. Although it is not necessary for children to adopt their parents' behavior, it is usually the case.
3. Melanie and Sarah will work at Quinn's restaurant just for the fun of it. The two achieved their goal before Quinn even got to college. We know from Josy so that the maintenance contribution of the HOTs is low and so that they can cover this contribution with the odd jobs. The more HOT girls, the more money they earn from the odd jobs. So there is no need for some HOT girl to prostitute herself because of it. The restaurant is mainly about financing the tuition fees (not a scholarship) and for Quinn it is about compensating for the financial loss from the drug business. Melanie and Sarah have already achieved their goals, or at least that's what Quinn says. This all happened before Quinn's expansion. Oops. Melanie and Sarah achieved their goals not through the restaurant, but before Quinn and Riona were in college.
She planned presence on the Preps party for the money. To get the money from preps. She lied that is was for sorority, since it seems that Sage delegated her accountant tasks as well. And she additionally tried to sell drugs there as well. I'm not sure (nobody knows still) is Tybalt do drugs and how he could react, but Rich bought from her and then even saved her ass by paying her and giving her the shit back at the same time.
Regarding Camila - it's the same as for the other girls in restaurant. Quinn forbid them to have boyfriends and get in relationships. You can thought on yourself why it's so.
You're right about the drugs.
I know why that is. Here's why Quinn doesn't want nerds, alphas and preps at the parties. They are the potential customers of the restaurant and if a restaurant girl has a boyfriend or boyfriend, that becomes a problem for Quinn because that friends or boyfriend will cause trouble. The same goes for the Vixen and Oscar.
Yeah, she was SO shocked that she said nothing to him, just continued to kiss with random guy as nothing was happened. It's not the case when you scare of consequences and realized that you fucked up. Omg... Reread her lines during Gender 101 midterms. She treat Gordon as shit. And she did that for fun, he hadn't paid her. It would be FUCKING stupid to try to sell yourself to a guy close to Tybalt, who in turn is a daddy's son. And his dad is basically a big shot at B&R. And... well... Beth is not that material to be desired to bought by someone, lol
And again you only consider this one situation and ignore other information from the game. So you can't capture the entire context.
It's canon for Gordon to catch Beth. It doesn't matter if the MC lets the preps in or not. It happens. Gordon sees Beth with guy and tells Beth so he thought she was hooking up and now she's messing around with another guy. Beth then shows her shocked expression. Why? If, as you see it, she was just having fun with Gordon, then the frightened facial expression is out of place and it should be a surprised facial expression. After Gordon leaves, she continues to fool around with the other guy. Beth quickly realized that she had lost Gordon. But not only did Beth Gordon lose, Avery also lost Christian. What did Avery say to the MC when he wore Tara's ghost costume? Oh Tara, I really have something special this time and the MC himself asks himself what that was. Beth and Avery were at the dorm party with Gordon and Christian in EP8. It's not hard to guess. 2 poor girls with 2 rich guys. That's obvious.
But the important decision is actually whether the MC will let the preps in or not. Why? When the MC lets the Preps in, Gordon, Christian and Lucas know it's because the MC doesn't want to hide anything and is therefore innocent.
Sage hates them for their behavior, arrogance and the fact that they obey such shit as Tybalt and please him in every way.
She also hated Jill, because she thought Jill was a Tybalt's princess. Although in personality and outlook on life, Jill, on the contrary, is very close to Sage herself.
Quinn business expanding goes into 2 ways - prostitution AND drugs. She tried to find new customers between preps via their VP and almost was ready to talk with Tybalt. So, it doesn't refute my theory about preps, and it doesn't help your theory in any way at the same time.
Quinn and Tommy doesn't like preps and nerds because they are party killers and just boring people mostly. Imagine Magnar and most of his friends on the DIKs party, as well as all those preps. Sage even expected Tybalt to show up, since she seen Jill while being sure that she is his princess. But this only applies to guys. And it's really simple. ANO's don't have a girls in their fraternity (and can't be in principle, because fraternities is for guys), while Jill just lives there, but she is not a part of them. The girls-nerds are quite adequate and fits in parties well. They were invited to the HOTs party, and no one was against it. And as we know, Quinn sells them drugs and expands the business with Sally's help at the moment.
Of course, Quinn wants to expand her restaurant and drug business. What is the question? Through more customers and/or financially strong customers. With the Glory Holes, Quinn probably earns just $20 per blowjob. Nerds, jocks and other dorm boys won't have as much money. How much did Quinn and Riona earn from the MC? Alot more. Can the nerds, alphas and dorm boys afford it?
The title of EP9 is "Vixen". There are two camps on the issue of prostitution at the Halloween party. The restaurant girls and the vixens. I'll describe it as two competing companies.
Quinn doesn't have this luxury of hating the nerds, alphas, and preps. They're all Quinn's customers, whether it's a restaurant or drugs. You yourself wrote above that Quinn doesn't want her restaurant girls to have boyfriends and/or boyfriends. Quinn has this rule. But the Vixen are also at the Halloween party and they don't have Quinn's rule, as we find out from Beth and Gordon. That's Quinn's problem. If the vixens are exposed, there is also a risk that the restaurant will be exposed. Two competing companies
Tommy's reasons are of a different nature. He doesn't see the nerds as a threat, so it could really be so he wants to keep them away from the parties because they're party poopers. But Tommy sees the Alphas and the Preps as a threat to his fun. What fun? Fuck fun. Preps wave their wallets and the Alphas wave their fraternity status. Of course, Tommy is also afraid of the Alphas. That's all.
Because he thinks he's compelling and overconfident until he gets rejected, and then behaves like an offended little bitch - typical behavior of a rich dad's son who don't get what he wanted. And the single thing he was able to do in response was to call the girl who rejected him a boring bitch into her face. We know that he cheating all aroung on his current girlfriend Tara. And Tara doing about the same. Tara's friend Gina cheating with boyfriend of Tara, while she considers Tara a friend. They all deserve what they have.
Your theory with Tommy & Oscar doesn't work, because Chick MC have an option to console Josy and not punch or throw Oscar out of the party. If so - Tommy never appears. Tommy only goes after Oscar, because MC tells him he tried to hook up with Josy after punching or throwing him off. AND Tommy clearly asked MC to watch for her for something like this not to happen.
You're right about one thing. Gina, Tara etc. earned their karma themselves.
But you didn't disprove my theory. Oscar still approached Josy for that one reason. The only thing that changes is the outcome if the MC decides otherwise. If Tommy doesn't know what happened, then he has no reason to go after Oscar. That's all.

I can't imagine how. Quinn continues to do her shit. Since you play faithfully, Riona have no chances with MC. Etc, etc.
That has nothing to do with Riona either. We only find out about Riona so that there is a possibility of moving away from Quinn. The rock is the Preps, specifically Gordon and Christian. Not only do they have money, but they also have the necessary influence through their families. If the vixens are exposed, they will take the restaurant down with them.
But the important decision is actually whether the MC will let the preps in or not. Why? When the MC lets the Preps in, Gordon, Christian and Lucas know it's because the MC doesn't want to hide anything and is therefore innocent. Anyone who is innocent can also tell the truth so that Quinn personally offered them the restaurant. The MC just needs to be asked about it directly and that only happens when there is an investigation. It doesn't matter whether it's from the police or from within the college.
That's exactly why you have a very superficial knowledge of the game outside of the J&M branch, because playing some lewd scenes from gallery or mod does not give you and create a complete and a whole story picture for you and does not allow you to build the correct sequences regarding the characters roles, their influence, etc, as well as reading the script and viewing images separately out of the game. It's like reading the movie script instead of watching the movie itself or even worse.
I don't know what you afraid of, honestly. Maybe you afraid that this will force you to change your mind on some of the characters or some aspects of the game? Anyway, J&M will not come to your sweet home in night to cut off your dick or your head (or just yours dick head

) if you will play at least once each of the available paths/branches in this game. It sounds weird and strange as fuck for me. A lot of your assumptions is wrong because of this, but you don't care. And I don't want to quote each of this to explain you where are you wrong just because you can't make yourself to play game at full for so many years already.
I don't just look at the pictures of the Prostitution Route. But here in the thread you can read all about it. Theory and actual text passages. You can get very good information about all the paths here in the thread. You don't have to play them.
I'm not afraid to play the Quinn route. I have mentioned several times that I am a goal-oriented player. This is the case in all the games I play. This is nothing to be afraid of doing. But for me I don't find Sage, Jill, Isabella and Quinn attractive enough to play their paths. Don't misunderstand. For example, I think Quinn looks pretty hot, but I find her personality off-putting. I think Sage, Isabella and Jill are good in looks but not that appealing to me but they have a good personality. That's why I'm pursuing the goal of a good friendship for my MC.
With Josy and Maya the complete package simply fits. I really can't decide between Josy and Maya. Ergo, my goal is the throuple. As simple as that.
It started when Quinn got into B&R or a bit later after that. Reference to the EP3 Jade & Stephen flashback, again.
Sarah joined HOTs at the same time with Quinn, I suppose. She is on her 2nd year. While I'm not sure about Melanie. If Melanie was her daughter - than she got in 1 year later. While we know that Riona was a Quinn's daughter and pledged 1 year ago. And Quinn was a Sage's daughter.
What code? What are you talking about? If you meant variables - each one created on purpose at the appropriate time. What variable do you expect to see to prove or refute something regarding what you wrote above? The worst you can do as a developer of such type of game is to create all possible variables in beforehand and list them in the code. So almost all will learn what to expect from the plot and the game itself.
"So keep working." (c) dalli_x
So Sarah and Melanie are in their last year of college, as is Sage. You can read about that in EP8. Ergo, they have 3 full years of college behind them. This means that Quinn and Riona got to college after Melanie and Sarah. Melanie and Sarah achieved what Quinn and Riona wanted. The first scholarship scandal was before Quinn and Riona were in college.
I try to explain it. We have the basic variables A and B. These are written into the code by DPC at the appropriate time. Later you create new variables from the existing variables. A+B=AB. The new variable AB (this new variable can also be called C or something else) is composed of the two basic variables A and B. Of course, the conditions of the basic variables A and B must be met in order for variable AB to exist at all. If one of the basic variables is not met, the condition for the variable AB is not met and therefore does not occur. It's actually not that difficult.
The basic variables of BaDIK are passed from EP to EP. At some point these basic variables become new composite variables. No one knows why variable DPC puts these new variables together, only guesses. That's why you should concentrate on the game and its story. The clues are there.