Well dont know anymore about Jacob... until Ep7 i liked him... maybe even the most out of all DIKs. But that has changed a lot. Nearly everytime MC tells him a story, no matter what, he doesnt believe him... MC can help him score with a girl (blonde, short hair, forgot the name) in the HOT mansion party in ep 7... so there is that, but he quickly forget about that and now he is chasing after MCs-Ex in an instant. Well... *shrug* enough is enough buddy. I dont have that much intereset in Zoey, she screwed up with going to san diego. But Jacob should get it together. And he is even doubting MC only cause of some pictures... which btw, were taken WAY before MC even attended college "You are with us right?" go fuck yourself... after all what the MC did with and for the diks, no matter which route you go, asking that... while he himself, tommy, nick are acting way more suspicious. Jacob rushed down the latter very much in my book. John Boy and Leon are Top-DIKs for now... (of course Derek too, he is off limits anyway, no need to rank him... simply best guy)
So no... he can score another pussy, he doesnt mean it serious anyways, and even if i dont like Zoey that much, she deserves somebody better than Jacob.