Yeah iam with you... Stephen is fucked up, and i didnt care one bit about his story arch in ep10...
And btw, if MC fucked Jade, and Stephen got the video, he throws Jade practically out of the merriage with nearly "nothing" telling her she can try to proof what Stephen did... He is a first-class prick. No way around that. There is no single justification for his doing.
DPC likes to put on another light on some antagonists, he has done so even in Acting Lessons... but sometimes its pointless, unnecessary or in this case with Stephen, just stupid.
Patrick (Mayas Father) is a little different deal... but no matter what, you dont fucking abuse other people... especially no kid, and more so... not your OWN fucking kids. I play mostly chick routes, but damn... i didnt play a dik route so far, if iam getting there this douche will get punched out of his socks for sure. DPC kinda tried to create some sympathizing ground for Patrick with his sob-story... but no buddy, there is no way in hell that i would EVER "understand" his actions. And besides... i had good girlfriend once (not to fuck, best friend-like) and her story was similar to Mayas... father had i a little rough in life, mother was sick, father had to carry all the weight alone... and sometimes, he got angry and his hand "slipped" in the face of said friend... well, i witnessed it one time and called the cops without hesitation. And i dont cared one bit for his pleading that it was just an "accident" and that i had to "understand" and what not... dont even start with that bullshit. Go to hell asshole. And yeah that stirred some real feelings up in me.
So Stephen and Patrick can share a bed in hell for that matter no matter which sob-story DPC will put out of his sleeve for them.
So after that i must say something about Jade too... the plot with her and the sex is kinda hot... BUT... lets face it, boy... she is mental. There is seriously something wrong with her, and not in a good way. I wouldnt say "They deserve each" other, for that Stephen is on a whole other level... but how sweet Cathy can be friends with her i will never understand.