Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world as they say. Is this the place for that kind of "business"? Not really. But as I said, no one is forced to do anything. In this case he is bad, not only breaking a law but also doing morally bad thing. I am not justifying that per se, not saying it is something good, I just say that I can understand and relate to both sides of this story, in this case his side from the position on power he got. Just like I think that politics should be honest and incorruptible but at the same time I can understand what power does with people and this is just all what we are. I'm not justifying nor is DPC, just giving perspective about reasons causing current situations - you can understand it and relate to it but do not approve it at the same time.
You cannot think about such a complicated story just about right or not right, black or white. Do not mixing all situations together. Pimping young students is not exactly moral what does not change fact that Jade is manipulative bitch and their marriage is toxic.
Maybe all the world you know so far is from AVNs then? Life is more complicated you know, people do all kind of fucked up stuff thinking they do right. I'm not saying you have to agree with stuff he does, just get in his position and look at this from his perspective.
I will copy and paste what I said to the other guy because you all are not understanding the point.
it doesn't matter brother if they are 18 or not. prostitution is still illegal in most places, and since this game make us think it is based on the US. Sex solicitation in the US is a crime. I am also sure no Department of Education of any country would allow a college dean explore sexually students in exchange for tuition.
If people were suppose to sell their bodies to earn money why would there be colleges in the first place? lol. They are just people who are still entering the adulthood. If They could walk by themselves, why would Maya's parent has anything to do with her student loan? Why many parents support their kids during college? 18+ years it is when they are making their way to provide for themselves. And a college should be there to support this transition, to educate them to become a professional in certain area, not to start abusing of some financial situation and exchange tuition for sex. I don't know in what world you live in, but from where I come from it is illegal.
We all have learned that Quinn grew up with a father who was a drug dealer and that was the life she learned. That is all she has learned to do. She has no parent alive and her goals is to expand her drug dealing business, what is a shame, because you see she has no ambition in becoming anything different from what she learned since she was a kid, and the college is not helping or giving her options lol.
Now, if we know that about Quinn, what about the other girls you mentioned? Just understand that these girls, most of them, theorically speaking are just leaving their household, from their parents care to face the world. And they went to college with a purpose, then the college that should educate them in becoming professionals, offer the girls who struggle financially tuition in exchange for sex. There is no defense here. We all know prostitution exists since Jesus, but when you look at the people in a college you have to see the real picture. Even if they are legally adults, they are still learning how to transition from their household care to be their own providers. Then a college dean takes advantage of this situation. They accepted, ok. But there are no excuse or defense for Burke, doesn't matter what happened in his marriage.