- Sep 27, 2023
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Did DPC use the same model for Neil and Derek? Just curious if someone knows.
Did DPC use the same model for Neil and Derek? Just curious if someone knows.
We will find out in 6 years, I guess.
My dik bother is my father so now Maya is my aunt
Though it was a joke, since he uses Base G8M a lot, just changing the skin, it's possible it's the case with Derek and Neil. At least young Neil looks a lot like Derek so the morphs/mesh is probably Base G8M, but the skins (mats) are definitely different: the brows are different, and, while Derek's facial hair is textured (it's on the Base G8M face texture), Neil's looks like fibermash (not so sure after finding Neil's character source -- see edit below -- but the stubbles are definitely different).Did DPC use the same model for Neil and Derek? Just curious if someone knows.
It’s not too late for them if the player follows the Others path, and many people do this - according to statistics from Steam, the second most popular route, after Sage. DPC wouldn't add it to the script just to make it impossible. Lots of drama guaranteed, this is DPC. Even on the MGs path it will be quite possible to reunite with her, through the cheating mechanics, but I will not do this, cheating for me is only on the Jill path, because Bianca.Zoey is too late to revive her relationship with mc ...
In Episode 8 the players had to pick their path and except for the Others path, the mc now would automatically turn her down because he is now in a stable relationship.
For the Others path she would have to share mc with Quinn, Riona, Camila, Lily, Nicole, ... if mc would take her back as gf, he would start a Zoey path causing even more path splitting ...
Imho DPC has painted himself into a corner with the separate paths.
Zoey's story is a slowburn ... It's 3-4 weeks from Halloween (10-31) to ThanksGiving (4th thursday in NOV). Near the end of the party in Episode 10 it seems she realises what she lost and that it is to late to get back to mc and so she runs away in tears ... sad story and probably more drama will follow in the next episodes.
I would not mind if mc had an option to hang out with her, but she seems to stay at home, so there is always the train ride to mc's place and back home. Maybe she could join college and do some Art classes next semester ... however as I wrote above it would split up the game content even more.
Perfect face for DPC, watching the players' reactions to his decisions in the scenario. I can just read it in this face: "maybe I should add another fire to the story? Who will be BBQ'd this time?"
It's all a big time loop!Leah is in Being a DIK too. She'll be introduced later on, maybe when MC is revealed to be a Burgmeister all along.
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So nothing changeSage was just some party slut:
Haha, what?I wouldn't say it's primarily about "fixing" her.
It's character growth. I love seeing it. I wouldn't expect a college student to be completely stuck in their ways.
Their character and world view are still growing.
She has clearly experienced trauma in her life and has trust issues. It's nice seeing her break out of that mold.
I don't believe her being "fixed" fundamentally changes her either. She shows glimpses of vulnerability with her interactions and how she glances at the MC. She has worn a cold-blooded mask for so long, that she has become it.
Still, it's just a mask created by trauma and self-preservation, and the MC is helping to peel back the layers.
I enjoy this direction. Kudos to DPC.
A character that doesn't fundamentally change is someone like Becky. She is a vain real baddie. Big ego and competitive.
She attempts to wear a pleasant mask to conceal her inner darkness. But she's so fake that her attempts are transparent.
Becky has shown no inclination to changing thus far.
Quinn is not like Becky. There is warmth underneath the cold mask and potential for positive change.
We hear you, DPC.
Expendable old guys are small time drama. Hints? Quinn says she can't believe she kissed the mc, says she will probably leave. If she doesn't have enough sense to do that after the kidnapping, she is a disappointment as a bad guy. Sage says she is scramming after graduation. Bella gets fired for having sex with a student. Zoey offs herself. Lots of stuff floating around. But nothing satisfies like the death of a sympathetic relative innocent. Who is the the handiest for that? Riona.We hear you, DPC.
Helen or Neal will die. DPC can't create dark drama without someone dying.
Or does he mean by dark drama the death of Riona?
Yeah i think the whole stuff about getting maya's loan papers wont matter at all (other than getting closer to maya an derek and mc being dependable) but not about the outcome.Well, usually terminally ill characters are added to a game for one specific purpose.
I think what's going to happen is that the MC and friends are going to sort out the Mayas loan situation, and when they proudly tell Patrick about it and tell him to go fuck himself, he shocks them with the news of Helen's death.
Heather too.
Wrong! It's Megan who being BBQ'dIt's all a big time loop!
Quinn was a nurse:
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Becky was a shrink:
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Sage was just some party slut:
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Jill's sister died in a fire:
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Her acting career went down in flames.
No it Leah being BBQ
The best girl for Tybalt she would try to give him MC dick until Josy shoots herSad. Best girl.![]()