I swear, sometimes trying to explain ethics to people is like trying to explain space/time theory to a cat
But why are you surprised? What is ethics ?
"Ethics is a field of philosophy that studies moral principles and norms of behavior. It defines what is right and wrong, good and evil, fair and unfair, and how people should behave in society."
In other words, you are trying to tell other people what is good and what is evil, what is fair and what is not fair.
But not all people are ready to accept other people's opinions.
Yes, you can call it ethics, morality, rules or “values”, but in essence it remains nothing more than an opinion.
Just someone's opinion.
Ok, maybe this opinion is true, but people can have their own opinions.
Just as the ethics of socialists differ from the ethics of capitalists.
Perhaps Quinn has her own opinion and her own view on such things as morality.
Morality is changing. Today's morality and the morality of society of the 19th -18th centuries are completely different things.