I'll try to be more precise in the future but there is already a " dependent on " in my sentence... So yeah Bella

lives nearby B&R ( shocker !

) which is walking distance for Fuckface... " needs " a train to get back home ( dunno how much time passed on the train but I estimate 30 minutes to 1 hour tops

) which would mean around 50 miles or so ( regardless of the distance I would say that is still close by though this would put
dalli_x-s theory to rest ) where Zoey


Fuckface lives/lived... Now if it would be ( as someone said Toronto ) Canada a trip by train is around 15 hours which can be eliminated thanks to your analysis - no luggage and the time it takes... sooo what remains is a couple of vague hints regarding we are somewhere near New York... and a train ride which isn't long ( pretty vague too

) so I'm guessing where Fuckface Zoey


lives is Long Island while B&R is at the outskirts of New York ( this is where Bella

lives too )
Can be wrong but I still would put them at these places... any other thoughts are welcome !