so far he jumped into prduction immediatly everytime, why do you think he will not do that this time?
Most likely the animation queue is running (more like never stopped), just like last time when he did several animations even BEFORe episode 10 was released. And besides... he already mentioned in several DEV reports that he was already working beforehand in advance on epsiode 12. This and that, nothing particular... but yeah...
There are many things DPC can be blamed for, but not that he isnt working nearly every day on the game. He doesnt reeally make vacations, or has days off, this year a dear loved one died and he didnt really slowed down... its just that, he cant hold back and is stuffing every new episode with even more unnessesary stuff, so the DEV cycle increases and increases...
Most likely the next DEv report (every friday) will be a "report" about the overall release and how it went, and when the official walkthrough can be expected (usally about 3 weeks after the release of an episode), and MAYBE the status of the animation queue which most likely never stopped. He was doing renders and animations in advance for episode 12 already... and some other stuff too.
Maybe he will talk about Hardware upgrades too? But i dont think so... he might have that on his mind, but RTX5090 is hard to come by and not that big of an upgrade compared to RTX4090 (which isnt available either, so no new render slave either) in the regard of rendering... so, no new hardware at the moment i guess.
Yeah basically... rundwon how pleased he was with the release, when to expect the walkthrough, and maybe something like "and the animation queue is already running" Not much more... but the work on episode 12 already began weeks ago.