1. everybody thinks that the new episode 10-11 minigames are really annoying except DrPinkCake - they are a fucking chore;
They are a fucking chore indeed, especially when you are forced to play them
again and again when exploring
different branches.
That's why I just modify the code to have te maximum result by just one click.
Seriously. It's the only thing to do.
It's a
game, it should
entertain me -
not bore me to death!
Yeah. I know they can be turned off... But:
1) Without cheating you can turn them off only by starting a new game. No way I'm going to redo all from scratch for the 1024th time.
2) if you play with mini games turned off, then some possibilities become dependent on some apparently unrelated choices or become random or hard coded by DPC.
It has happened with Rusty's car. With no mini games the only way to save it is turning down the VIP pass. WTF?
So I don't want to risk to lock me out of some content in the future because of similar questionable design choices.