Not really random. If youre playing a mc who's all about morals and condemns rusty having an "affair" with a girl in a relationship it would be kinda weird for tremolo to go full on cheating himself afterwards
That's the idea, but I don't think it works well in practice. First and most obviously, because hypocrisy is very much a thing. Second, because the game has massive blindspots when it comes to interpolating the MC's actions into mindset. I've ranted more than once about how a CHICK MC with a minimal bodycount is way more interested in sex than he is in making the throuple work. Chasing Bella and Jill simultaneously didn't bother the MC in slightest... until the concert, when suddenly he does an about face and decides it's a massive issue
even if he's only pursuing one of them! And of course there's the debacle of the Episode 8 cliffhanger not bothering to differentiate an MC who fucked Jade and leaked the tape from one who never looked at Jade or Sage twice.
Basically, I think DPC has tunnel vision when it comes to interpreting the MC's actions, and the results are at least as likely to be counterintuitive and frustrating as they are to be fun and engaging.
So why do people hate the Madame so much genuinely curious?
Madame has a lot going against her. The basic problems are obvious: she's expensive for underwhelming actions, she has no connection to the story, and her body type might not appeal to some people. But there's also the issue of how you unlock her.
You need to win the CUM-petition, and choose to work at the Pink Rose rather than the nursing home in Episode 7; both of those are pretty likely to happen on a DIK run. The catch is that you also need to keep the VIP Pass in Episode 6 rather than sell it to fund the mansion repairs, which feels like a dick move (not the good kind!) at that point in the story.
But it gets worse. If you have minigames turned on, you can offset keeping the pass by earning more money and the problem is limited to the MC looking kind of greedy. If, however, minigames are off then unlocking Madame Rose will also
automatically fail the repair efforts, forcing Rusty to sell his car. That's a pretty high price to pay for a hooker with delusions of grandeur.