Yes, if you're not DIK affinity you need to get her lewd scene in episode 5 (at the preps) to unlock the lewd scene in episode 7 at the HOTs. You can even get the episode 5 one for free if you're not DIK affinity.
When you've gotten both, rolling can be chosen after Halloween.
Don't think she will, Lily loves her friends and respect them too much to put them in harms way for Quinn's sake. She makes you choose between her and Nicole as soon as she heard you are dating Nicole while rolling out with her.
Lily is a way better friend than Bella is ironically.
Quinn is either alone in a car she is driving faster and faster down a cliff or she have the MC with her to pull the wheel away from the cliff. I can't see any other path ahead, I never did, but I see her path even more clearly after this episode.
I just mean that the owners of the Pink Rose might be grateful that Quinn (tried to) take Vinny out and they might protect her, not Lily or the strippers themselves.
Don't think she will, Lily loves her friends and respect them too much to put them in harms way for Quinn's sake. She makes you choose between her and Nicole as soon as she heard you are dating Nicole while rolling out with her.
Lily is a way better friend than Bella is ironically.
Quinn is either alone in a car she is driving faster and faster down a cliff or she have the MC with her to pull the wheel away from the cliff. I can't see any other path ahead, I never did, but I see her path even more clearly after this episode.
I just mean that the owners of the Pink Rose might be grateful that Quinn (tried to) take Vinny out and they might protect her, not Lily or the strippers themselves.
The owners, whoever they are, are not part of the equation in any given moment. The drugs were bought by the strippers and for the strippers. Vinny never stirred shit in the club itself.
Did you delete all saves, all Seasons and all the saves in appdata/roaming/renpy. Deleting just the game directories are not enough. You need to get rid of all traces. As saves are stored in two spots.
The owners, whoever they are, are not part of the equation in any given moment. The drugs were bought by the strippers and for the strippers. Vinny never stirred shit in the club itself.
Don't think she will, Lily loves her friends and respect them too much to put them in harms way for Quinn's sake. She makes you choose between her and Nicole as soon as she heard you are dating Nicole while rolling out with her.
Lily is a way better friend than Bella is ironically.
Quinn is either alone in a car she is driving faster and faster down a cliff or she have the MC with her to pull the wheel away from the cliff. I can't see any other path ahead, I never did, but I see her path even more clearly after this episode.
am i missing something...
i have downloaded " Season 3 Interlude + Episode 11" since my old version was having errors, and now with the new download with and with out scrappy mod i get errors or crashes. anyone have any idea what i should do?
Don't think she will, Lily loves her friends and respect them too much to put them in harms way for Quinn's sake. She makes you choose between her and Nicole as soon as she heard you are dating Nicole while rolling out with her.
Lily is a way better friend than Bella is ironically.
Quinn is either alone in a car she is driving faster and faster down a cliff or she have the MC with her to pull the wheel away from the cliff. I can't see any other path ahead, I never did, but I see her path even more clearly after this episode.
Bella went after MC even thought she knew, and encouraged, Jill to do the same. She knew she was hurting Jill, but she still did it.
Lily immediately said for you to choose when she heard you were dating Nicole, mostly because she knew what Nicole was looking for and it was not something casual.
This classify Bella as pretty shitty friend. Even more when Jill has basically been her ONLY close friend.
Exactly, they will lose their job if this came out. All of them. The club gives 0 shit for Vinny or Quinn or any drug dealer as long as they don't make a scene (Vinny threatening the strippers don't even come close to a scene btw). The strippers were the one interacting with them, not the club.
Bella went after MC even thought she knew, and encouraged, Jill to do the same. She knew she was hurting Jill, but she still did it.
Lily immediately said for you to choose when she heard you were dating Nicole, mostly because she knew what Nicole was looking for and it was not something casual.
This classify Bella as pretty shitty friend. Even more when Jill has basically been her ONLY close friend.
Ironically Jills only real friend is Sage, Bella and Bianca are both trash tier friends. And I have hard time believing why would Jill even take Bella to resort where MC dated both of them.
Nah, DPC doesn't have the balls to kill her especially by now that he has invested more than enough time on her plotline and her "route". I think she will probably just end up in jail after ratting out or she will skip town and that will be all, if the player is on her route she will keep contact and they will reunite in the epilogue or something.
Honestly, I don't see anybody dying but I'm preety sure MC is going to be shot by Vinny in some kind of brawl and end up in the hospital and maybe we will finally learn a bit more about his mother's side of the family that way.
Hell, I could argue that there is foreshadowing to that:
Of course this could all be misleading or don't amount to anything (it IS DPC we are talking about here xD), but I'm hoping otherwise since if not there is literally no point of the Vinny and Fuckface confrontation and Tommy and Quinn lies regarding the gun.
am i missing something...
i have downloaded " Season 3 Interlude + Episode 11" since my old version was having errors, and now with the new download with and with out scrappy mod i get errors or crashes. anyone have any idea what i should do?
Cathy does say this if you had sex with her in ep 10:
ca "More like the other way around. Recently, I almost devoured him."
scene ep11_cathy_jade41 with dissolve
ja "Haha! I can't believe what I'm hearing."
scene ep11_cathy_jade42 with dissolve
ja "Well... Actually, I can. It's typical for a guy like him."
ja "Him and his smooth talk..."
ja "It doesn't surprise me that he tries to fuck anything that smiles at him."
You are right.
The "I almost devoured him" sounded ambiguous to me.
If you compare it with the alternative text, it becomes obvious.
if ep10_cathy_lewd:
ca "More like the other way around. Recently, I almost devoured him."
ja "Haha! I can't believe what I'm hearing."
ja "Well... Actually, I can. It's typical for a guy like him."
ja "Him and his smooth talk..."
ja "It doesn't surprise me that he tries to fuck anything that smiles at him."
elif True:
ca "Believe me, I wanted him to. But no, that's all that happened."
ja "It was only a matter of time. He wasn't hard to persuade at all."
ja "Him and his smooth talk..."
ja "It doesn't surprise me that he tries to insert his cock in any willing hole."