I have no idea what this "Quinndom" is,in the great Quinn empire it`s quality over quantity
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Agreed. Empire = quantity. Quinndom = quality. Empire: includes vassals, spread out, unspecific. Quinndom: 100% pure Quinn control. The Quinndom is the heart of her empire, the homeland of her fans. You're exactly right!
We do have honorable representants of each kingdom that belongs to the Empire
lialialia202020 represents Riona
Mormont representing Jade,even though he loves to stab my back every now and than for good health
Hawke84 and
TobiMAH representing Josy
Minengeschoss representing Sara
Aswell as friends and sympathisers like
TheFinder and
DrackDrap from the Kingdom of Maya
And obviously me representing Quinn
I wish so much that the Empire could recruit the greats,the legends:
MacMan-88 and
Canto Forte
I like how you just bribed all the people you referenced with pics to try to brush the fact that you claimed them as your vassal under the rug.

Also, why are all of those fandoms just one person? And you, you alone, are the sole representative of Quinn? Maybe the sole representative of "the Quinn Empire"
Listen, man, establishing an empire is a great idea I can 100% get behind. But let's be real: Quinn's fandom is the Quinndom. The Empire is just an extension of that, like all empires are. We can and should welcome all the fans of Riona (sidenote: you left out
Dumitas in that category! For shame!), Camila, Sara, Melanie, Mona, and hell, probably Sage too (also
Buttsmarnn I'm super down with your Heather Plan). And if
Mormont wants in, I call that a win! Embrace the Quinndom, it's no knock on you, Quinn, or anything that's come before. If you can accept going through 87 names to get to good old name 88, you can accept a different name than you came up with for a catchier Quinn title that honors her. Right?
I wish I could say that the messege of
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Is directed at everyone but interacting with many different individuals here I just can`t say that.
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100% agree!
Here`s the clarification
What you got is my pics,on which even when photoshopped,Quinn is still looking at me and her eyes are saying: "I love Name88 so much,I want him more than I want to breath,my pussy belongs to Name88,he is the only man I want to spend my life with"
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Yeah... we were asked to look at the camera. That's how most pictures work? You uh... you're reading too much into it man.

But feel free to read into it as much as you want, the make-believe looks can be yours as long as the girl is mine!

Sorry, brothers. Nothing fairer than the first defender to choose first. And now I made dibs with the second choice, you know the rule. Now you guys work out with the rest.

You have forgotten the key words of wisdom:
All is fair in love and war. And this is
both. Also, where's that
Monetauro fire we all know and love? What's up with settling for second place?
Monetauro Before:
Monetauro Recently:
I refuse to believe it! Somebody has taken over your account, surely! The real you, the warrior, is still there! Besides, do you think Quinn would deign give anyone who would settle for second best
anything? Try ordering the table scraps from the menu and see what happens if you need a reminder.