What is it that you agreed with?Yourself?the attempt to put your words into my mouth?Did that worked on anyone,ever?
I don`t remember asking about your opinion,I have no idea what gave you false impression this is some sort of negotiation.You are free to play your fantasy anyway you wish,idc,I have my own.
Reality check - Photoshoping something into a stolen pic is not "looking at the camera" it`s just lame.
Jolly,again,you can play your own fantasy anyway you wish but you have no say in how the Empire works.
So, the gist of this is "Shut up and leave me alone." I'll be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. But can do, will do. I'll only respond to one part of this - your "reality check". Respectfully, I don't appreciate being accused of stealing a pic you posted on a public forum. That's ridiculous. Also, posting about your imaginary marriage to Quinn is lame, me doing the same is no more or less lame. Being lame together can be fun, at least until someone shits on it. Pity. And lastly, I'm not nearly sophisticated enough for Photoshop - that was all Paint, baby. It took way, way longer than I expected to make (all the more respect for
Coriolan for the work he does, my shitty meme isn't anything compared to his masterpieces!).
Enjoy your Empire, party of one. I will not bother you about it again, promise. Hopefully we can go back to just having fun around here, but if you feel the need to block me or whatever, no hard feelings on my end (though I'd appreciate you at least letting me know so I don't @ you in the future). Sorry this became a "my ball, my game, my rules or I'm going home" type of situation. I thought we were kindred spirits working together. But if things are going to start being unpleasant, I totally agree it is time to live and let live, dropping the subject. So that's what I'll do! And that's the last I'll speak of it
Maggot Son are you truly down with the plan? Can you commit and give 150% to the cause?. Can you truly walk the DIK Path?
Heather is the end game but before we get there we will have to make the toughest of choices that will require the strongest wills.
First we must bang Sally, That sweet cute faced nerd and take her from the evil clutches of Magnar.
Second we must bang Dany, While she may not be the best looking one on the list. But she is on the list none the less. And it comes at price this Dany could be the GF of our DIK brothers.
Third we must bang Elana, Yes the one that is always walking around at parties in her underwear. Why you may ask and it is because she is on the list. And it comes at a price as well for obvious reasons.
Forth we must bang Ashley, This could be the hardest choice if we are to believe she is dating Derek. She is on the list none the less Maggot Son.. My list!
Lastly we bang Heather, I have reason other than it's Heather and I want to bang Heather. That is all.
So the total DIK path is cucking the entire DIK House? ... Yeah, I'm down lmao.
-Sally needs some irl spanking. It's only right that we step up if Magnar won't!
-Dany... Banging a purple hair is admittedly outside my wheelhouse for preferences. But correcting that attitude? Curing that nasty feminist bug she caught? Again, someone's gotta do it! So I guess
-I agree with
gunit50 , Elana might as well be furniture (both in terms of looks and personality). But if she's on the list, she's on the list. Bring on the furniture woman!
-Ashley's hot. Done and done, no meme required. Derek's got my father anyway, I hope they're happy together.
-Heather is hot, though not so hot I'd run a gauntlet for her. No, the reason this must be done is her disrespect. You and gunit seem not to have minded, and that's cool. I'll be the disciplinarian on the team. "I don't speak to Maggots." O RLY?
After that one interaction she has had with MC, she deserves special treatment.
Monetauro Also thanks for the GIF help, I might just be a dummy but I still can't figure it out lol. This "THIS" meme was supposed to be a GIF

I'll keep at it though.
I'm with you on Sally, she can do so much better than Magnar. I doubt she's really done much of anything with him but we could change her life after some proper spankings

Oh boy
Well I hope her price is free because in my opinion she doesn't have much going on. A new hairstyle or makeover could maybe change things a little bit.
Now we are talking but in my playthrough I already took smoking hot Camilla away from Derek so all he has left is dear Ashley

. Even I am not this heartless but dik brother do you.
She can definitely get it. For me there would be no revenge factor involved I would take her down solely for enjoyment.
Interesting, you thought Dany was a man-y? I don't think so, she talks too much about her period. But forget that; what I'm more interested in is if you thought she used to be a man, are you still committed to the challenge? Honestly, we'll put you on our backs to cross the finish line if that's what we have to do (150%,
Buttsmarnn !!), but if you're able to do your part, you should...

BTW, as I mentioned, Derek has daddy. Ashley's free for the taking! No harm no foul!
Out of curiosity, how many of you are doing the Derek Door first when the episode drops? I imagine everyone going for a LI, but will the Maya fans out there roll over to Derek's in some mad hope he can help things?
I was actually serious about this question. Is no-one really going through the Derek Door first playthrough? Lmao hoes before bros around here, that's for sure